HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/21/1924 1"7"7
Kent , Vla,,hing ton , January 21 , 1924.
Regular meeting of the City Council; present Couricilrnen Boundy
11allock , I.Zurker , 'Moore , I.orris and I,Tarsl;.
14i_nutes of January 7th. read and approved.
Treasurers report for the month of December presented and filed.
City Attorney Bassett reported on the Fire Dept , Suite and stated
that he had engaged Tucker and Hyland as additional counsel; his
action, upon motion of Councilman I."oore , was confirmed.
The Light Committee reported, recomending a street light on the 17.
Hi)ghway , notch of the creamery , and upon. motion the Clerk 1rras instruct-
ed to order streets li,,hts 3t such places as de signated by the Liglit
Committee .
Police and License Comrr:i_ttee was given more time on the Police Sig-
nal .
Mrs . Willson resigned as a member of the Library, Board and the res-
ignation was accepted; the Mayor apointed Mrs . Ethel Crow as a r:iember
of the Board to .fill the vacancy , ,rhich apointment was confirmed .
Grunleaux Nears Co. Library Subscriptions 50.00
J. R. I.Tartin , Treas . fonds �-, INterest 3750.00
Valley Garage
Trucl: �,x� 4.f30
� �
r:Fac Lo cker Oil 1�771- le r 651 .00
Ii'ies.sers C. G. Botting, C. B. Sells , R. G. Trip , James Zigler and
Forest. Reynolds were chosen by the Council. to be member of the Fire
Department .
Upon motion of Councilman IIurker a 10 inch float valve was ordered
purchased for the middle reservoir.
No Xurther business appearing, the meeting, upon motion, did then
adj urn.
City Clerk.