HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/18/1919 32 KENT WASH. AUG. 18 , 1919. Regular meeting of. the Council : present lriayor. Pulp L Councilmen Asseltine , Gould Hatt & Murkar. MinuteR of Aug. 4th , & Aug; 7th read and approved. Treas . r.enort of co lections in District No . 183 read and; `'fled . Petition of property ov°ner^ to have the n:4.rking stripe improved and maintained ry the Park Board , signed 70 property owners vas read and filed . Report of Chief of Police for July read and filed . S. & D. Committee reported proi,;re-r on sever outlet . Comunication from the Elliot Bay Investment Com. accompanied by Deed to Park in St Intersection in id. P . Add . ra.s read , and upon motion the chain around Park ra:- given to the Elliot 33Qy Inv. Co . for removaPolice & License Committee retorted recommending denial of Petition fo Mr. Paul Pallanc_he for Pool Room license be denied . Upon motion the recomendati.on of the Cormni.tter r-a.,, adopted . Petition filed -"or the Vacation of cart of St. in N . P. Add . rewd t,i'r following Resolution in relation to same was read and adopted unanimously. RESOLtiTIUiv SETTING TIMF TOR }ty'ARING. IT IS RESCI.,VED by the City Council of the City of hent , That on the Petition ofThe Elliott Bay Investment Co. John England and A. F. Christian , being; the reputed owners of at least tv�o-thirds of property abutting on streets named in said petition for a vacation of a portion of Second Avenue North 4nd Cloudy Ave . in North Park addition to the City of Kent , that the said petition 3;e received , and that all personm vyho may desire to object to the said vacation are hereby notified to file the same rith the City Clerk, or to appear and present such ob- jections at a meeting of the City Council , to be held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of Kent , at 8o ' clock P . M. , on the 15th day of September 1919 , vrhich time and place has teen fixed for the herdring of' all matters relating to said vacation , and a.11, objections thereto . That the City Clerk ie rirected to give notice of said hea-i.ng as required 1�y lav!. I hereby certify that, the above resolution ras passed by the City Council of the City of Kerit , at a. regular meeting thereof held in the City Hall of said City at Fo ' clock P . L' . on the Vtll day of August b919 . Claims read and allowed: P . S . Eng. Co . , Lid No . 182 6400.00 toit 1f " L. I . D. 183 5500.00 J . R. 1,1artin Int . Sinking 1'. 4000.M to if It Int . 576.44 R. R. Keyes Auto 1 .5r) Kent 'AutoBarn if 1.r, .r7L' H. Rice Teaming; 111 .75 Johnson-Cox Co. Sup . 8 .75 Rastsidc Lumber Co . Sup 51 .71 H. P . Rasmussen Fire Dept 6.05 E . Reynolde /OL. F . ,Price Frig. 22. 50 P . S . E. Ply . ,Co. Lights 131.00 Crane Co. Sup/ 120.4.6 First Nat . Fai:k Exchange (T.reas) 4.00 The folio-ing Resolutions settinf; time for hea.rine- on Assessment roll , District No . 184 & 185 read and adopted as follows: RESOLUTION FOR NOTICE CF ASS.FSS I 11T ROLL RESOLUTION NO. 184 A. IT IS RESOLVED B THE CITY COUNCIL Or THOP: CITY OF hFNT: 33 That the 15th day of Sept . 1919 , at the hour of 8 O ' clock P. I-A. at the Council Charnber in the City Hall , at Kent Wash, be and the same is fixed as the time and place for hearint; on the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No . 184 for the Imp- rovement of certain Streets by sideralking the same . That the City Clerk be and is hereby dire ted to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Kent notice thereof we required by law and the ordinance of the said City . RESOLUTION FOP NO`1'IC"E OF AF)S-r'fiFWFNT POLL RFSOLUTION NO. 185 A. IT IS E OL�501D BY TITE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KRIM That the 15th day of Sept. 1919 , at the hour of 8 o' clock P. V. at the Council Chamber in the City of Kent , Mash, be and the same is fixed a-, the time and place for hearing on the assessment, roll for Local Improvement. District No. 185 , for the Improvement of certain Streets by sideralking the some . That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the offical neviepiwper pf the City of' Kent notice thereof as required by lailr and the ordinance of the said City. Ordinance No . 434 providing Penalty for violation of specifi- cation in sidewalk construction mras read , placed upon its final passagre and carried by unanimous Mote of all of the Councilmen nropent. Ordinance No . 435 providing for. the Improvement fo Smith St.E. by paving <,.-as read and upon motion placed upon ite final passage and carried by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present. Ordinance No. 4?6 authorizing bond isr,ue in L. I . D. No . 183 was read , placed upon its final nadeage and carried by unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present . Bid of J'. A. Ward for the grading & graveling of streets , Dist. 188 , was opened and rem.d for the amount of $5700.00 , it being the only bid , the Contract was upon motion awarded to Mr. Ward for $5700.00 . Upon motion the Contract of P . S . E. Ry . Co . for St . Lighting was accepted and the Mayor & duty Clerk were authorized to execute th same . No further business anpearing Council upon motion did then adjourn.