HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/21/1919 16 Bent Wash, Apr. 21 , 1g19. Regular meeting of the Council; present Ya.yor Fulp & Councilmen As;eltine , Gould , Hatt , T:ddison , Yurker & N _den. Minsztes of Apr. 7" read and approved . Report of Chief of Police for T-ar. reed and filed . Special committee apointed to invest i to St . Sihnes , requested fur ther time . Communication from Carstens Packin , Co . re,'-Lrd to St . weeper read and refered to the It . Committee . Claims read and ordered T)i-tid: as follov's: Lov,7r,;,n & Hanford Co . Blue Prints 10 .60 .Trick & lKurray Sup . ib'ater Systm 46.72 Pioneer Bindery & Printing; Co . Sup 28.63 Industrial Insurance Dept. Iris . 9.66 W. H . Eingberrder Haul Garba ;e 12.00 holberg Everson 13.00 H. W. Lobdell 2:1 .nn Resin—,nation of Councilman LeVzttte comin- u-o for action , upon motion the same P'P-'S', 1 r B. F. upon vote of ty,e Council elected , tc fill the vacancy. Claim of T[,rs Julie. Smith fordamitC-e , :)_ccount of Accident on defective side,• alk , read and refered to City Attornc,,3, . Bids opened and read on t.l-.,e proposed na ring ar, follow-s: 21 . J . cliullh Const . Co . „101y10 .50 , R . ]'. ,Tr�vers> 1052Eiq .66 , Pug;et Sound Enj . Co . 9993o •i6 , 1"c "'"7," & Ps�ttora 10?7R4 .64 , Ind . 'a-v:in A�x�lna.lt Co . Concrete+ 105400.00 Eitulitr,ic 99501 .nn . Upon motion: -he Contract as R:.�^arded to ''uE;et Sound Fngineering Co . for a 99930• i6 by unanirr,ous vote of sell of tl_e Counci 1-men oreoent . Yatter of &,arr,,;e in ')&.vinr; on .Scenic 'r�d.yt r" i• , u'�Or1 rt ction left to the Street Corr�it.tee for inve ti ,action . Communication from Co . Comrn.issioners in rep a,rd to Ti7a.ir.tanance of 3ti f hway read snd referdd to City I,tty . `oi' ir,ve-+ti m F ion. Resolution for the Improvement 0 . Ce: fain `"trcets by sideralkin� � read and adopted a.s foll jr" : YIZISOLUT.1011 TKO. 104 . < TIPS0LUTI Tp m1;i- ^iTr%1.7 rrrT. ;. i. IT IS 1-1,`7SG1.V2D by trie,• Cit, of 1' Pr.t in I in County , State of Via inoton , that it do , arid it 0oerJ hereby declare its intention of improvinL: ru rr,T_ rm ;tti l:ti�'1:aE _..IT`l' h�._ .'orth -,isle , F0�ai•tl, t o S , . Harrison Street. Yesler' s lst l�dd . Tort' -)ide . rtli. . j Lot_ , ll. , 12 , 7 . _, , 14 , l? , a.n c; 20 . T,hEo R STREJE'T Yesler' slst Add . Troy" '; s.:de _'.lk. 5 ',ots 14 , 11 , 16 . Bl:c. 1.4 , Lots Gowe Street 11. , 12 , 13 , 14 15 , �7 , Yesler ' lit !L(�c� or ..C: r LGE: T). :. O LC+ F� i3 tC lY,C1uBIVe , So..., ,- i_de Blk 18 Lo'- ^ 7 , F1': 13 , -ot; o . P11, 8 , ;,ot r7 F)''T.T;T1 F)m r m Guiberson Add . Sout'i side Blk 2 , Lo t s 1 Yid 2. TITUtS T^TT Yesler is t i`.dd . Nord, side Ilk � , I,ol: ]_. ? 1T l ; , l,ot 1?_ ,B11c 1�? , .Lot; 1 T.nc' 12 . B11; 23 Lots 1 an-? 1?. Sout'': r1 �e P11i 1',� .i.otF, nc', 7 , 1'll, 12 , Lot- 7 . Yll;. 9 ?�o '�. v :�nr 7 , J'ltic 2 , Lot 6 Car Line Add . TTort}: side Blk 1 Z.o',.-. ]_ gin ' 4 i,,r:c; con: ir:air, to u�1 1�'i.:�.,.P f� h 1-i�}j t �f „•,;.3• . ,. � 19V '17 ,7 ti1�.1. Cir'1 J'.1�r1 i Yerte, 1!7�` l.dc . ; Ort.tl site F11: l otl , T'1 o`. 1 and 12 , Flk• 1? Loi r 1 an,.' 12. 712:. 1.0 LOt.r 1 ar.c12 :luu`„l1 ri.;'P L11:. ^0 Lot .. 1'lk� 11 Lots 5 i_u c_ YrV LT I1 S `lecler ls': .'_dd . 'TcrtY; r.i('c� rlk 1 , Lot F,1k 10 Lot 9 , `1.1: 1.1 Lot y 2C :_.ot 2 n-nrd 9 T'1'. 