HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/06/1920Kent, Washington, Dec. 6th. 1920. Regular meeting of the Council; precent Yayor Fulp and Councilmen Asselstine , Coleman, Gould, Hatt, Pad icon , Rurker, & Nac?en. Minutes of the last meetinkg, held November lst., last, read and approved. Petitition for a light at I3azel Avenue and Temperance Street read and refered to the Light Committee. The Clerks Report, for the llionth of November r,as read and filed. The Drainage Committee reported upon the matter of placing a drain across the School District property, from Central Avenue to Mill creeK and upon motion it rras ordered that the School District be notified that the City was not in a position to do any Oraining this n•inter. Comunication read from the bondsman of Paul Idealon and filed. Claims read and ordered paid as folloT,s: Mrs. Geo. Doll Typing John Englund Auto Hire J. W. Cavanaugh & Sons Tools & Rep. Herb Baldrin Fuel Rasmussen & Sons Repares Kent Harness Shop Street Broom Eastside Lumber Co. Lumber34.53 Ind. Ina. Com. Assessmett M. R. Hardy Electi6ns 11innie Thoday It C. H. Thompson It Jessie Crow of Rbbie Wright if Emma Woodworth of F. A Estes it CY Harding of Clara A. Keller " Ftta M. Marshall " G. M. Baer " Vlaud E. Boyker " A. J. Astlin " Alice Taylor " Nellie Ramsay " H. F. Roessel " Mrs. J. P. George " Elizabeth Harn Lilly James A. M. Reynolds " A. B. Farnsrorth Rent of Polling Place Eastside Lumber Co. Rent of. Polling Place Kent Hall Association Rent of Polling Place Trick & Murray Election Supplies G.G. Blackmer % L.E.Pri ce Engineering Dalton Adding Mach. Co. Ribon & Upkeep Kent Advertiser Journal Printing Chas. Mattini Labor T. Jensen Labor T. J. Kenney Labor J. R. Drake Labor Pr. I). Williams Labor J. R. Martin Sal. F. J. Francisco Sal. T. 7% Bsew4tt Sal. J. A. Hagadorn Sal. G. M. Mac Gregor Sal. L. F. Price Sal. & Fxp. J. F. Clark Street Cleaning P. S. E. 'Ry. Uo. Street Lighting Merrifield Hdare. Co. Supplies A. F. Hassell Park Upkeep L. E. Strahm Engineering W. F. Thoday Pal. on Street Crossing J. A. Ward Estimate Dist. 1.99 Paul Nealon Estimate Dist. 198 20.00 6.00 1.75 36.8o 1.00 1.50 34.53 13.53 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.25. 7i25 7•25 7.25 7.25 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 48.2.3 1no.00 11.25 54.75 5.00 100.00 99.50 43.00 75.00 93.35 105.00 33.35 15.00 25.00 1ry7.65 16.40 132. 0 24. 5 8.75 175.70 22.00 1887.50 990.72 "M) ur j VOL) "79 Ordinance No. 4.80 was read and upon motion placed upon its Final passage and. carried by the unanimous vote of all of the Coun- cilmen present. Upon motion the Council decided to pay one half of the price of the material for drain on Meeker Street East, along the property of Mr. Chas. Thompson, coat not to exceed $20.00. to the cite, No further business appearing, the Council, upon motion did then adjurn. City C1Frrk.