HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/21/1921 88 Kent , Washington, March 21 , 1921 . Regularmeeting of the Council; present Iuiayor Leppert and Council- men Hallock, Morrill , Naden , Shore and Woodley . Minutes of the meeting of I.Zarch 7th. read and approved . Petition for paving; on Gowe and M.eeker .read and upon motion laid over for investigation. Recomendation of the Park 7oard to have the band stand re-oared vas .read and upon motion the same ras ordered . Report of the 'Chief of. Police for the mor:tl� of February was read and ordered .filed . Plice and License. Committee reported recomendiriL that the salary of tht Chief of Police be raised to $125 .00 per month and upon motion the re'comendFation vras 'adopted , the salary incr.ese to begin the First oil April , next . y Claims read and allowed as follor:s. National Yeter Co. E6F tore $ 145.00 L. Strahm Engineering 133.00 Firt Truck Committee reported , recomending a tvo-truck proposition , and upon motion the recomendation was a�opted by the folloring vote , Councilmen Ilallock, Ivade.n , Shore and C'oodley voting "Aye" and Council- man Morrill voting "Nay . ` The following resolution ras read and upon motion adopted: FESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'J.'EE CITY OF hENT. That there be and there is hereby appropriated for the use of the Fire Department for he purchase and repair of Fire Trucks , the sure of $2500.00 . That the said sum of w2500 .00 be and is hereby borrored from the Park Fund , to t:e repaid as soon as funds are available in the Cur. E)T. Fund for that purpose. . The ]Mayor a.pointed a Library Foard as follows:ours: Yjrs . Dr. T"cGre ,or, rs . £aesett , TSrs . Crittenden , Yrs . Madison and 1"irs . Farber; which. apointments rere , upon motion , confirfRed . The Police Judge ryas , upon motion , alowed blanks Anl supplies to the amount of $10.00 . Ordinance No. 487 , providing that permits shall I.,e is:+ued for building purposes , was read and upon motion placed upon} its final passage and carried by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present . Ordinance No . 488 , providing for the improvement of Titus street and Ienrebeck Avenue , ras read and also protests from property pvTners and a letter from uir. I . C. Clark was read , after which the ordinance vas placed upon its final passage Arid carried ly the unanimous ircte Of all of the Councilmen present. Resolution No. 201 , declaring, the intention of the City Council to improve Titus street , Kennel,eck Avenue and other strer is by laying tile drains , vas read and adopted as folloiares: IT IS RESOLVED BY TFE CITY COUNCIL 01' THE CITY OF hEhT, in King County, State of Washington , that it do end it does hereby declare its intention of improving Kennebeck Avenue from 'Titus Street to Smith Street; Gore Street from State to Rennebeck ; Meeker street from State to Kennebeck; Ward. Street from State .to Kennebeck; Smith street from State to hennebeck; State street from Titus to Smith and Titus street from hernebec'c Avenue to the Cemetary Eoad , or such Per- tions thereof as ri:aybe necessary. By placing a the drain therein , lei" in diror.. on Kennebeck Avenue from Titus etreet to Smith street , and conecte ir.g r-ith 12" the drains on Titus street , Alexander ar.d Cemetary Road . And doing; such other work in conection therewith as may l:e necessary , all in accor- dance with plans and specifications to 1.o prepared r,v the City Eng. That. all persons that may desire to object to the said improvevent are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a ncet- ing of the City Council to be held in the Co,Ancil Cha_mher, in ;he City hall , in the Cit-,r of rent , at 8 o ' clock 1 .I'. on tr.e 89 ;i-ay 1921 , which time and place is hereby fixed Sor the hearing of all matters relatin to the: said improvcjF•r:t , acid gall objections thereto , and for determining the method of payment for said improvement, That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date , all data and information required Y;y lav, to Iles so subrmitted . That the coat and expense of ea)id improvers-ent shall be I-orne by and assessed against the property lialle t.tierefor as provided by law. Upon motion the CouY)Cil rent on record as indor. sin? "Clean Up Week" 'Jnon motion the I.Layor ras authorized to apoint a Night Watch at a salary of $121.CC per month , for one month , the hours to be from B P .M. to 4 A.1M. No further business appearing the t'eeting, upon motion , did teen ad j urn. City Clerk.