HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/02/1919A.y 0-j 9v 21 hENT WASh, JUNK 2" , 1919. Regular meetin ; of the Council: present Va.yor Fulp &, Councilmen Araelt.i-re, Eatt, I:adison, Idurker & Naden. l':inutee of hay 19t1i, rr &,d and al-mroved . Communication .from Peter P,;lunello reg.4i.rd to L. I. D. Imp. rez d anO filed . Clerl�s report for Month of M;i,y ro d and filed. Pond i:�laster a.pp%'ared before tl)c Council in rei;a.rd to r.::.re rt,le anc: tr_e s«rrie %,,as rcfored to tl,e Police & Licen9e Comrssittee. Clwims rdtad and ordered i -id as follows: Ind. Ins Deot. Ins. 2?.20 P. S. E. Ry. Co. Li;1,ts 131.00 J. V1. Cav:r.nou,.-h Sup. 1.05 Merrifield lids-e. Co. " 72.30 Kent, Journal Print inf_; 13.00 Cit%i Trr..nsfer. Co. St. Clew; i:1 11.25 Geo. Flackmer L. E. Price Sol. 112.i5 B. 1.ycIiu�;h if 150.00 B. I ovren It 119.75 A. M,cNei1 to 42.75 G. Fla.Yrerty If 18.00 W. Y. Maxvrell to 11.00 GF,ror,;ia Doll " 50.00 J. R. Tartan Treas 33.35 F. J. Francisco " Police 105.00 T. 171. Bassett Atty, 33.35 Haiadorn, J. A. " P. i"T. 5.00 Dr. McGregor " h. U. 25.00 Fire Dept. " 25.00 L. E. Price " & 'rlx_). 129.70 Chws Yattini Labor 5.00 T. Jensen of 90.00 R. B. T"joi,pson " 106.00 F. J. I1er•ell " 131.50 John Rott 123.50 Geo. Coleman " 81.00 T. J. Ka,rny ? ? . 00 Allen I1e-ell " sy . n0 Fred Gr,.zber " 8.00 V.'m Gnawaach 75.00 `Contintntal Pine Co. Supplier 259.71 L. E. Price Freijlt 9.30 C , H. H rd i_n j Park 41.00 Merrifield Hdr,e Co. it 3.50 Xha.ffer ik Co. it 2.6o Resolution setti nLl- tirr:e for hearirlL on &�-sessment rolls read grid adonte� as fol.lov-s: r-'r,,SUi-UT.TOia FOR I10'I' CC^ OF r;OLL PT]SOL"T IOII I1U. 181. iT IS Il11SOLVI% 1Y �'ti CITY CQUI'CIL OT TtI; CITY OF IF?(T: TY:a.t the lbAb d..y of June . 1919, a-t the hour of 8 o' clock, . at the Council Cliarnber in the Cit;, Hall, at Bent, `Fashint ton, be and the wane is fixed as the time :.nd pl;etce, for the a.sttessmont roll. for Local Iinprovement. District Ito. 131, .for the GrA(. in;; and Pav- inv of certain Streets, in ttie City of Bent. That the City r1lerk le and is her.eb,, directed to publial: in the off- icial ner,spaper of the City of henty, no+- ,:e tl;ereof as rcouired ry late, .ne the ordina:r,ces o" *ise s<<.id City. 22 7ES CLUT 7 ON, OF 1� 0':' 1' 5, OF A"'J 'ST"' R OLL 77 5 0 L U T 10 TtiC. IT IS RESOLVED TY TT]TI CITY CO`u'1,-C`1LL UT' CI'",'.;' OF Tj',L?.t the 16th dp-Y or June 1)l'), -1, the 11ou.- of o'clacl-L P.7..'*. at the Couricil C!,R-;"Ler in the Cit;/ lii,11, ;t be end. the same is fixed as tlir time wiW pl,-.(--e "or on tle a r, v e mcnt roll for Loc:,.l Im novel ent T'I'qtric L 1;o . 1UO2 fo.1, the Grzkd 11b. i Piovi nk, of cc rtz� -Jr S t ree te i ri tl ic: of Lent. T I i:�. t t 1-- e City Clem: I e e r", to r OffiCi:-1 nel"S-P< of "lie Cit;,-V- Of 110WIL-1 17utice t1lel-COf required by lkv7 and the Oro ine.nces of tlic ""Lt,". RF.S01,J*.11..,,o1.T 'Pul-, o-1-, "'OLL. I' T" V � , , ) _L, - - T IT IS '11'i1- '-L'T-L ;IL j,T] Th;o t tl�c 16t1i d;-.1, of June 19 1 C) V.t the hour of 8 o I CID(--,)., Y . , at t11e C 0 -,.1 ri C 'I,' I il "'0 t- in t 11 e C, i t - " I i z 11. iiA L"Ient, be and the same is fi.-ed, -.s tLu t.ime foj' or, 1.1-ic assessment roll for Local Iiiiprovement P, -trict '-, 0 - 1 3 the G r;o. d i n,:- i�n d Pq.vin,^ of btr(-�(-,tv in ',A:c Cit t., of h0nt Tliwt the City Clerk 'Le &n(l it 0ii-ecte: to ,)ullisli i- ',lie off- icial ne-spivper of V;r-, of he-rit, ric"i-ce 1"", 1 lav, ;nd,the ord-ILriance uf the r.-,ioid - 4 Petition f 01, Sr:� r' ip), r)-r Teiiipe r�o.nce re4 rl, re �-0 c red U- 0 St Cummitt0e, to prepare i.. resolution -fitter of o,-, Prosoect '"'treet U-11-1,err; in ViClInit') r e fe re d ' t o S t r-- e 11 C i t 11, (:, e f c) - - i n. v e f' ', -L i. t i ;) n, . No farther !,Us 4 lirljl , Council 'u-,on did t1len : �'jOur n El