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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/07/1924 -1-83
rn' un ,
RnUular meetjrE ur qw cuumcil , Vayor LrDpert Nnj rnon__
09men Foundy , Minch , FOYAY , rarrY , To is Nrd "onwey ,
rinutcr oP February 17th , rcod ru4 no4yo7c& .
!Wpnrt uf the City Clerks Police P-M . nud 10 mt . 7"Pf . rea(l
nnO KIM , for the mo"Ib nf Varob .
MINUTES OF 4121r24
Tro Pranchise "roinaurvy , UrantjuE p ,8 ,y,Hj , j .
] and for porer linen , cud upon motion injo nvor
the next meetinE.
Pesolution !a . 216 , declaring intention of the City Council to
improve certain "treets , avenucc rud ailcyr in ,jd city , b, b,jjd_.
ing. sidewalks; croatinc a KOH Wryovc"CH Pistrict nno ryaruiq:''
-the east thereof to the properts Wropi NO 1 WIVY! Un prn-i dcd
lav; rnr read and upQn mohiQn awnptca .
Arrervent betrPen the Park Foard anO Tuvio R 71ncr rar In,,, of
the ..'?to Fork wag read upon motion dpfernC Tor Iwo weahs nod Coon-,
rilren Vurker, rarsh "nil Wrdy rrr- npojute& v C,,,jii .,
with tLe Executive Committno or the Plub and the Pvrl-
Foard , to discus Dnd nErco aeon a pol1r; " P rruk -onuEeNcrt .
TvAgr"tiOn of C . n . PqWPE nr Mar o , toe ijrc p,, L ,
vntLon Popnoned .
PlAwn rnad rand allowed ar rcll "wN.
TKE PAWAL Co . Firc PeDt , pup . 1 , yn
Y-nt Floral Co . 4rtc ! or IM0
Y - P . Punn 711 4 a 46 .8c)
Strains Autn Frni Cpt Fro 1 Q 1, 2 .70
70C I?OyLer wCatin, PIVAL 3W
Oliver 1 John2ar Ruppliec 12.45
UK Elect . 00 . Police T Or- Ant .
H . Eire Team i u�-,
Kent 70tor Car Co . TruQ Fyp .
Fpyroldr Transfer May n n,� I .111�
TvAin Am . Co . Supplj =- 75.1 ,:
C . hattini Fab 0 r 5.00
11 . inn-en, IaL= Ino ,00
A. Wbe 1"Wor Wno
Chris Toe T"Yor 26no.
Holn holnon jelor 2(, .00
Toney Franks Tabor 26n0
''alter hickolron Labor 11 .00
A S. Wamilton '010.1, 14.00
J . A. Wstan juho) 14 .00
7% 1. Ellis Labor 75-n0
C . G . flottinc Sol . iyo ,nn
J . P . TvIrtin Sal . ini ,q:
S . GrPht Sal .
E . Whoff Sal . 120 .0(1
T . 7, :wpreLt 'Inl . 23-3.5
'Ire Dernrtmcnt n"T . 50 ,no
U . R . jobnoun Rai .
Johv7or-Cox Co . PYWC Quyt Pup .
PrntKlc PlurTinC Sup . Co , nupplicr 07 .6o
Continental Pipe yfE. no . Pipe "T.20
PAL. !*Vol P paipti" , Camp 4-00P _^I ,nn
TIO L Ttchinno?l
Lol Whor or, Parl�
"ire POK .
"Otron aterial
Apler P . J. Punt] Y.00
Crone Co . Valve 123 .Y6 .
Water Committee rcpor. ted that the proposed vrater line on the east
Ifighway could not be ,put in at this time as no money ].,ad teen provi-
ded in the budjet for that purpose, rcport adopted.
Vatter of the":request of the School I oard using the City Building
for School Purposes ras rcfered to the RuildinC. Committee for Inve-t-
dr,ation and report . .
IdEht Committee directed to have police sit7nal IiCht inr;talled.
TTo further l;usi.neys appcari.nL;• the vteetin ;, upon motion
did then adjurn.
O i
r City Clerk.