HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/06/1921 102 Kent , Washincion , Sept . , 6 , 1921. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Leppert and Council- men Hatt , Murker Morrill , Naden , Shore and Vloodley. Minutes of August 15, read and approved . Clerks report for August read and filed . CLAIMS READ AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: L. E. Strahm Engineering $ 8.00 Co . Treasurer of. King Co . Road Work by County 500.00 P. S.- H. Ry. Co . Lighting, Park 1 .00 A. E.- Eassell Park Work 15.00 Kent Floral Co . Shrubry for Park .60 J. A. Ward Grading & Stumping , Park 536.20 P. S.- E. Ry. Co. Lighting, Librury 1 .00 P. S.- E. Ry. Co. Lighting, St . & Hall 135. 50 First National Bank Exchange 1 . �0 J. N. 7addell , % L.E.Price Gravel on Streets 1 .50 Trick & Murray Office Sup. 8.91 Standard Oil Co. Tar for. Streets 6•.72. City Treasurer Assessments , City Property 329.00 Walvtorth Mgg. Co . V"ater Syst . Sup. 13.92 Chas . Matt,ini Labor 5.00 T. Jensen Labor 100.00 T. J. Kenney Lal:or. 113.00 H. V1. Lobdell ,% L. E. Price Labor 12.00 W. D. Williams .Labor 75.00 J. R. Martin , Salary 93. 35 F. J. Francisco Salary 125.00 T. W. Bassett Salary 33.35 G. Y. MacGregor Salary 25.n0 Fire Dept. Salary 25.00 J . P. Corrie Salary 79. 25 L. F. 'Price Salary &-. Expenses 128.70 P.eynolds Treanfere Street Cleaning 7 .00 Merrifield Hdre . Co . Supplies 14.20 Johnson-Cox Co. Printing 81 .%5 J. W. Cavanaugh & Sons Supplies 8 .90 Beach Roberts Painting St . Signs 11 . 35 Watson &- Garl Tools & Rep . 2.75 City Trannfere Drayage 6.00 L. F. Strahm Engineering , "Talks 7 .00 L. E. Price Shop 17ork 3.85 H. Rice Street Flus_ling 25.00 Advertiser-Journal Printing 17 .00 J. N. Waddell Drainage 10 .00 John Englund Auto Hire 45.00 Budget Estimate and Resolution read and passed as follows: IT IS RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Kent , Was hington , that the Following be and it is hereby declared to be an estimate of the Amounts necessary to meet the public expense and expenditures of the said City of the year 1922; and the receipts from sources other than from taxation , upon the _property n'ithin the said City , tp-r,it: GENERAL GOVERMENT Salar*es $2300.00 Office Supplies 250.00 Furniture & Fixtures 100.00 Experting Books 200.00 Light Fuel & Taxes 400.00 $3250.00 STREET DEPARnAENT Street Cleaning $1300.00 Labor & T-Taterial 2000.00 Street Lighting 2300.00 Tools & Rep. 250.00 Indebtedness to Water Fd. 3000.00 Street Assessment 350.00 $9200.00 10 WATER SYSTEM Salaries $ 750.00 Supplies 1500.00 Labor. 165o.0o Ft . Drg. & -Inc . Exp. 500.00 $4370.00 HEALTH,SEWAGE do DRO, Salaries $ 300.00 Material & Labor 2000.00 Tools & Rep. 300.00 Garbage Colection 150.00 $2750.00 POLICE DEPARTAI`1;NT Salaries , $1500.00 Special Police 100.00 Jail & Inc. 100 .00 $1700.00 PARK DEPARTMInWT Material & Labor $ 500.00 $ 500.00 LIBRARY Upkeep & Supplies $ 500.00 $ 500.00 FIRE DEPART1.IENT Salaries $ 6o0.00 Water for Hydrants 2400.00 Supplies 1000.00 $4000,00 FIXED EXPENSE Interest on Bonds $2550.00 Sinking Funds 1750.00 S. W. B. Fund 4500.00 P. R . W. Fund 3400.00 $12200.00 ESTIMATED INCOME Licenses $ 400.00 Plater Syst. Receipts 15000.00 City Scales & Inc . 850.00 Interest 1000.00 $17250.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED For Cur. Exp. Fund $15920.00 For Interest Fund 1950.00 For Sinking Fund 1000.00 For 1912 Int. Fund 600.00 For 1912 Sink.-Fund 750.00 For Park Fund 500.00 For Library Fund 500.00 $21220.00 TOTAL 3 470.00 3 470.00 And all persons are hereby notified that the City Council of the said City will meet in the Council Chambers , at the City Hall , in the said City , on Monday , October 3 , 1921 , at the hour of 8 o ' clock P.M. , of the said day for the purpose of making a tax levy as stated in said estiIllates . Deed to the Park property , Camp Site , presented and ordered to be recoeded . Resolution of E•ondolence read and passed as follows: WHEREAS , our fellow tov,noman , R. A. Bowen , has been taken from us in the midst of a life of more than ordinary activit)t and usefull- ness and has left a bereaved and stricken family and a host of friends to mourn his loss , and , WHEREAS , he was during; his lifetime an energetic leader in public affairs , was many times trusted by the people vith official position , and was seven times elected Mayor of the City of hent , ( from Jan.1901 to Dec. 1907) , and many of the present city officials have been more or less intimately associated with him, in matters pertaining to the good and ia,elfare of the city and comunity; and it appears meet and fitting that the City Council express its appreciation of his efforts for the general good , by extending to his family its sympathy and condolence in their hour of severe trial; it is therefore: RESOLVED, that in the death of B. A. Bowen the comunity has lost an energetic , public spirited citizen , an extraordinary worker for the (+,(�+1>nnmv.�n� .•..i .> }>i [' h-nr+tea .env. n4' � �r ..• nrti (.nmhw�}i�neri x^ i Am,I 104 In his social life he vras clean , affable and generally popular. The place he filled in the comunity i-ill be long vacant. RESOLVED, further that vie extend .to the family of the deceased , in their bitter sorrow, the sincere sympathy of this council; that this resolution be spread at large upon the records of this meeting. an copies thereof be forrarded by the City Clerk to the v�ife and family of the deceased. Matter of drainage on No . Central Avenue , was refered to the Drain- age Committee for investigation. ratter of a new Water pine line to the Taylor School house -as refered to the Water Committee for investigation and report. No further business appearing the meeting , upon motion, did then a d j urn. Cirt Clerk.