HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/18/1924 �i 9v 179 Kent Vashin� ton , February 18 , 1924. Regular meeting of the Council; present IlLayor Leppert and Coun- cilmen Poundy , Hallock , - Vurker , Noor , Yorris and Vroodley. 1'inutes of- the meeting; of February 4 , last , read and approved. Clerks report fro the month of January and the Clerks annual report fro the year 1923 and the budget report fro Jan. read and filed. . Comunication from the Fire Chief asking for 600 ' ft . of new hose and presenting the name of Roy Craus to take the place ' of J . Shea,res- iC,ned , was read and the name of Roy Craus was approved. The matter of additional fire hose was refcred to the 'Water Com. for investigation and report . Nlr: J. S. Czerney made application for a renewal of his pool room license and soft drink license , which requests were granted. Petition to pave alley in block 3 , Yes . First Y�dd . eras read and re.;olution No. 214 , declaring intention to pave the alley was read as follows: and adopted: IT Is resolved by the City Council of the City" of Yent ,State of Washington, that it do and it does hereby declare its intention bf improving the alley way through block 3 of Yeslers First Addition to Kent , from Gowe to Titus streets , by paving the said alley with a 6" concrete paving the full width thereof and doing such other work in conection therewith as may be necessary , all in accordance 1a,ith plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer. That all persons who may desire to object to the said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such objection at a meeting; of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers , in the City 11all , in the City of Eent , at 8 o ' clock p.m. , on the 17th. day of YLarch 1924, which time and place is hereby fixed for the hearing; of all mat- ters relatind to said improvement , and all objections thereto , and .for determining the method for the paynent of pgyn.ent for said improvement . That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said , date , a.11 data and information required by law to be so submitted . That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by lave. Upon motion of Councilrr_an Poundy a Two inch water line ras ordered installed from 7'illis street south , one block on Sixth etreet . Upon motion of Counciln.an ILoo.e the City Attorney v!as instructed to investigate delinquent assessments and the best method of financ- ing the foreclosure on delinquent property . 1:`r. Thornhills request for a street light by his place was refered to the Light Committee for investigation. Request of Yr. T.,Tooney for the old fire department books was refered to the City Attorney and 1:1r. 1:,.00re for investigation and report at the next meeting. Yo further business_; appearing the mee+:inl; , upon motion , did then adjurn. Mayor City Clerk.