HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/17/1919 44 GiYIuT v'f1 ,1 , IJU`.'. 17 , 19/1- Regular mee1.in,r of the Cour.ci1; pr-^F,rt. Councilmen As-1e14ir�F Coleman , Gould , Hatt , Ivl;o,Iir,en , Tj1urkel- . ('0UIIc i eII Mader) ecmin{ in later. Minutes of Nov. � , and Nov. 7 , rea (' s.nd approved . Cornunication from, t1le Commercial Clul; read And re_'ered to Police & License Committee ,'110 the Lij, it. Ccr,nit:tr?e; Beuort, of Chief of Pot ice for I'ontII of 0ct. . read :'n(1 filed . Upon motion the lit-lit at corner of J;ison & Ced.+r Street^ -a.s ordPreO re installer' in the certer of Intr�rsection. Claims read and ordered najid J . 'Fard L. I . D. 1Jo . 188 117?.nn Rob? Twi gg Re fund Pict . 184 16 .0n TA. P . }Tardy it 8.C?8 Crane Co . Gal . Pipe 27 . 24 H . Rice S eI, Trick w Yurray „un. 8 Y.errifield Hd—e . Co . , Supplies 2r) . Fas+side Lurol)er Co . .cur) . 42. 3�3 Ord inance• No . 4.46 , wutYlorizinti I and issue) , L. I . D. IJ7o . 1f�l read ()lased upon its f inal. kss:,.i;e ;3rd carried unKrlimOuMly . Ordinance hc) . 4.47 a.uthorizinL:; uonc.1 it ue L. I . D. 14o . ls'2 react placed upon its r [j,jzxl and carried Un.inimouCl.; Ordiri:zncP 1:0 . 4.48 autllori rin ; I,oncl icsue , L. I . D. I;O . 1^3 , rea0 pl�iced upon 1-s final r.ar3r3.,(-e ar]r3 c.? - xiec' 1-zn:�rlimour;l; Ordin:,.nce I3o . 4-4� , 6�(Athorizanir lone? i sue , L. I . 1�. i?c . 184 , rea(? placed uncn it!-, fi.nt+.l pa!7spr-e and <::, rried una.rlimou,ly . Ord irlsrce 23c . 4- 0 , a.uthoriZiri_, 1:ond i s ;ue , L. I . P. ho . 185 r.e&(3 nlased Upon it.0 fin:oj ar,d cd, ried unanimously- . Ordinance No . fi t , autYlorizir:j; Tond issue , L. I . D. I?o . 188 , read placed upon i`, r> fin:41 narr?a -;e and c..rriFd ur:::rlir,cu 7.�, . Ordinance No . 4 ? , Licenscing certain vocations -;;Lr3 reA.cl , and rej'ered to the Police and License Corrmitl.er . Yatter of repair on Stp..te St . Vo . rer--('d to St . Corrlriit,tr Petition asking; for pa, on Ter!gperince St . Ind signed by a, majorty of the pronertv o!*Irze. rs , ra.s re. d and reler.ed to the Street Committee . Upon motion t1le City Fn!�,-. w r7 inst;ruc' E;d to Makc plans end est in;a.tes for System, of Trun4c S e-ers . No further businesfl a.r)pe.rint? Councl1 upon notion di(' t1len adjourn. City Clerl; .