HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/05/1925 206 . Kent , Washington, January 5, 1925. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Leppert and Coun- cilmen Boundy, Hallock, Murker , Marsh, Moore and Morris. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved. for December Clerks report , Police report , St . Supt . Report/and the Treasurers report for November presented and filed. Upon motion of Councilman Moore the question of additional Fire Aparatius was laid on the table for -the present . Upon motion of Councilman Murker the Fire Committee was directed to look ,up .data with a view of placing the question of 'a bond issue for additional fire apratius on the ballot at the next election. Police Cam. reported progress on matter of Jail bunks , and the R.- of - W. Agent , .Mr. Guiberson, reported progress on the matter of the Right-of-Way. U^oon .motion of -Councilman Murker a Warrant was ordered drawn in favor of Mr. Guiberson for $136.60 , in part payment for his work as Right-of--Play Agent . A. J. Corbin presented a petition for a Pool and Card Room Licen- sQ , which upon motion was granted. Comunication from the City of Renton , in regytard to the perman- ent Highway Law, refered to the Street Com. for investigation. CLAIMS READ AND ALLOPIED AS FOLLOWS: F. L. Taylor Water Syst . Sup. $ 17.20 J. G. Watson Tools and Repars 5.70 ' Nels Rasmussen Truck Expense . 12.04 Kent Electric Co. Supplies 3.10 Nasmyth Drug Co. Supplies 1 .75 Rexall Drug Store Fire Dept Sup. 1 .00 P. S. P. & L. Co . Lighting 234.95 G. E. Berlin Hdwe. Supplies 1.60 L. E. Price Machine Work(Hydrants) 1-3.80 T. Jensen Labor 100.00 A. Kube Labor 108.00 W. H. Abbott Labor 25.50 P. F. Morton Labor 6.00 W. H. Ellis Labor 75.00 Chas . Mattini . Labor. 5.00 C. G. Botting Sal . 150.00 J. R. Martin Sal 101.85 F. M. Imhoff Sal. 110.00 J. E. Crown = Sal . 91 .00 T. W. Bassett Sal. 33.15 C. B. Hoffman Sal . 15.00 Kent Fire Dept . Sal. 50.00 Ina Glideviell Sal . 35.00 L. E. Price Sal . Exp . 152.70 Seattle Plumbing Sup . Co. Water Syst . Sup. 57.36 Renselaer Valve Co. Hydrant 50.10 A. S. Leeper Garbage , Walks & Drayg. 110.00 H. W. Lobdell Park 63.00 Oliver & Johnson Park Sip :' �' a 43.45 F. L. Taylor Park 17.65 C. E. Guiberson R-Of-Play 136.60 Upon motion of Councilman Marsh it was ordered that the Police Car be used only on City business , exceptions to be made in case of very urgent or serious necessety,. No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion, did then adjurn. f/ o Ma3,or Clerk.