HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/04/1924 178
Kent „ton, February 4 , 1924-.
Regular meetinf, of the Council; present T ayor Leppert and Coun-
cilmen Bounty , yurl;er , 1:2'oare , Morris , Var,h and Woodley.
Minuteo of January . 21 , read and approved.
Work report , Police report and Library report , rresented , read
and filed .
Comunication from State hoard of health read and refered to
the Water Committee . <
Invatition to attend the dedication of the new City Hall ab
Renton was read and accepted. ��- r�z�� �, 16 �
Application for transfer of license , from 1,.'. P. Myron.. to David-
son brothers , was read, t:nd upon motion of Uouncilr.an 1'oodley Granted.
Petition of property owners on Yo . Central , for Fire Hydrant
1�etweer, Jame. St . and the Igo . City Limits , ras reed and laid over
for investiEat:ion .
Claims read and allowed as follows , after Pr . lieffrnans Salary
claim 1-2.ad been cut out untill his report :I)ould be filed.
Rent harness Shop Police Sup . 2.50
Nasmyth. Drug Co . Supplier .50
Advertiser-Journal PrintiiaL: 12.50
J.- G. Watson Tocls & Rep . 15.50
Kent Tire Shop Truck Exp. 9 .I
J. R. I.7artin, Treac. Int . on Dond,i 450.00
Kent Electric Co. Police Sup . 4.00
Kent Elect Co . Jail Flory: 7 •60
Kent Elect . Co . Store House V.'or.k 15.78
G. E. Berlin Ildwe . Co . hall. supplies 2.60
Colby & Dickinson Lumber 27 .00
Dalton Adding 1',ach. Co . Ri.hon 1'ook 5.00
Oliver & Johnson Supplies 32 .00
C. Mattini Labor 5.00
T. Jensen " 100..00
A. Dube " 102.00
7" Dort on " 4.CO
%V. IT. 1+,llis Labor 75.00
C . G. Botting Sal . 150.00
J. R. 11P.rt.in " 101 .65
F. S. Grant " 125.00
F. M. Imhof " 110.00
T . W. Bassett 300
Fire Dept . 5 .0
U. R. Johnson " 30 .00
L. M Price & Exp . 148.30
R. A. Gray Gravel 21.00
Standard Oil. Co . Fuel Oil 42.36
Johnson-Cox Co. Office Sup . 9.95
P . S. R. Ry. Co . Lighting 217 .02
Daneroft;-`"lhi trey Co . Code 42.50
Upon motion of Councilruan Woodl.ey a ne°., St . Cart v:as ordered pur-
chased from J. G. Watson for �27.50 .
Mir. Ma.ldlxrins request to be allowed to tear up sidewalk and make
fill was granted.
'Patter of request for gravel in alley in block 3 , Yes . Addition
e,as refered to the St . Committee for investiEation.
ITo further business, appealing the meeting, upon motion, did then
Mayor City Clerk.