HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/16/1920 52 hLent , Ta.sIiingt.on , I,'e1; . 16 , 1920 . Regular meeting of the Council; present i,°ayor and Councilmen As5elntine , Gould , Murker and Faden. Yinut,es of Feb . 2nd . ;ead :and vpproved . Clerks annual report , for the year 1919 , presented and filed . Claims read and ordered paid Pr follol-n : Tucker & }iila.nd Smith. St . Carte ?�,2�7 .0.0 ' N . Rice Teaming; 27 ,nO National 1'eter Co . "caters 191 . ?5 P. S . F. Ry. Co . Strect Lit-'}"tint 1.3 2.n0 Jo},n Fnt;lixnd Aiito . !lire 6 ,n0 Seattle Plumbin„• Sup . Co Y"atar Synt . CUTS . 2s1 , 2a 7antrside Lumber "o . Lumber Trick & T'urri4y Office Uun. reebe & Frank li . 0. suplslies 5 , Z Cit;, Trannfere Street Clearrinp; 1;;, n4 Ordin&nce No . 4"3 , providing for the l icenrsing of vehicles , read and placed upon ita final pas;sape and cap rigid 1�y t}ie un.nimous vote of till of the Councilmen prersent . Ordinance No . 454 , >roviding for the inuruverr�errt of certain str- eets , by paving , read and pla,cod upon its final pa:; "age and carried by t}le unwnimous vote of all cf tl,e Councilycrl preear.t . 13FSOLUTI01AS OF 1NTFWP LUiv TO I'!AL I () E't1. TIi?F,r)1171-11 ; Nljli'T'T,T'S 1C), , 101 , 192 , 193 and Jq4 -ere all read and adontel as follov's. P.FSOLUTION No . 190 . It is r.enolved by the City 'council of the City , in 1,ing County , State of Warshint,'ton , that it do , and it doers liar(-!by declare its irn- tention of improvin0econd Avenue So . from Naar to V illis eti•ec! tn; Titun etreet from Second t ve , to the C .P .F St . P. rite,} t-of_� a.y; by gradint; the said streets and there paving, the rsarie with concrete 2n � feet in rridth , and doing Fszch other v,ork as may be ne ce.ssa.ry in con- ection therev-ith , all in accordance ith nlans rrd snecifiCa.tione to 1,e prepared by the City Engineer. That ::.11 persons that rut;/ desire to ol�joct, to the R;ji0 irw)reve_,jent Pre lierel-y noti ''i_ed to appear and ,,rcaent Duch ol-,jectione at a rieet- -inC of be City Council to he held in t.} e Council Chambf r^- , in the City Hall , in the City of 1`_erit , at P o ' clock P.^.` . cr the lath . day. of Yarch , 1920 , }rich time and place is hereby fixed for t}te hearing of all matters relating to rsa. id improvement , anc .tll objections tlere- to , a.nd for deterinint the nothod for the pa;iment for SWi_c' imnroverr,Pnt The City Clerk is :rirect,ed to sutmit to the City Council at. or prior to said date , all data and information required by lt+v, to be so submitted . That the cost and expenme of said improvement chill be born by and assessed kgainst the property liable therefor as provided Y•y l.ar•. RESOLUTION ITO. 191 . It is resolved by the City Courr(ail , of the City of "rent , in i,int; County , State of "'anhint ton , that it do , and it doers hereby oeclare its intention of imnr'ovint Scenic W;Ay , east ei('e , from Titus ;street to the nouth vest corner of the A. i' . Karlin property; by grading that portion of the said ,trePt as indicated , and then plydcint; thereon a concrete sideralk six feet in -idth; anc' doing Bach other i-ork Qs may be necesniory in conection the.rer-ith , all in :accordance -ith plans and specifications to le nrepare.d by the C,if-,y RriFineer. That all parsons that may desire to object to the said improve- ment are hereby notified to acsnear and present su;;h objeC'tiorls at a meeting of the Cite Council to be held in the Council Chwmbers , in t}1e City Ha11 , in the City of bent , at P (11c.lock P.D. , on the lath . day of March , 1920 , which time and place is hereby fixed for the I err- ing 6iff all matters in relation to sai(3 irrinroveraent , and all objections thereto , and for determining the method of payment for t),e eai.cl imp- r. oven;ent . That the City Clerk i.s directed to t.},e C; Council at or prior to na.id date , all data and inforrr;ation required 1y 1.iw to be sty ,,ubmi t ted . That the cost prd exnanse of tljP said improvement r)1i&11 1-a born by and assessed against the KXIXJJM-hktkj�ijj property liable t.,hero- for as p rovided by lasr, R!"ISIOLUTIOW 1,10. 1(')2 . It is resolved by the City Council of the City of Eent , in ping County , State of 7.'ashing ton , that it do and it r,'oPs hereby declare its intention of improving Temperance :street , north side , four: Jaeon to Alvord streets; Smith Street , nart.h sine , from Jason street to t}►e south west corner of lot 3 , flock 1 , City Iliew Addition; 11azel S troet , east side , from :'mith to Temrrerar►ce st,r•eet; rest, side , from Smith to Temnerance ntreet . Fy 17radir, the it portion of rpil d :streets indicated , and then plpcinf; thereon a concrete ai(leva.lk Rix feet in width; and doing; :such Other --ork in conection therev?ith ar may be necossa.ry ,, a.11 i n a ccor- dance i-ith plans knd anecific-ctions to J,e prepared Yy t.