HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/18/1921 93
Kent, Was1iington , April 18 , 1921 .
Regular meeting of th4e Council; prestet Mayor Leppe-t and Coun -
cilmen Hatt , Murker , Morrill , Naden , Shore and Woodley.
Yinutes of the meeting of April 4th. read and approved.
Pettition for lights on Scenic Hill read and refered to the Light
Committee .
Comunication from School Dist. No . 3 , in reguard to speeding by
the Sch&ol House , and from 0. D. Jackson , reguarding the dumping of
rubbish on So. third Street , read and refered to the Mayor and Chief
of Police .
Claims read and allowed as follows:
C. G. Chittenden, Park Board Agent , Park Sight $ 300.00
M. T. Ryerson Painting 2 .50
Thomas Floral Co . Trees and Plants 15. 50
Ind . Ina . Com. Ind . Insurance 32.14
P. S . E. Ry . Co . Lighting 136.o0
The Mayor apointed Mrs . Leander on the Library Board , in place
of Mrs . Barber , reassigned; apointment confirmed .
Natter of repair on the Fountin at the north end of the Park was
refered to the Health , Sewage and Drainage Committee .
Upon motion the offer of the G.A.R. to give to the City the Canon
nov7 in the park , was accepted with thanks.
Ttie Engineer was instructed to run levels from the school sight
on Central Avenue to Smith street , for the purpose of a assertain-
ing if the New School could be conected to the sewer.
It was ordered that Dr. Soule be notified to have cabbage dump
at corner of Gowe and State removed .
Matter of requesting the N.P. R.y. Co . to place lights on the
Depot Platform igas refered to the Light Committee .
Committee from the Easthill 'Water Company appeared before the
Council in reguard to the City taking over the Plater System; no
action taken.
Upon motion the action of the City Attorney in engaging special
Council on the Louie Johnson case , in Sup. Court on appeal , was
approved .by the following vote; Councilmen Hatt , Murker , Morrill ,
Naden and Shore voting "Aye" and Councilman Woodley voting "Na" .
No further business appearing the Meeting , upon motion , did
then adjurn ,
City Clerk.