HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/07/1920 f)2 Kent , Wehlf:gt�b-& ,Jane Regular meeting of the C.'ouncil; present Mayor Pulp and :;ouncilnten xaselstine , Usuld , Ilatt and :?aden; C-ouncil:r,en Goleman . Madison on-" Murxer cA-in¢ J - IA*--. ldlinutes of 1..av 14 , rend rand approved . petition for ,,.ater on the Hwrse S:.oe tract!; , rend anc: refPr"d to the Rater C'orisnittee . Petition for street irr;tzrovc,,,cnt on vnar !'ill , read and refered to the Street Committee . Petition presented , asking; f'or the impro ,rP?nPrit of Prospect Avenue . Petition signed by J . S. Czerney , Al Christensen and Dave. Adams , asking the Council to recind the action taken at the last miceting , revoking their licenses . atgs re—I and upon motion the petition -as Sranted by the follgr:ing vote; :;ouiicil-rr;en Aeselstine , Gould , Batt and Naden votini; "Aye" area Councilr,,en Celemen , inud.isen and Murker voting '�1vay" . Replrrt of City Cleric and Chief of Police , for the �'Onth of P:tay , r:aa read and filed . anon motion , the application of J . A. f`ur;ter for Card Room License defered indefinitely . application of Othella Stcirie for soft drink licerise vaa reed a.nd refer-d to the Police and License Corr t i ttee . Claims read and allowed as follot':s; H. 1) . Rasmussen L Son _®al8 & RenRrP:; 62 - /5 Merrifield Hde:e . Co . Supol.ir.s 19 • 20 J . W. Cavanaugh & Soria Supplies 3 . 30 Fastside Lumber 'Co . Lumber 7 •V5 Taylor & LIbeck Auto Ifire ? 5 •no J . k. i�eating « i;o . Estimate _gist i(j ) 1360 . 00 J . TA. Keating a Co . Estir_-ato Dist 194 45 ' .�� L. E . Strahm Fngineerini & Exp . 176 .68 Geo Blackmer Enoireerine 130.6j T. Y. Maxwell Side-alk I)ist . 184 W. Y. Max"'ell inspecting; (, •00 Ii. Baldl-inn =Arcage � 0 • ?5 J . R . Ntartin Sal . y3 .3 F. J . Fr, ncis2o Sal . lUK.C7U T. W. !�assett qnl . �� • 35 J . A. Ilaradorn C,al . 15 .OJ G. M. T"acGregor Sal . 25 .00 i.e nt Fire Dept. Sal . 25 .00 L. E . Price Sal & Rxp . 133 . 0 Chas . 14,atti ni labor 5 • �0 T. Jensen Labor 9o .00 F. J . Ne-ell Labor 68 •or) T . J . Kenney Labor 3.00.00 W. D. 'I'illiame St . C St. Cleaning 75 . 00 !"ateon & Garl Toolo rI- Repares I_? • 30 City Trans . Uarba01 e St . Cleaning 22 . 02 James mcArt-hor Street Mork 10 %0 Trick & P"urray Trans . Reports 7 .62 Dent Fire Dept . Thac:ink; Ifyd . iL Fe's . 13 •�35 J . A. Hunter nssmt . Pd . T- ice Dist . 14 1 .4 Robt . Bo-en En,,ineering l •2 A. R. Hassell Park Jpikeep 18.20 Levi Taylor Readinf; YPters 5 .n0 i%ent - Advertiser 1'rintinf; 6 .00 John Enrl and Rebate on license • 3 Levi Tavlor Rebate on License � • ;0 Ordinance No . 462 , a.i�roving As smt . Roll , for L. I .D. Po . 191 , reari A-ri upon motion placed upon its final ,passage and carried ry the unan- imous ote of all of the Councilmen present . Ordinance No . 463 , approving the assmt . roll for L. I .D. No . 193 , read and upon motion placed upon its final passa� e and carried b°- t.ile unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present . V VV 63 4G1-1 Ordinance No . i-�#, approving the Assr1t . roll for L. I .D.i4o . lq4 , read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and carried bI the unanimous vote of all of the Council present . RE,SOL'JTIO.N T:O. 19j , providing "or the Grading of Prospect Avenue , was read and adopted as follo-S; IT IS R71St0LVED RY " HT+' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT , in Ring Cou- nty , State of 17'ashington , that it do and it does hereby declare its intention of improving Prospect Street from Te-perance Streete to James Street , ly grading; the same the full ­idth thereof , placing the neces- sar;, drainage therein , and est;ablishirrt a uniform grade thereof , and doingsuch other r:ork as .may be necessary in conection there-ith , all in accordance r•ith plans and speci fi ca ti. ont, to be prepared by the City En; ineer. That all perzone that ay desire to object to the said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a :.eeting of the City Co£ir.: il to be held in tyre Cour;cil Chambers , in the Cita Hall in the City of 'rent , at 8 o ' clock p .m . , on the 5th . day of July , 1g20 , which time Arid pla:;c is hereby fixed fo.r the hearing oll all !natters relating to said im;)rovement , and all object ions thereto , and for the determining the method for the payment of .aid imorovearent That the City Clerk is directed to sul.rnit to the City CO'11cil at , or prior to said date s1:1 data and inforr.it i on re,.uired by lar, to 1'e so submitted . That the cost and expense of said i.mproverrment shall be borne by and assessed against the progeny liable therefor as p.ro�rided ty lavr. The matter of the purchase of lots ajacent to the reservoir, belong-y in; to i'rs . Scott , � a:� refered to the Water Committee . !,latter of aloe-ing the opening up of the south end of State Street , :acY. of block 5 , . C. I . Cos . First, Additc+n , ••:� refered to the Street Committee . Upon motion `lie P,rayor ^as in:gtructec t• inforce the ordinences governing soft drink places and was authorized to spendsuch money as mi .-ht be necessary in so doing. The City Attorney �•as instructed to prepare and ordinance making the selling of alcholic drinks a rjisdemeanor and present the same to the Council at the next meeting. Upon motion the C}rief of Police was instructed to notify the Grande v% ii. Co . to clean up street and walk ajacent to their property on Smith Street; Also to n©tif , property o=ers to move fence from across alley , from Cedar to James Streeta Teti^•een hazel and Prospect Avenues . No further luciness appearing the Coa:.cil , upon !notion , did then adjur.n . Cit`; Clerk.