HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/16/1922 138 Kent , Washington, October 16 , 1922. Regular meeting of the Council; Present I-layor Leppert and Council- men Hatt , Murker, Naden, Thompson and Woodley. Minutes of the meeting of October 2nd. read and app roved. Coeri:s Report and the report of the Chief of Police , for the month of September, read and XYL#Xlf#M filed. The Finance Com. reported on insurance of the building and the Com. on change of Doiler reported; both reports were approved. Upon motion a new set of 20 ft . scales viere orderd put in, in place of the old scales which are too light . The following resolution, setting time for the hearing of the assess ment roll for local improve district number 206 , was read and adopted. IT IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COU11CIUL OF THL CITY OF KENT: That the 20th. day of November , 1922, at the hour of 8 o' clock P.M. , at the- Council Chamberw in the City Hall , at Kent , Washington, be and the same is fixed as the time and place for hearing on the assessment roll for local improvement roll ho. 206 , improvement of west Alleeker street-, by building along the south side thereof a concrete sidewalk and placing an d inch drain, from the Interurban Railway to the west Highway. Tiiat• the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to publish notice thereof' as required by law and the ordinances of the City of Kent. The following resolution , of intention to vacate a portion of Sixth Avenue, was read and adopted. WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Kent , Washington, for the vacation of a portion of the following described street or public way in the City of Kent , to-wit: Tha.t • certain street or public 'way extending; :from Shinn Avenue ,dn the north, to Meeker Avenue on the south, and lying between blocks One (1) of Rasmussens Addition to the City of Kent , on the west , and Blocks -Two and Three (2 4z 3) of � said Addition on the east; the portion of said street or public way so -prayed to be vacated being described as follows to-wit: A strip of land, 20 ft. in width tal.en from the west side of Sixth Avenue , between Meeker street and Harrison street ; in the City of Bent AND WHEREAS, it appears that said petition is 'signed by the 'own_ers of more than two-thirds of the pftvate property abutting upon the portion of said street or public way so asked to be vacated, Now there fore , BE IT RESOLVED: That the City Council hear and determine said petition at a meeting thereof to be held at the Council Chambers of said City, in the 'City liall , on, to-wit , the 6th. day of November , A.D. 1922, begining at the hour of b o ' clock p .m. of said day. And, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: - That the City Cletk be , and he is hereby directed to cause notice of pendency of said petition, and of the time and place fixed for the hearing thereof, to be posted as required by -law. Upon the Mayor apointed Councilmen Murker, Naden and Woodley and the Clerk a Committee to purchase furniture for the City Hall , with porter to act. CLAIMS READ AND ALLOIRD AS FOLLOWS: A. M. Reynolds Preight & Drg. 21.43- C. E. Guiberson Rent 30.00 , A. M. Reynolds Ins . on City Hall 105 .00 - J. L. Napier Ins . on City hall 105.00 ° Continental. Pipe Co . Pipe 404.20 - Berlin Hdwe. Co. Supplies and Rent 26.2b * J. W. Cavanaugh & -Solis Supplies 16.05 • City Transfer Gravel 15.75 ' J. G. Watson Tools & Rep . 2.50 - Colby & Dickinson Lumber 147-d5 ' James Zigler Drayage 6.00 H. W. Willson Library Sup. 12•75- J. K. Gill Library Sup . 6.39 A. B. Joslyn Est . on City Hall 4000.00 • �tac Boyker " " " " 500.00 ' '�ti�►jgV 139 Upon motion a store house and shop was ordered built , uoider the supervision of the Building Com. and the Engineer. Upon motion the I+Tayor apointed a Dedication Com. for the opening of the new City Hall as follows: Councilmen Woodley, Hallock and Morrill. No further business appearing the meeting , upon motion, did then adjure. City Clerk.