HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/06/1919 38 : 1,3111T , ".' S11,TNUTON, OCToFFR 6th. 1919 . Regular :reeting of the City Council; present Nayor Fulp and Council- men Aeselstine , Coleman , I:Ia.dison and Naden . Yi nute s of Septembae 15 th. re1.d and approved . Clerks report and the report of the Cl)ief for the month of. SPpterriber v,a,s read and ax)pr. owed and orderd filed . 1,19.t.ter of ? closing? hour for pool and card roorr:s was refered to the Police and License Committee . Light Committee reported and the clue: tion of lights on the east I-All was referPd back to them for further inventigation. Claims read and ordered paid as follor-s: C' r 'alv�orth Ilif�;. Co .Co . Water Sy�t . Sup . ?$3 • %1 Olympic Foundry Co. Syst. Sup. 149 .14 Seattle Plumbing & Sup Co . 'Vater Syst . Sup. 34 .68 Dr. J . Soule Office Sup. 3 .50 Tars . Geo. Doll Sal . 50 .00 J . R. hartin It33.35 F. J . Fran ci e c o is 105 .00 T. 7.r. Faa set t if 33 . 35 J . A. liagzadorn it 15.00 G. III. llacGre(-o r It 25.00 Fire Dept . " 25 .00 1.. F. Price " & I';xl) . 130 .50 P. S. E. Ry. Co. LiL;h.tingr 131 .00 Lor•rr;ari &_ Hwnf and Co . Eng . Sup . 1 .8r) Chas . I1lattini Labor 5.00 T.Jensen it 90.00 Geo. Coleman 96 .00 F. J . Newell If 116 . 00 T. J. Kenney 98 .00 F1i hopkins " 98 .00 V". d . Williams " 75 •00 Kent Auto Earn Auto hire 26 .75 r'a.tson 8_ Garl Tools and I1Pp. 16 .8o J . T. Ca.vanaaigh & bons Supplies 2 .8E Mission Grill Idfe.ils for Prisoners 4.00 ?'. L. Taylor Sever Pipe &ect 87 .Q0 Merrifield 1.[dv,e . Co . Supplier 2 4 . ;0 Jol,n Englund Auto Ilir•e f3 .75 Beebe 8 Frank Police Fxn . 1 .20 Knet Post Office Postage 42.F8 State Examiner Auditing Fooks 202.4-2 P. E . I,".c Hugh Engineering; 175 .00 Tom Crow Rng;inee.ring? lo8.on T. Y. Man-ell Inspection 156 .00 Advertiser Journal Printings d7 .25 J. A. Ward Estimate Dist . 188 2500.00 Ford & V'`}-cite Estirr.a.te Di0t . 184 9799 .00 Upon mown the final estimate of the Puget Sound Eng. Co. , i.mt. to •$20017.76 -was ordered p.^..id; claims filed amounting; to $6005.23 to be paid by the City and t}.ie Ra.l . paid to the Contractors , they filing; a bond to cover contested claims . Openion of the City Attorney , in reg;uard to the suit on the Smith St . paving , read a.nd filed and the following resolution in rela- tion the same was read and adopted unanimously: V'HFREAS a doubt exists an to the validity of the contract ent- ered into with ford & `"white for the Smitl; Street Improvement , under Local Improvement District ho , 187 of the City of rent , rhich contract vas entered into Sept. 1.0t}t. 1919 , bids for which were opened on the First Lay of September , 1919. NOVI TBERIPFORF BE IT RESOLVED BY TBE CITY COUNCIL 0 F THE CITY 01' tiE'NT that said contract be and the game is hereby canceled and the acceptance of the bid therefore is hereby revoked: RE IT FURTHER R+,SOLVFD that the City Clerk of the City of Kent be and he is hereby autbor. ized and directed to readvertise for bids for the Smith. Street Improvement , under Local Improvement District 114o . 18'/ of the City of Kent and that bids be opened tl-lerefore on the 20t,h. day of October , fi 1919 , at 8 ' cl.ock P.T.-I . on that day. 39 A vacancy existing; on the Park Foard , the I-a,yor anointed Pr. . M. YacGreyor to fill the vacancy and upon unanimous vote of the Council the apointtr_ent eras confirmed . Upon motion the levy for the Park Fund was reduced to $50n.00 . Ordinance Ila. 441 , pr. ovidinC tax levy for the year 1920 , vas read and upom motion placed upon its final panvage an() carried by the unimous vote of all of the Councilmen present . Ordinance I?o. 442 , approvint; the a.^eeszsmerrt roll for. L. I .D. No. 181 , was read and upon motion placed upon ots final parsa -e and carried unanimously . Ordinance Ila . 4.43 , a.-oproving the assessment roll for L. T .D. No. 182 , was read and upor motion placed upon its final passage and carried by th.e unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present . Ordinance No . 444 , approving thie assessment roll for L. I .D. No. 183 0"as read and upon motion placed upon its final nassaE;e and carried by the unanirrions vote of all the Councilmen -nres(,nt . Ordinkrice Too . 445 , providing for the a.eses went roll for. I.I.D. No . 188 , �,a.s read and placed upon its final pass;t ge and carried by the unani,,rsous vote of all the Councilmen precent . Upon motion the matter of the error in the grade of the -a� k on Front Street I,y Yr. C1arl:n and T,,'r. Adams places vas refered to a �%0'-mittee of the v,I ale Council and the City Engineer , for invest- igation , vrith pover to act . No further k�ucinecs anpearini; tl;e rreetinC , upon motion , did trlen adjurn . City Clerk .