HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/20/1924 Kent , Washington,. October 20 , 1924. . Regular meeting of the City Council; present Mayor Leppert and Councilmen Boundy , Hallock, Murker, Marsh, Morris and, Woodley. Minutes of October 6 ,. read and approved ,, Clerks Report , Treasurers Report and Budget Report , for the month of September, peedented and filed.. Light Committee reported on the, Street Lighting Contract and upon motion the contract for lighting of the streets , presented by the P. S . P. & L. Co. , was accepted and ordered signed. Fuel Oil contract with the Standard Oil Co.. was read and. laid over untill next meeting. Agreement with R. W. Patridge , for rent or purchase of the city safe , was read and accepted and ordered signed. RESOLUTION for the purchase of investments read and adopted as fol- lows: RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent ;' that the Tre- asurer be and he is hereby authorized and empowered, with the appro- val of the .Chairman of the Finance Committee , to purchase for invest- ment , any number and denomination of Municipal General Liability of any County, City or School District , of the State bf Washington, or any Local Improvement Bonds of the City of Kent , at a rate of net income of not less than five per cent per annum, and not exceeding in amount $5000.00 . That in case of such purchase warrants shall be drawn of the P. R. W. Fund of the city for such ammount or amounts as said fund may have on hands for investment , in payment of any such bonds as delivered. Mrs. T. W. Bassett tendered h&r resignation as a member of the Library Board and Mrs. R. G. Tripp was apointed and confirmed to fill the vacancy.. The resignation of Mr. C_. G. Botting, as Fire Ohief., presented sometime ago , was accepted. CLAIMS READ AND ALLOWED AS. FOLLOWS: A. M. Reynolds Police Court Exp. $ 3.00 C.. 0. Meredith P.M. Stamped Envelopes 43.44 Coast Brush Mfg. Co. Street Brushes 9.71 Nesl Rasmussen Truck Exp. 11 .90 Seattle Plumbing Sup. Co. Water Syst. Sup. 61 .12 B.F.Goodrich Ruber Co. Fire Hose 425.00 W. F. Thoday Crossing Walks 123.30 The offer of the Goodrich Rubber Co. to test and repair fire hose , was upon motion accepted. Report of the Right-of-Way Agent , Mr. Guiberson, received and bills ordered paid as per list furnished, as follows: Harriet Ray Westerman Right-of-Way $ 100 .00 Seymor Skirving Estate Y of " " 125.00 Ed. Pruden " " " 40.00 Kent Nat. Bank " " " 650.00 Andrew Erickson ✓ " " "August Nordin to If It ,40 2005.00 Nancy Phiblips " if If6.00 +._.. D. A. Ewing �� " " j 00 Seymour Skirving Ezbate " " " 90.00 Geo. W. Hill Executor 36.00 Kent Nat. Bank " If if 77 0.00 ITrs. Robert Robinson Guardian " " If 315.00 Upon motion the Valley Hotel and the Tilicum Inn was declared to be a fire hazzard and menance to the helth and safety of tle peo- ple of the city and the Clerk was directed to notify the owners Qif the action of the Council. Upon motion of Councilman Woodley the Health and Sanitation Com. was instru ed to present ordinance regulating Garbage, Dump. Meeting Adjurned. --If05 Clerk.