HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/20/1920 73 Kent , Wtiphin futon , September 20 , 1(ro. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Fulp and Councilmen Asseletine , Gould , Y urker and Naden; Councilman Coleman coming in later. Alinutes of. September 6th. read and approved . Claims read and allot*red as follors: G. G. Blackmer Engineering $50.00 Lowman & Hanford Co. Engineers Sup. 2.16 Johnson-Cox Co. Scale Tickets & Elect. Sup. 114.50 Bids opened and read for street Improvement , Dist . 199, and upon motion the contract was ararded to J . A. Ward for $6315.00 , he being the only bidder. Ordinance No. 475 , for the protection of the City Scales , was read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and carried by the unan- imous vote of all of the Councilmen present. Resolutions Nos . 197-A and 198-A, setting time for hearing on ass- sment rolls , read and adopted as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 197- A: IT IS RESOLVED FY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THt CITY OF KENT: That the 4th. day of October, 1920 , at the hour of 8 o' clock P. M. , at the Council Chambers in the City Hall , at Kent , Washington. be and the same is fixed as the time and place for hearing on the Assessment Roll for XXXEUl Local Improvement District No. 197 , for the improve- ment of Prospect street , by grading and graveling the same from Tem- perance street to James street. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Kent , notice thereof as required by law and the 6rdinances of the said City. RESOLUTION NO. 198-A: IT IS RESOLVFD BY THE CITY COUNCIL 6F THE CITY OF KENT: That the 4th'. day of October, 1920 , at the hour of 8 o' clock P.M. , at the Council Chambers , in the City Hall , at Kent , Washington, be and the same is fixed as the time and place for hearing on the assessment roll od Local Improvement District No. 198 , for the improvement of Prospect Avenue , by sider,alking the same from Temperance to James St. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Kent , notice thereof as required by lar* and the ordinances of the said City. Upon motion the application of fir Dave Johnston for license to run poolroom and foft drink business was rejected. The Clerk ras instructed to take the last third of the bonds of District No. 189 for the City , the same to be paid for out of the - Sinking Funds and any ballance necessary to be taken .from the Park Fund . The Street Committee -as authorized to cause a new wood sidewalk to be built on the south and east side of Titus street', from Kenne- beck Avenue to the Cemetary road . The Chief of Poliee war, instructed to have the old vehicles and machenry moved from the intersection of Meeker street and Central Avenue . No further business appearing the Meenting, upon motion , did then ad j urn. City Clerk.