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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/07/1922 131
Kent , Washington, August 7 , 1922.
Regular meeting of the Council; present YLayor Leppert and Counaol-
Jaen Hallock, Hatt , Naden , Thompson and Toodley. Councilman T%orrill .
coming in later..
T!inutes of the meeting of July 17th. read and approved.
C1erL3 report for the month of July read and filed .
F.esolution Tio. 206 , for sidev^alk and drain on i,rest Meeker St . , was
read and adopted. as follows:
It is resolved by the City Council or the City of rent , in King
County , Washington , that it do and it does hereby declare its inten-
tion of improveing LTeeker street from the west marginal line of the
Puget Sound Electric Railroad Tracks , on the south side of Meeker St .
to the west line of the City limits . By bringing; that part of said
street to a proper grade and then placing a cement sidewalk thereon
six feet wide; and -by placing on said south side of :Meeker street a
concrete drain not exceeding eight inches in diameter , begining at th6
east marginal line of Eaaen street ano conected with the drain a*: tyiat
point , to the west line of the city limits; all on the south side of
1.1eeker street west , and doing such other work in conection therewith as
may be necessary, all in accordance with plans and specifications to ce
prepared by the City Engineer.
That all persons who may desire to object to the said improvement
are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting
of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers , in the City Hall
in the City of Kent , at 8 o ' clock p.m. on the 5 day of September , 1922 ,
which time and place is hereby fixed for the hearing of all matters re-
lating to such improvement , and all objections thereto , and for deter-
mining the method of payment for said improvement .
That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or
prior to said date , all data and information required by law to be so
That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and
assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by law.
The Clerk was instructed to renew the Iieeker street water line west
of the State highway as soon as convenient to do so .
Upon motion the Mayor and Clerk were instructed to deed to Dr. C . B.
Hoffman lot 9 , block, o , `''.C. I .Cos . Knob Hil Addition to Kent , for the
amount of the Assessment yet remaining afai.nst the same .
The Mayor was authorized to put on a 111ight Policeman with the under-
standing that the Conm:ercial Club would be responsible for one half of
the salary, or to the amount of $50.00 per month.
The assessment roll for sidewalk district No. 203 was laid over to
next meeting for approval .
C. Mattini Labor 5.00'
T .. Jensen Labor 100.00•
T. J. Kenney Labor 100.00-
Anton Kuby Labor 100.00 •
Sam Stacy Labor 6.00•
111. H. Ellis Labor 75.00-
J .W.Cavanaugh & Sons Satpi:ies 13.90'
Colby &. Dickinson Lumber 3.10-
H. P. Rasmussen & Sons Gass For fire Dept . 1.00
Berlin Hdwe . Co. Supplies 33.35'
E. F. Hansen Tools & Rep. 3.25'
J. G. Watson Tools & Rep . 12.00•
John Englund Auto Hire 23.00-
Reynolds Trans . St. Cleaning 7 .00 '
P.S.E.Ry. Co. Lignting 206.86 `
Parks Elictric Co. Wiring Jail
T . H. Irons Weighmaster 5.90'
J . R. Martin Salary 93.35 '
F. J. Francisco Salary 125.00 °
T . T. Bassett Salary 33.35 .
G. Y. MacGregor Salary $ 25.00
Fire Dept . Salary 50.00
Lee Wibert % L.F.Price Salary 100.00
L. E. Price Salary & Expenses 132.05 -
City Transfer Hawling 25,50 .
A. E. Hassell Park Work 15.95- '
G. 0. Diggs Park Work 1-•50
Bouldron & Sells Auto Mire 2.00 ,
A. E. Jesmer . Weigrmiaster 4,J5
1'. J. Francisco Expense 2.10 -
A. M. Reynolds Expense 2.50-
J. R. Martin Treasurer Interest on bonds 450.00-
J. R. YArtin Treasurer Interest on bonds 476-18'
Cont6nental Pipe Co. 7-'ater Pipe 3d3, 28-
Yac Boyker Plumbing Jail
J . W. Cavanaugh & Sons Supplies for Park 30.026-
' latter of a new fire hydrant on Naden Avenue was refered to the Water
m Comitt6e for investigation and report at the next meeting.
The Alayor apointed IAiss Bessie Arney a member of the Library Board
to fill vacancy.
Upon motion the use of confetti at the coming Eagles Day celebration
August 12th.. vas prohibited.
No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion, did then
City Clerk.
Kent , Washington, August 10 , 1922.
Special meeting of the Council; present Councilmen Hallock; Hatt ,
Murker, Morrill, Naden and Thompson; Coyncilman Naden Acting Mayor.
Meeting called for the purpose of cosidering the matter of alowing
Mr. Alvord the prkvelage of constructing a water main from the City main
on Wiilis street south to the Alvord Farm.
Upon motion and the unanimous vote of the Council the request of
Mr. Alvord was granted.
No further- business appearing the Meeting, upon motion , did then
City Clerk.