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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/22/1923 174
Kent , Washington, 22, 1923.
Special meeting; of.' the City Council; the A'Layor and all members
of the Council present .
Meeting was called for the purpose of adjusting difficulties
in the Fire Department .
The following resolution was read and adopted:
WI]EREAS , a Voluntary Fire Department has been maintained by the
City of Kent , and fire apparatus and gquipment has been secured
by said city through certain appropriations of city funds and. con-
tributions of citizens of Kent and certain funds accumulated which
are now in the hands and under the control of the officers and mem-
bers of the said Volunteer Fire Department , and
19I11ERLAS , by reason of certain disagreements among the members and
officers of the said Volunteer Fire Department , and dissention and
strife as to its mamagement and pperation , life and property of the
citizens and the City of Xent in imperiled by the inactivity of the
said fire department in its present condition , and that it is nec-
essary and imperative that proper fire protction may be maintained
and become operative in the said city:
THE13EFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent ,
that` the said branch of the government of the said city known as
the Kent Fire Department , be disolved , and that the apparatus and
equipment now used by said Volunteer Fire Department , be passed in-
to the hands of the Chief of Police of- the said city until such .
time as a fire department shall be organized by the city of kent ,
under the control of the City Council;
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that tile ' funds now in the hands of the said
Volunteer Fire Department , and especilly such as is on deposit in
the First Rational Pank of. -Kent , to the credit of the Kent Fire
Department , be paid into the city treasury , as .funds for the main-
tainence of any fire department organized under and with the con-
sent of the city gover.lment;
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk mail a copy of this
resolution, to the Secretary and Treasurer of said Fire Department ,
and one to the First National Bank of Kent , Washington.
RABBBB AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Kent , at
its special meeting; Ddcember 22, 1923.
David .Leppert
Attart- L. E. Price Mayor
City Clerk.
City Clerk