HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/18/1923 <Pd9V 15"7 Kent , Washington , June 18 , 1923. Regular meeting oi- the Council; present luayor Leppert and Council- men Boundy , Hallock, Idurker , Moore , 1:_orris , Earsh amd Woodley. Iainutes of June 4th. read and approved. Clerks re-oort for the month of I",11ay read and filed. Resignation of the Library Board, read and upon motion accepted. CLAII41S R71IAD AIID ALLOTMID AS FOLLO71S: Johnson-Cox Co . Office Sup. 1 .00 • rational Meter Co. Iie,ter reapr. 265.40 F. J. Francisco 4 days Sal . 16 .40 L. E. Price Frei Olt 9 .65 ' Seattle Plumbing Suply Co . 77. S. Sup . 55.50 ' C . R. Dunn Tool House 7 •50 J. R. 'Martin Int . on Bonds 300.00 ° R. L. Bowen Bond Prem. 9 .50- H.P.Rasmussen & Son Truck Exp. 6.70 • Kent Tire Shop Truck Exp . 7 .23 F. J. Francisco. Court Exp . 3..60 ' A. M. Reynolds Court Exp . 2.50 Kent , Floral Co. "ark Plants 3.30 ' J . Zilar Lard Stand 3 .50 ' F. D. Bowman Band Stand 3..50' A. H. loner Band Stand 7 .00 ' Colby & Dickinson Lumber for -Stand 69 .53 ' T . H. Irons NiFht 'latch 36.b5 Agreement and Leese of Park Board to I . 11. Rader for Auto Park, read for ai)proval a-arid u_)on motion the same was rejected. Committee to investigate the matter of Franchise to N.P.Ry. Co . , on Shinn, Street , was apointed as follows: Councilmen l.loore , TAurker and Woodley. The Police Committee recomended that new cuffs and supplies be procured for the Police Dept . and upon motion the recomendation was adopted. The action of the Council , in reg;uard to the apointment of the Library at the last meeting, not being legal , it was upon motion re- considered and the I:?ayor reapointed the Library Board as follows: Lars . Cora, Junkins , I.2rs . Fred Grant , ivirs . 0 .0. Wilson, I,1rs . T. VT. Bassett and Mrs. A. S . Leeper. 1-Tembers of the Fire Dept . aproeard before the Council , requesting a new Fire Truck and the 1,1ayor apointed the following Committee to investigate the matter of purchase; Councilmen Marsh , Boundy and Woodley. City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordina,,ce , providing for no parking between I'leeker and Gowe Streets , on Second Avenue; and upon motion 4 no parking signs were ordered made , one for each corner of the block. Upon motion a City Limits signn vTas or. de.red placed at the So . City Limits , on the east highway. No further business ap/earing the meeting, uoori motion , did the adjurn. City Clerk.