}-re City; T♦'rlta- ineer . Tl�at all persons rgho may der>ire to 01,,iect to the szid [TrInrover,­nt are hereby notified to ;:)pear and present such ol-jection at a rr,Petin�', of' the City Council to Ye held in the Council 1111ambera , ill the City Hall , in the City of I r,!nt , at 8 C' clock P-T' . , on the l5th . day of ?,larch , 19;?n , which t, iine and place is hervhy fixed for trre }rearing; of all r~rattPrn relat.inrr to sr: i.d irrinrovemernt , ;?nd :all objections relat- ing t}101-ct:o , and for detc_rminirlt; the rnet}rod of nwyment for rain? im- nrovement . The Citir Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or �xrri.or to raid da t.e , all di to and iriforrrir a t i on required 1'y law to be no submitted . That the cost wnd experise of :swic' irnrrroverr:ent sYlall Ye borne 1,y and assPRsed at;ainrt the property lial;le t}:wrefor as provided l-y law . F'F S O L[Yr I OTZ 1,1 O. l q� , It is resolve,] Yy t},e City Cotanci.l of t}�e :it',- of J,errt , in i iri€; :lounity ,, State of s"aririn�;t on , t.}rut it. cio Rnd i. t does hereby declare its intention of imr_rrovirg First Ave . Eo . , re,zt side from ''inner St . to Cole St . ; Second Ave . 1.0 . , west side , from V'inner St . to Cole St . ; Second Ave . No. , east aide , from 1„inner• ;'t . to Cole 5t . ; Third Ave . 1do. , ea at side , for Vinnei, ."t. . to Cole St . ; Cole Street , tlorth nide , from Fi-rflt Ave . 'o :'ecorrd Aveneue; "'inner t'trePt Yo . , nort}l ride , from First. Avenue to Third Avenue; Fy �,rading that portion of raid rtr(--ets as indicated , and then plar,ir.j a concrete thereon !Slx fE`F t wnd (dULil :iUC}1 Ot)`ier Y'Or}: as rra.y Ye necessary in cn(E Ction t1nrFr•ith , all in accordance �Lth plans and specifications to bP nren;orec! 1-y t}:e City Fn�;ineer. T}iat all percas t.}iat rttay de to to ciY; ject, to the said imr)roverncnt are herel-..y notified tc :apneas anti preserrt' SAch ob ections at :a r,eetirF. of the City- Council to I)c held in t;he Cc un ail Char.►rers , in thc, City 1i:;11 , in the City of h-ent , n-,t O' cl.ocl: 1' .1` . , ors the 1 'it}, . 6;ay of '. :arch , 1`120 , which time and place is 1.ere1��� fixed for t.}.c� he hint; of all ma.t.teres relating; to «r;id irrlrrovemrnt , wnd all objections tl:ereto , and for determini.r,; t},e met}.od for payncnt Of said in:r)roverlent . The City Clerk is directed to nu'r ,it to t.k,e :Jity Council at or prior to said (late , such (data and infor•minuti_on -equired Yy J;ir, to be so mul-mitted . That the coat an.1 exnense d f said irnrover-i-nt rl all 1�e 1,orre 1y :a.nd assessed against the property lir.blP therefor as provided 1�y law. RF'SOLUTI0N 1!0. 19A. Tt is revolved Yy the City Council. of the City of Dent , in Ping County , State of Fuel infto , treat it do , and it does }Sorely declare it,rs intention of irr.provein�T Central Ave . cart side , from Smith to Pioneer St . ; F.ailroad Ave . , west side , from Titus to `"illin Street.cs; Fast s i(I'e , from s"illi°s to Y'orton rtreets ; Central Ave . west side , from V.'illin to 1'orton streets; State Ave . ,v,est s i do- . from MAssell to 17orton streets; T.orton street , sout.}, side , fro Central to State Ave . Fuesell street , north side , from Central to State Avenues; Tillie `.)t. , J,.orth ;side from First AvP . to r'3ailroad Aveiiuc; T+irrt /sVOWAe routY of Cron• street , west aside , -'rom Crov, street to th- .south spar `final line of Tract 35 , 'V'aterman Acre Tracts ; Fourl ); ;"ve , s"est side , fxorq rFeY:- er tO ) arrinon ctrE%f tl s; Kurri'son Street , i, rth side , from Fourth tO `'i),th. Avenues ; Fiz•►'t live . v-e,t side , f'ron, Ltszs3 to Saar streets; First Ave , . , erst side , from 7'illis streets to Cror 'street; rirnt Ave . e&st side , from '"ill is .,tree+ to Crow strPtt; Tdeer:er street ,couth side Puget SOund F1_ectrict Tlailsf-ay CroSSin�;; .'E'cond Ave . east side , from Goue street to Titur street; `rillin street , norti, Bide , from east. si.00 C .Y.& P. PY. R-Or-T to the e;,rt tide of JNaden r~treet; in all cases except 1 }1ere rE•�;ulation r•alkcs are in glace . Hy trading and gravelinf; t}re same ;As i-ndicated , and then placing; thereon a �concrete ;Alk nix feet ride . And doinC, such other work in conection thei^e-ith ;as rl"ay 1e nec- c4nary , all in accordance with plans :!nd rnecifications to Ye nrenar- ed 1y the City En€;inner, 54 That all persons that may desire to object to the s"id improvement are hereby notified to apear ano r,resent; such objections at a meetinf; Of the City Council to to held in the City Council Chamhors , in the Ui ty All , in the City of bent , at 8 O ' clon P.E. , on the 1 jtY . day Of YRrch , 1920 , which time and ola.ce is hereby fixed for the hearIng Of all mutters reAtin6 to said improve-ept. . That the City Clerk is directed to Oulmit 10 the City Courci.l at or prior to said date all data anO information ioquired by Ur to Yee so guhmitted . 7hwt the cost and expense of stria ireproveyent nbull ye ycrry ly and grSessed acuirst the property liable theinfor as provided ly lave. To further } urines appearir , the council upon motion , did Uen ad jur.n . City Cle.ry. ,k