HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/07/1919 �►� ' � 25 KENT , WA,111. J ULY % , 1919. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Fulp & Councilmen Asseltine , Coleman , Gould , Batt , Yadinon , Nurker & Naden. Minutes of June 16" rearl and approved . Protests filed P.g-w inst the Imorovement of. Smith Street , Calhoun Way & Temperance St. Clerks report for June read and filed . Claim filed l y John Co . for $,675.44 against P. E . Eng Co. for trucking read and filed . Protest a.gainmt Imnrovement in Dist. 183 read and filed . Claims read and ordered paid as follows: A. h' . Perlin Park 15.00 Herb Fa.ldrin to , 3.Q0 C . M . Harding it 15.00 Pliny L. Allen Co. Eng. Sup 6.16 Seattle Plumbing Sup . Co . Sup 48.10 Archie Tv1cNeil '/Z L. E . Price Sal. 81.00 Walrorth Mfg. Co . Sup. 523.88 Bouldron 's Auto Livery Auto 10.50 P. S . E . Ry . Co. Light 131 .00 Watson &. Garl Tool Rep . 6 .5o Chas Natt.ini Labor T . Jensen of 90.00 F. J . NevTell it 112.00 Jno . Rott " 2.2.00 Geo . Coleman 96.00 T. J . Kanny "" 110.00 Fred Gruber 96.00 Allen Nerell " 14.00 Guy Goldsbery 48.00 Eli Hopkins „ 10 .00 L. A. Harrison St . Clean 8.00 John McLeod " of it 2.4.00 Merrifield I1&,e . Sup 27.4.0 Mrs . Geo . Doll Sal 50.0n J . R. Martin " 33. 35 F. J . Francisco " 105.00 T. W. Ba°-sett Atty . 33. 35 J . A. Hagadorn " 5.00 G. 11. McGregor " '}i. 0. ?r .n'? Fire Dent If 25.00 L. E . Prince " &: Exp. 130. 25 Johnson-Cox Co . Sup 17.40 Ind . Ins . Devt. Iris 22.84 F. F. Folsou, Teaming; a4.00 Gorham Fire Apparatus Co . Bal . Acet . 9. 52 City Transfer Co . St . & !"a-er System 39 .27 Crane Co. Sup . 45.82 B. M . McHugh Skl . Eng. 175.n� Chas E . Larkin B. Price 20.00 to 11 to 61. oo J . J . ,McHugh " 58.50 E . Reynolds " 2.7 .00 C . Botting Inspector 135 .50 W. Y . Mr xre ll "" 132.50 Puget Sound End; Co . L. I . D. #181 . 22 , 100 .00 n it It to " If to 182 800. 00 Continental Pipe M''t-,; Co . Sup 658.88 Geo . Hamft Auto 2.00 L. E. Price Freight 28.07 Kent Advertiser Printing 48. 15 Fred Gruber Spec . Police 7 .50 26 J . A. Penn Spec .Po:l.ice 7 .50 C . H. Thompson It. 7 . 5n J. A. Hallott 7 . 5r) 71. W. Taylor J. D. Cody Street V['ork 4.05 Levi Taylor Auto Hire 16.25 Ordinance No . 424 , approving Assessment Roll of L. I . D. No . 183 Y,as read , ola.ced upon its final passage and carried by six voting "Ayey.an�' Councilmen Hatt refusing to vote . Ordin«r: c u . «,'rprovidin�., for csidei-al.king certain Streets ,rere read laid over until next meeting. And upora motion Clerk iLas instru- cted to publish notice to property owners to list all sideralks built or contracted for to that time . Ordinance No . 42$ Amending Ordinance 421 read placed upon its final pa!7sa f;e and carried unanimously. Upon motion the sides,a.lk on east aside of Jason St . was ordered raised I feet as recommended by the City Eng. Resolution No . V1 , Providing; for Improvement of certain Streets by grading & graveling, read and adopted as follov, s: RESOLUTION 1.10. 188 . PF.SOLUTION OF INTT''NTIOL TU YAiiE LOCAL IMPROVl11,77"111T. IT is resolved by the City Council of the City of Kent , inKing County , State of Pranrjingi on , that it do , and it doers hereby declare its intention of improving FIPST STREET NORTH, .from the termini of the proposed paving at V?inner St , to the north nid- of Cole Avenue , SROMT) AVENUF NO^TH , from Winner Street to Cole Avenue: COLT A"FNUE from First to Second Street. CLOUDY AV7NUr from First to second , and "'inner Ave . from First to Second Ave . 211 being; in North Park Addition, by grading the said streets , and bringing the same to proper and uniform grade , and then graveling the same to a width of 12 feet thereof , and a depth of 12" and doing; such other cork as may be necessary in connection therewith, Q.11 in accordance ­i1 h plans and specification. to 1,e prepared 13r the City Engineer. That all uersons irlio may desire to oLject to the said improvement are hereby notified to arapear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chamber , in the Ci+v Hall , in t}a City of Kent , at 8 o' clock P . 1 . , on the ::!!Y day of ,1 _ 1919 , v,hich time and nlace is hereby nixed for thri a, n- of all matters rclat. ins to :said improvement , and all obje thereto , and for determining; the method of payment f'or said improvement . That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date , all data and information required by lasrr to 1:e so submitted . That thr• soct and expense of said improvement shatll be borne by and assessed against ti_e property liable therefor as provided by tar. Upon motion Ordinance No . 429 &_ No . 430 providing, for the impro- vement of Smith St , Dist. No . 187 & Temperance St , Calhoun !tray & prospect St . Dist . No . 186 was laid over to next meeting. A motion to place a 4" pine on Clark from Smith to James bras lost by the followin.rr vote Councilmen Asseltine , Coleman , Madison and Naden voting "Na" and Councilmen Hatt, Mur.•ker &: Go_+ld voting "Aye" No further bugineses appearing Counc i.l did then adjourn. City Clerk