HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/07/1921Kent, V`at3hington , February 7, 1921 . Regular meeting of the Council; present Wayor Leppert and Council- men hallock, Hatt, P'urker and Vrnde.n; Councilmen l orr.ill , Shore and V"oodley coming in later. Minutes of January 17th. read and approved. Clerks report for the month of January- read and fi1Pd. Streit Committee recomended that a crofising be put in across Cedar street on Prospect, and it -,as so ordered. Claims read and allowed Kent Advertiser-Jourrial John Englund J. A. Fagadorn Merrifield Fdre. Co. Fastoide Lumber Co. H. P.aldrin Taylor & L*beck City Trans. Chas. M-attini T. Jensen T. J. Kenney VT. D. 7'i11iams J. R. Irartin F. J. Francisco T. W. Bassett J. A. hagadorn G. Y. MacGregor Fire Dept. L. E. Price Paul Nealon as follors: Printing 80. 50 Auto }lire 6.00 Pounr Exp. 10.00 Supplies 5.95 Lumber 15.07 Fuel 32.30 Auto, Police Exp. 5.25 Street Cleaning 14.00 Labor. 5.00 Labor. 100.00 Labor 90.00 Labor 7'5.00 Sal. 93.35 Sal. 105.00 Sal. 33.35 Sal. 15.00 Sal. 25.00 Sal. 25.00 Sal. & Fxp/ 129.90 YAR1.Est. Pist.11)8 431.80 Claim of Paul Nealon v,as ordered paid rhen settlement had been made for claims filed. Upon notion the Truck Com. leas directed to confere vi.th the Fire Department Committee on the matter of purchasing a truck. Ordinance No. 484, ameriding Ordinance 11o. 371 and Ordinance No.485, prohibiting minors in pool rooms, mere read and upon motion they were both placed upon their final passage and carried by the unani- mous vote of all of the Council,rjen present. Ordinance No. 486, regulating; the construction of Public Garages, -as read and upon motion laid on the Talle until next meeting. Resolution No. 200, declaring; intention to make imnrovempnt, «ar, read and adopted as follors: IT is resolved by the City Council of the City of Kent, in t"ing County, State of T'ashington, that it do and it does hereby declare its intention of improving TITUS STRF+'ET, from the south marginal line of the junction of the Cemetary road at the Porth Vest corner of the �"esley Eorrill place, louthr,f!sterly to the junction of Kennebeck Ave., Bind hFNPFTFCh AVENUE, from the junction rith Titus street to the bort.h. line of Neeker street; icy grading that portion of said streets as designated, and bringing the same to a proper grade, placing theee- in the proper drainage, and then graveling the same to a ridth of 16 feet, a-nd to such depth as may be required; and -placing a concrete sideralk six feet ride, along the notthly side of Titus Street, and the east vide of Kennd})eck Aveihue. and doing such other TM-ork as may be necessary in connection therewith, all in accordance v,ith plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer. That all persons who may desire to object to tree s,idd improvement are hereby notified to appear arid present such objections at a meet- ing of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall, in the City of bent, at 8 o'clo6, p.m. on the 21st.day of March, 1921, which time and place is hereby fixed as the time and place for the hearing of all matters relating to said improvement, and all objections thereto, and for determining the method for the payment for said improvement. That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date, all data and inforrnation required by lave to be co submitted. X"(Yd SO%) That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable theregor as provided by lavr. Upon motion the sentiment of the Council waa decided to be that a fire -proof Garage be built at the corner of Smith and Central, if a Garage is to be built at that place. Petition for more lights on Naden Avenue was read and refered to the Light Committee. The Mayon vas, upon motion, authorised to apoint an Engineer; Pe appointed h1r. A. S. Leeper City Engineer, and the Council,upon motion, refused to confirm the apointment. Health and Sanitation Committee reporthd their doings and in- vestigations as to certain places in the city. No further business appearing the Meeting, upon motion, did then adjur-n,. a City Clerk.