HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/01/1919 34 Kent , `"'ash . Seat . 1st , 1919 . Regular meeting; of` the Council , Present 114ayor Fulp & Counc.il.men Coleman , Gould , Ha.tt. , Nurka.r and Councilmen Naden & Asseltine coming in later. T-Jinutes of Aug. 18th , read and a.o,)roved . Tax Levy Resolution read and a.doi.)ted as .follows: RF,SOLUTION AND NOTICE OF TAX LE!JY. IT IS RI!SOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Kent , Washington, that the follonling be and it is hereby declared to by an estimate of the amount necessary to meet th.e puY_lic ey.nerises e.rid expenditures of the said City f'or t::e year 1920: an(] the receipts from sources other than taxa.tior; , upon the aroI)erty within ` i:e said City , to-v,it: Estimated Txaense . General Government 03325 .00 Salaries $?300 .00 Office Supplies 200.00 Furniture &: Fixtures 100 .00 Exnerting Books 125.00 Light Fuel & Twxes 2.00 . n0 Election & Regist..rwtion 400.00 Street De-)ar. tment 615o .n0 Street Cleaning 1300.00 Labor 1000 .00 Material 1000 .00 Li,�;htine, 2000.On Tools &: Rep . 250.00 St . Asarr.ts . 600 .00 Water System 4370.00 Salaries 720.00 Supplies 1500.00 Labor. 1650.On Ft . Drg. &: Inc . 500. 00 Health Sewage & Drainage 2750.00 Sa.1. 300 .no Material & Labor 2000 .00 Tools & Rep 300 .00 Garbage Collect 150 .00 Police Dept . 14.60.00 Sal . 126o .on Spec . Pol i.ce 100.00 Jail & Inc . 100.00 Park 1500 .00 Labor & Material 15n0 .00 Fire Dept. 32.00.00 Sal . 300.00 Water for. Hyds 2400 .00 Inc . Suo. 500 .00 Fixed Experise 13270.00 Int . On Bonds 3020 .00 Sinx1ing 1750.00 S. V.r. B. 4500 .00 P . R. W. 4000 .00 Est . Income $17104.45 Taxes Outstanding 4204.45 Licenses 400.00 Tater Syst . Rec . 12000.00 City Scales & Tric . 500.00 Amt . To . ??e . Raised . 1F39?_0.�5 Cur. Exp . Fund 12650 .J5 Int. Fund 2170 . 00 Sink Fund 1000.00 1912 Int . Fund 850 .00 1912 Sink: Fund Park Fund 1500 •n0 _ Total 136025.00 36025.00 jvi o- ►� 3 5 And kll persons are hereby notified that the City Council of the said City will meet in the Council 01iambers , at the City Hall , in the said City , on Iionda.y , October. , 6th , 1919 , at the hour of 8 o ' clock P. y . of the said da.y for the purpose of nial.i.ng a tax levy as stated in the sa-ic; estimeAles . Bids of Ford & White "or $7607 .05 &: C . L. Cereleman for 8150 .00 ras opened and read for the Improvement of Smith E. Dist 187 , w.nd upon motion the Contract vas avarded to Ford & White .for $7607 .05. Resolution No. 1,"'l A- 182 A.- 18-) - 1.88 A. read and adopted as follotrTs: RFSO1LJTION FOP, 1dOTIC7" OF AS Y-SIAEN'r ROI,h. RESOLUTION 110. 181 A. IT IS R.FSOLVED BY THE; CITY CoUECIL OF' 711E CITY OF KFNT: That the 6th day of Oct . 1919 , at thr, 1,our of 8 o' clock P .Y. at the Council Chamber in the City hall , at Kent `Pashington , be and the same is fixed as the time and place or hear :ng do the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No . 181 for the Improvement of certain streets by Paving. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to -)ublish in the official nerspa.per of- the City of Kent , notice thereof as required by law and the ordinances of the said City . The a.l-ove Resolution tip.*as passed Ty the City Council of the City of Kent , at :a regular Meeting thereof on the lst day of Sept . 1919. RFSOLUT 1011 OF NOTICE OF POLL. Resol ztiar, 14o . 182 A. IT IS RFSOLVED BY THE ,ITY C(JUNC tl, OF TITF CITY OF DENT: That the 6th day of October , 1'?19 , at the tiour of 8 o ' clock P . �1 . , at the Council Chamber in the City hall , at Kent. Washington , be and the same is fixed as the time P.nd ola.ce for hearing; on the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No . 