HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/21/1919 27 KENT WASH. JULY 21st , 1919. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Fulp & Councilmen Asseltine , Gould , Hatt , Murker & Naden. Councilmen Madison & Coleman coming in later. Minutes of July 7th, read and approved . Communication from the Board of Co . Commissioners , in regard tothe Improvement of Smith Street , and Communication from the Public Service Com. read and filed . Application of Paul pollnche for Pool Room License , read and re.fer- ed to the Police & License Committee . Claims read and ordered paid as follows: John Englund Auto Hire 10.00 Crane Co. Water Sup 45.60 J. R. Martin Int on Bond 500.00 Lowman & Hanford Co. End; Sup . .45 Seattle Plumbing Supply Co . Water Sup. 63.80 Chas E. Larkin % L. E. Price Sal. Eri . 7 .00 L. E•: Price Freight 23.18 J. R. Martin Ex. on Draft 1 .60 C : T: Oliver Rep .on Transet 46.50 Claim of the P.S.Fng. Co. for estimate in Dist. 181 , Amounting to $15 ,000.00 , was alouv*ed and ordered paid ,wkax upon receipt of advice from the bonding company a.ggreeing to the same . Claim og Chas Reynolds for rebate ,on assessment , Dist. 145, a.ws refered to the Finance Committee . Upon motion the assessment against the property of IvTr Naden , Dist . No. 181 , was ordered adjusted . Upon motion it was ordered to take up as many Sewer Bonds as there is money available to do so. Ordinance No. 4.27 , providing for the improvement of certain streets by placing concrete sidewalks along portions thereof, was read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and carried by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present . Ordinance No. 4.28 , providing for the improvement of certain st- reets by placing concrete sidewalks along certain portions of the same , was read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and carried by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present. Ordinance No. 429 , providing for the improvement of certain st- reets by grading the same , v,as read and upon motion iddeffinately posponed . Ordinance No. 4.30 , providing; for the improvement of Smith street east by paving the same , v,as read and upon motion placed upon its finan passage and carried by the following vote; Councilmen Asselstine , Coleman , Hatt , Qould , Murker and Naden Voting "Aye" and Councilman Madison voting "Nay" . Upon motion the action of the council in passing ordinance no. 410 was recinded by unanimous vote . Cleric vras instructed to order enough tar or asphalt to fig: up the joints in Streets where necess&ry. Resolution. No. 187 declaring intentions to Improve Smith St. E. by paving , was read and adopted as follows: 28 RESOLUTION NO. 187 . Resolution: of Intention to Make Local Improvement. IT" is rele7_ved by the City Council of the City of Kent , in King County , State of V!ashington , that it do , and it does hereby declare its intention of improving Smith Street from the termini of the present and proposed pavement on Smith Street at the junction of Jason Street , to the junction of the Black Diamond road near the north- east corner of the property of Gust A: Johnson , by -placing in said street such drainage as may be necessary on either side thereof, bringing the same to a proper grade , and grading; said portion there- of , and then paving the same with concrete of the vridth a'' twenty (20) feet , and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection there- with , all in accordance rith plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer. That all persons who may desire to object to the said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such ob.iections at a meeting or the City Council to be held in the Council Chamber , in the City Hall , in the City of Kent , at 8 o' clock P. IA. , on the 18th day of August 1919 , which time and place ie. hereby fixed for the hearing of all matters relating to said improvement , and all objections; thereto , and for determining the method of payment for said improvement. That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date , all data and information required by law to be so submitted . That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be done by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by la.v,. No further business appear. in� Council , upon motion , did adjourn. C. City Clerk.