HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/19/1920 50 Bent , Wach . , January 11) , 1'320 . Regular m.Peting Of the Council; oresept Cournciliren As selstine , Cole,m,an , Gould , IIatt , Tul..di^on and !)irLer , Eadison wctinr; Layor. Niinutcc of June 5th. read and ;kpp�­oved . Police a- hLcense Committee reported, recorijondine; the P.rQn- ting of a license to J . S . Czerney al .? recornendlnC t}:: t. a, 1i rern- se be not, !-ranted to i;l Christensen; u�)on motion the recoraendation of the Committee ra.r ldonted . Upon reco;rendation of the :aerwce Prainage Corr,;"iit.,tee Mr. Wt-lls TMP.-, �tiven license to uRP `,he cant end of Morton street , ,-art of the pacific and 11'rs ureen ­Lie granted licensp. to 'Ise tile south end of Fifth street , loth until further notice . Claire^ read :,nr! ordered paid n folio-s: City Treasurer ]'ed . of S.Y%F 1 orldr; & Int . `iu�Ot.'.0 .00 City Treasurer Int . or_ rioter l oiled ~500 .00 Crane Co. sr'. ' u IT)T)1ies ?7- �0 T'iedic:l Aide jlscecsmPr;t J. H . Woodley Su,_rpi_les Upon motion the Plug;l_inJ Ir;cpector ordered furniR}ied a. copy of the F'lumbinF Ordirwri a.z,:l } e dr:d the Y�lu.rl ars t.oj_;at.'t e.r 1-ith the City r,ttorne„ -ere directe(I to ; raft ;; vise"' oa'dirlance to be presented to the City (1*C)u�1Ci1 . Resolution No . l >;9 , dec,larir.- intention to imr)rove Temnerarice Street and Hazel Avenue T'y _); .Vini , read zvnd adopted as follows: Tt is Resolved by the City Council of the City of rent , in ping County , State of 111aohin, ton , that it do and it does hereky declar its intention to improve 7'err.,per:+nce street from the Eatit -tide of Jason street . conecting ­itii the existing paver:lent at that point , to the e: st side of Alvord Avenue; and I;azel Avenue from the south side of `.Peninerance :street and conected --ith the nr000nPd pavement at t;}i::.t point , to the rlox'th side of Sraith street. Py grading the said streets , placing '-.here in the r.)ro-er deainugc , a.nd tfien pskving the same ��-itts concrete 20 feet in -idth , and' doirni such other work in correction tl-je.rerith a.9 dray be neces- sary , all in accorderice r•ith flans and sT)ccif•ic tionrs to be pre- pared by the City _.Mngirieer. That all perrons that desire to ol:•ieci, to the r-Ri.d irn.r)rove- r..ent are hereby notified to appear end ;wreFetjt Such objections at a meeting of the Council , to be held in tfie Council Chiambers in the City }iall , in the City of bent , at 8 o ' clock P.W..T on the 16 , day of Feb . 1920 , which time a.nd place is Ilerei�y fixed for tile, hearing of all matters relating to saic? improvement , and all objections thereto ,Qd for determining; the iet}god for the paywent for the said improvement . That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the. City Council at or prior to said d.lte , all data anc' informat.ion .required by ldr to be so submitted . That the cost :.nd expense of .said ir.i rrovemerit shall be torn by and asnensed a.� a.innt the )ruTperty liable therefor aE, provided by law. The folloi-ing Resolution rks reed and adopted as read: IT IS F',_",SOLVFDPY '11'hE ;.ity Council of the City of 1'ent: that the claim of CL.Creelma.n , for r-ork done Pnd supplier f:�rnislled on Smith street paving , under hocal Improvenient Dist rice Tic . 1s?7 for 1000.00 be a.11olRe(,'I in full S(rt,tlerr:Ernt of all his claim to orate , a.nd that a warrerit: be issued aL;ainst the General Fund of the ;ity for 61000 .00 in }sic favor , dr:+v•int� interest . It is further resolved t),kt the sr.id v,::rrent be )wid 1,,r the Park. r'und and car- ried , untill such time ;A.0 the ;s;+rire can le redemed by the Uene.ral I'xpense Fund . Upon motion a permit 1"WS f rarrted to P`r. 11 ChriStenrverr of 30 days time , from this date , to dispose of his stock of soft drinks . No further burliness appearin,f,• the (council , upon motion , did then adjurn.