182 for the Improvement of certain streets by Pa.vin�.;. That the City Clerx be and is hereby directed to nublish in the official nevrspaner of. `lie City of Kent , notice thereof as required by law and the ordinances of the said City. The above Resolution ras passed by the City Council of the City of Kent , at a regular meeting thereof on the lst day of Sent. 1919. RESOLUTION FOR NOTICE OIL ASSFSSIL•7NT POLL Resolution No . 183 IT IS I?FSOLV 'D BY TIFF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT: That the 6th day of Oct . 1919 , at the hour of 8 o' clock P. M. a.t the Council Chamber in the Cit.,,° Ball , at Kent Washington , be and the same is fixed as the time and place for hearing on the assessment roll fpr Local Improvement District No . 183 for the Improvement of certain streets by Pavi.nr;. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the official nev,spaper of the City of Kent , notice thereof as required by lv.v, and the ordinances of the said City . The above Resolution vas passed by the City Council of the City of Kent , at a. regular meeting thereon oil the lst day of.' Sept . 1919 • 36 RESOLUTION FOR NOTICT' OF ASSESSh'r WT ROLL Resolution No . 188 A. IT IS RFSOLV71) ICY TIiF CITY COUNCIL GF THR CITY OF KENT: That ttise 6th day of Oct . 1`.111J . , at the hour of 8 o' clock P. M. , at the Council Chamber in the City Hall , at Kent , Washington , be and the same is fixed as the time and place for hearing on the assess- ment roll for Local Imnrovement District No. 188 , For the Improve- ment of certain streets in N. P . Addition by Gra,('ing &: Graveling. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to Y)ublish in the off- icial newspaper of the City of Kent , notice thereof as renuired by Jar, and the ordinances of the said City . The above Resolution seas passed by the City Council of the City of Kent , at a regular meeting thereon on the 1 st , day of Sept . 19i9 . Claims paid as follor s: B . M . N1.cHugh Eng. Sal . 175.00 C . E . Larkin it " 143.00 T. Crow. it It 81 .o^ C . G. Botting " Ins °)ecto.r 117 .n0 '71. Y. Maxwell to "" 156.oo Mrs . Poll Sal . 5o.no J . R. Martin Treas . 33 . 35 F. J . Francisco . Police 105.00 T'. W. Bassett Atty . 33.35 J. A. Hagadorn P. Tr 15.no G. M. McGregor H. 0. 25.00 Fire Dent . SR. 25.00 L. E. Price Sal. & Exp . 126.90 Chas Matt ini Labor 5.00 T . Jensen to 90.00 F. J . Newell of 134.00 Geo. Coleman to 104.nO Fred Gruber It 18.00 T. J. Kanney It 128. 00 Eli . Hopkins If 128.00 Allen Nev-ell "" 8 .0o W. D. Williame St. Clean 75.00 Johnson -Cox Co. Office Sup 53 .90 Daily Bulletin Printing 4 .20 Crane Co. W. S . Sun . 61 .73 Continental Pipe Co. W. S. Sp. 14.71 J. J . McHugh J6 L. E. Price Brig. Sal . 78.75 United States Rubber Co .'0BenYork Fire 'Dept . 25 .75 Lowman & Hanford Eng. Sup. .74 Kent , Journal Printing; 54.37 Ford & White L. I . D. 184 2440.00 P. S . Eng. Co. It it " 1;.:1 . 422.81 to 11 to to it 182 1536.21 to it it 11 n �� n 183 2548.20 Clerks & Treas . reports ''or Aug. & July , read and adopted . Upon motion Mr. Rice was given exclusive right to the dirt in the City pit , he to keep the pit and street in good shape , under the direction of the City Engineer. Upon motion the Council went on record to the effect that upon the presentation of a suitable or satisfactory bond ''to cover all claims and expense , that the balance of their Contract money would be paid on the &th day of Oct. to the P . S . Eng . Co . No further business ap�.)ea.ring the .Councilinen,;ydid then adjourn. -7'� - , City Clerk.