HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/02/1923145 Kent, Washin;;ton, January 2, 1923. Regular meeting; of the Council; present 'Mlayor Leppert and Councilmen Hatt, •LZurker, 'Haden, Thompson and V'oodley. I.Unutes of the meeting of December 18, read and approved. Report of the Police Department, for the month of December, read and filed. Drainage Com. reported, recomending that the surface water on Cent. Averiue , between Iaieeker Atseat and Smith Street be eliminated. ""o action taken. The alley crossing on Ileeker street, by Iunns Shop, was ordered. fix- ed so as to do away-,;,ith the excess surface water. Upon motion of Councilman Laden the Clerk was directed to notify pro?perty otvnners on Lo. Central Avenue -to fill_ the drainage ditch in front of their respective -eroperties. Comunication from the V,!ashington Insurance Rating Bureau was read and the. ]+ire Chief was directed to 1.,ave the hose tested, a,.s requested in the coinunication. CLAII;IS: HEAD Al?D ALLOVED AS FOLLOYIES: G. 0. Digs Furniture I,ep. 1.50 Parks-Hobiy Co. Elect. Tork 15.12 , Fran'. Field Piano Rent 5.00., J. H. Woodley Supplies 4.63- Colby L. Dickinson Lumber 35.15' National ideter Co. Meter Rep. 46.87 A. IT. Reynolds Gravel C_s St. Cleaning 17.00 H. Baldr•in Fuel and Drayage 31.28 A. IT. Berlin Supplies 1.75' J. R . I:lartin Sal. 93.35 ' F. J. h'rancisco Sal. 125.00- T. W. -"3assett Sal. 33.35' J. A. . unte :gal. 100.00 G. M. !1acGregor Sal. 25.00 Fire Department Sal. 50.00. L. '. Rri ce Sa . & E;�T, 135.20 Chas. I:kattini Labor 5.00 T. J. Kenney Labor 100.00'. Sam Stacy Labor 94.50• Antone Kube Labor 98.50- 77. H. Ellis Labor 75.00 C. 0. I.eredith, P.-I.T. U.S.Gov.Certificates 4100.00, Dep. Labor & Indust. 1Ted. Aid L Ind. Ins. 35.52- John Englund Auto Service 18.00, Strains Auto Frei��ht Freij:t ." Fuel 6.75- S)mith 1: Hamilton L.E Price Tork on Tool House 23.75- H.B.1:-Tadison % Amer. Surety Co. Prem. on Clerks Bond 1.67• 0. B. 7illiar"Is Doors for Tool House 43.20 Willia:-:i Lee & "Son Clorl: on Tool House, 15.87• J. YlcArthur Gravel 4.00 Upon motion of Councilman ITaden the Clerk Y.-as instructed to notify all plumbers and plumbing shops in the City tha the ordinance re6-ulat- inl plumbing and plumbing permits would be strictly inforced from this time on. l ITo further business appearing the 721eetin ; did then adjurn. Cit-,r Clerk.