HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/05/1919/9
Y�E' rdT WASH , ;--1iY 5, 1919.
Ret;u].ar meeting of the Coar;ciI; pre cY t ?�'a.yor Fulp & Councilmen
Asseltine Coleman, Gould, hal:-T- �L rLl dison, I,'urher .wden.
Yinutes of Apr. 21t-2) re urO sL,,rnroVed .
Petit -ion �,4 completing the r _rr in Dist. IIo. 1`3,
re;..(' arO ordered filed.
Clerin report read and filed. vitJ Attu,rey reno7•tea ,recom-
mending t.l-,e rejection of tl;c clairr., of is"r: Julia Smitli for dwma; er,
Upon motion the report v•a.s u-(`opted r,rl(r iiie clairr rejected. Com-
mittee on St. Si,;ns reported -)r.o�;.ress.
Upon motion the check- From the St-te Aur.itor- for ." l'/2.00 for
MC,htFay upkeep, -&Ls ordered set -it to the C.'o zrrty.
Deed from Alice Pen,;ree to t}ie _"it- of Lent, for Alley in I'lk.
Yes . I" Add to heat , V'as presented, and or(3cred reco. ded .
Applic;i+tion for License by Al Christensen to Condact card room,
re:�d and refered to t'-)e Police &' License Committee.
Claims re:.;.d urio ordered ae follows.
Seattle Plumbins7 Supply o . , 'll. S . :up. L)0.55
G e o Fl:.ckr:ier is L. E. Price . O .l 143.00
Robt . loe"eri " 47.25
Rod Kendall " j4.00
F. M . YcIruL1-11 " 153.40
11. W. Lobdell Lalor 10•o0
Ch;'i3 I:''att, ini If
5. or)
T. Jensen " 80•00
R. B. Thompson " 104900
Wm Gnal..aurch " Cleanint 5-00
F. J. Nerell " S. 3_. D. 104.n0
John Ro'tt " " 88.00
Sid Fetterly " 1h8.00
r'. Y. I,.an•rell " 28.nn
Doll Sa.l 50.00
J. R . Martin " 33.35
F. J. Frwncisco " 105.00
T. V1. Bassett 33.35
J. A. Haoadorn 5.00
Fire Dept. 25.on
L. E. Price " 132•75
H. Baldvin 30.75
City Tr;.nsfer Co. " 18.00
J. V1. Cavanough & Son Sua 8.40
'a.tson& G.�.rl " 1.75
Kent Advertiser Pri-fitinL" 64 •5n
I.rerrifield Ildv-e Co. Sup~•��
John England Auto 5•00
Lang T::otor Co. p(Fire De ,t) 1.10
Lilac Boy'ker Sup 2.75
Fouldron Auto Co. Auto 12.00
Frna.k C . Evans Paint in` St. 7.9.,_,orr 50.00
C. Ili. hgrding Park 19.50
Kent Auto Barn Auto 3•00
Protest to the paviriE- in Dist. 181 2 1V were rei d , frorri Llrs .
Ramsay and E. 1.. Wood and refered to the Ll;a.;•or to get lat;al advice
on the same.
Contract and fond of the -Puget Sound EnLr. Co. for the Paving of
Dist. 181 to 183 Inc. presented arld ;,approved. Upon motion the matter
of new N"ra_ter pipe was left to the 7i" ter Corr. , itll poi^er to a,;t.
M;,Lyor appointed Ivir U. 1. Ca,va.nou, l r; i'l_ir:l;ins, Inspector to ''ill
vac.ncy. Appointment approved.
No further business a.+))earin,� Council, upon motion, ris then
a.d i ourn . %
City Clerk. Oz