HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/03/1924 1.80
Kent , Vlashin�rton, I.1arch 3 , 1924.
Regular meeting of the Council; present .ayor Leppert and Coun-
cilmen I,loore , lorris , 13oundy , Iflarsh and 7oodley.
Yinutes of February l8th. ,last , .read and approved .
Treasurers report for January and the Clerks and Chief of Pol-
ies reports for February read and filed.
Ordinance No . 528 , providing for the renewal of franchise to
the P.S.E.Ry. Co. for Pole Lines , was , upon motion of Councilman
rloodle' y, introduced , read for the first time and refered tothe Light
Committee for investigation and report.
Resignation of ":Trs . Cora Junkins as a _member of the Library Bo-
ard read and accepted; the I•Tayor apointed I,Trs . Bertha Shea to fill
the vacancy , which apointipent tivas duly approved by the Council.
Petition for `,'ater Idains and service north of the city eras read
and refered to the 7rater Committee for investigation and report.
was read and adopted.
It is resolved by the City Council of the City of Bent , in King
County, State of Washin;,ton , that it do and it does hereby declareits intention of improving East Titus street from the junction of
Scenic Way to Kennebeck Avenue , by bring that pori;ion of said street
to a proper grade , placing; therein the necessary drainage , ad then
placing thereon six inches of gravel sixteen feet in width; and also
by placing a concrete v,,alh on the north side thereof from State st-
reet to Kennebeck Avenue and doing sucli other v:orlc in conection there
with as may be necessary , all in accordance with plans and specifi-
cations to be 'prepared by the 'City Engineer. That all persons who
may desire to object the said improvement are hereby notified to ap-
pear and present such objections at a 'meet.infg of the City Council
to be held in the Council Chambers , in the City hall , in the City of
Kent at g o ' clock p .m. , on the 7th. day of April , 1924, which time
and place is hereby .fixed for the hearing; of all. matters relating
to said improvement , and all objections t "iereto , and for determining
the method of payment for said improvement .
'That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at
or prior to said date , all data and information required by law to
be so submitted.
That the cost and expense of sath ' improvement shall be borne by
and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by law.
Oliver and Johnson Supplies 19.45
Kent electric Co. Supplies 3.00
G. E. Berlin IIdwe . Co. Supplies 4.29 .
Chas. I.lat t i ni. La1)or 5.00
T . Jensen Labor 100 .00
A. Kube Labor 84.00
77. H. Ellis Labor 75.00
C . G. Bot -ing Sal . 150 .00
J. R. Ilartin
Sal. 101 .65
F. S. Grant Sal_ . 125.00
F. i:i. Imhoff Sal . 101 .00
T. W. Bassett Sal . 33.35
C. B. Hoffman Sal . 30 .00
Fire Dept . Sal . 50 .00
U. R. Johnson Sal. 30.00
L. E. Price Sal . and expenses 144.45
P.S .E.RY.CO. Lightii.ag; 21 n.
Standard Oil Co. Fuel Oil 42.36
A. M. Reynolds Court Costs 7.25
J. R. I.larti.n Treas . Bonds & Inte.rest 14-
I.1ac Boyker Rep. on Flush Tank 30.00
Johnson-Cox Co . ' Supplies 0
IT. P. Rasmussen & Sons Truck -Expense 4.32
A. S. Leeper P,laps 1 0 .00
Advertiser-Journal Printing; 2t.;.00
Upon motion of Councilman 7,loodley the duties of the Police and
License Committee , hereafter , is to include the duties of Fire Coin-
.nittee .
Council 17.1onre reported on the Fire Dent , hooka and stated that
they were now in the possion of 'T'ucl:er and tliland and could be had
after they were through vritii them.
No further business appearing, the ineet:ing , upon motion, did then
Mayo City Clerk.