HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/15/1919 Kent Wash . Sept . 15 , 1919 .
Regular meeting; of the Council.: present DIa.yor Full & Council-
men Asseltine , Coleman , Gould , Hatt , Madison and Murkar. Councilmen
Naden coming in later.
Minutes of. Sent. 1st , read and approved .
Petition for St Lights on Alexander Ave . read and refered to
the Light Committee .
N.r Haga.(,'orn petitioned the Council to be 9.11owed to build
his sidewalk on Titus St . loner than the Grade . Upon motion he eras
authorized to lolrer the Grade tirith understanding; that the Grade is
not to be ufficial and any change to le a.t his expense .
Committee -rom School_ 1'oa.rd in rv;;ard to safety (system , read
and upon rnotion , the same "Ras o,.,i -._, ..'ttended tc ,,.t once , and
signs placed at- M,e s ci.00l approaches .
Claims read and ordered paid asfollors:
Watson & Garl Toole & Pf-pc; 11 .00
City Transfer Co . IIauling; 21 .92
W.J . Bouldron Auto 2.50
Merrifield Ildwe . Co. Sun . 24.47
J. W. Cavanourjj Supplies 16.1.0
Lowman & Hanford Co . Szn. Ens;. .70
Eastside Lumber Co . Sunnliec 16.65
P . S . E. Fly . Co . Lit;Itts 131 .00
Seatt le Plumbing; Supply Co . W. S . Sup . 5.30
Shore Drub; Store Sup . Police 2.20
John Englund Auto 27 .25
C . E . Lari: in Eng. Help . Sal . 49. 50
H. Rice Hauling; 120.00
T. S . Shank Auditor 30.00
Blanche Hatt Sidewalk Lumber 8 .40
Upon motion question of purchase of truck 1-as dednt&a next
Ordinance No . 417 making; Parkin,; Strips part of the Park
System i-as read , upon motion refered to the Street Committee .
Ordinance No . 4�8--_approving Assessment Roll , District 184,
was read , placed upon its final passa-e and carried by the un-
animous vote of all of the Councilmen present.
Ordinance No . 439 , approving; Assessment Roll , District 185,
was read placed upon its final pa.ssaf;e and carried unanimously.
Ordinance No . 440 , vacatin portion of Sec . Ave &: Clor,dy Sts .
was read , placed upon its final passa.r;e and carried by the unanimous
vote of a.11 of the Co incil .
Upon motion the rr,,;Atter of filliri,r holes on East Gowe St . vras
refered to the St . Committee .
Police report for Aug. read & filed .
Upon motion the City Attcrney was authorized to employ Council
for suits not, pending.
Matter of Culvert under Russell St . At St�,Ae St. was ordered
to be placed in.
No further business appearing; the Council , upon .motion , did
then adjourn.
City Cle,,.]c.