21 Lot 9 .CD,:;- Line Add . Orth sidC 1!lk j Lot 1 , 2 , 3 , Cror Add . ide Ilk F. l,ot 12 , Flk • T Lot. 12. First.. AvP Soi:t'r- le; ler 1Fi A(}d ( e, !Ill i �o OOV-c St.'.ec+ P,, rt r'i is rio#r in con -Y--te r•alk. "es+ side F11: , 2 Lots 1 , ?_ , from r :lt 'f,e+ nort?". to ex_st n , 'r I I.Zr, .;C.'T , 1?:1lEie' j': krld 1fC,rl siC,e 12. Ye le lst Adrj . _��� t <-i,?e1 (0 7lk. 2 L:oa 12 , 7'11= l.ot ' 7 , ill, 14 , Lots 4 w l l .F 11, ;a I,o f U , T;11: 1 siLle . Jeffries ;,Ldd . EiC...^,t r;l ?l' n� l ' r sle 1-1k D- i.o1;r T ) Yeler lrt add . _L'4c,'. . ic'e ,c . s l:.0 `r 1-1. Lot Lois 1" , 11 , 12.. � !\ 1211 1C` Lo1 s r C1 b ' ) i • V'e t T31.1- 11 ,o L o l s 1 , _ ; .1 1.1dG J��i;��, r'l(,F 111 C1 1.r D .J U . Test side F11. G . Lc�t s 7 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ., L Yesler 1st Add . mast side 111: 11 . Lo! r �n1 7 , �3 , Dlr; 1? , moo ..^ t , 10 , 11 , 12 ,1?11, 1? , Lots, ; , 10 , 11. , 12. 1,0t 1t;0 2 0 :ide T'11•- l u'. 10 . --ll. 19 , Lots 1 , 2 , J , 4r `� , l k 20 L o t s l 3 . 1'IF"? 1�'JJ . SGUT1i ( 4th Ave TTo . res1. side I-'lk 14. Lots 9 -10. j Yesic- lst Add . Test , e T1 id .k 19 Lc) 7 , ? , 9 , 101 11 , 12 T1,,1.1,. 18 Lot V:e:7t F,1de F11. 3 Lots 1 , 2 4 , „ o ,]Plh f2. -Lot 1 , , T-1 21 , Lo'..^ 2 ) r 1 4 SIXTY A7,7, . SUUTE Cfioi�r Add 1:. . r ".Mast side L11: ��. L.�ts '9 , 10 , 11 , 12. T T TUS � STREET A1-T 71 . C. I . add . I'o: t1 siu � c> t 9 , 4. r 111� I.� 1 l:lr_ Lot 2 GoAve Street East Y.T. C . I . Add . South: side 1'11: v Lo'; 12 , 13 , ilk 9 , Lot 12 , 13 . KFTK I1Ti.P STREET 17AST `.I. C . I . Add . South side Di 11. , i�ot7 • i;urth cide Pik 16 , Lctl . SwIIT;? STFyE`.l' T. C . I . Add . iTorth.. side Dlr: 17 , Lots, 1 and j4 , 1711, le. Lot 34. So Lit}. side D11, 1 Lot,s l anc, 1� , t0 re cstab1isY.� ed . Cl rk• 2nd Add . I o r i aide /11, ; lots 7 , 8 , Fllc 6. RAILROAD AVL17J.TE T. C . I . Add . East side F 1 h 16 , Lot.: 1 , 2 , ? . 18 rl CEYTRAL AITE. V-7. C I . Add E; st side PlIc G' Lot- 9 , 10 . Flk 1",' Lots- 12 , 13, .1 14 . I'11: 1 C Lots .10 14 1.5 , 1 7e^1- r,i 'e P;1 h 16 11,0 t s 22 , 4- rll: 17' , Lot s 21 20 7 , P V�c 111i 11 zo.n Add . illh j Lol,- f-, 11 . to 20 inclusive C,ot'l 4 60 feet of I'll: 1, U Cross 11"dd . 7.,e F.,t r,i d e P11. 2 22 , 2-� , 24 STATE AVE1,11' W. C . I . Add . 1,Ve s tide Lll: 15 Lot.- 19 't , 20 22 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 2 28 , 2 9 -10 , I , 4 , East side rlk 13 , Lot's 1 anO 22 . to be estallis, hedl"ll, 14 , Lots 1 z;rc' 22 to he es- t i s h e d 1.cYillan Street W C. I .Add-. a0ath Side Ell, 1(,j Lots 1 to 11 inc . to be v,.-- ta1li[� ed . E`orth side Ell: 20 Lotr, 12 , to 22 inc. to be es- t i Cd . Jason Street Clark lst Add East. -1iide Froril Sn) L th Street north to TCmPC r- a n c c St . Ell, 4 Lot,,: 1 to 13 , inc . to Ie tal 1 i sl.c d . I'll: 1 -i-,ut2 1 to 13 inc . to be cst-,;,b- 1 i sh e d Clark 2nd Add . Test side 11 1c 3 L o t,c, '7 9 , 10 . t 211-- 6 Sriiith to Temperi�r,.ce St Fnd then placirL- along th By brin6ino the some to a proper ;--r:o.0e , e Streets and ;v.venues abuttinE the lots , ',,lockq and property hereinabove designated , a concrete i-a.lh siY feet ride , and doing such other work as may be neces,-�,,ry in connection thererith. , all in acco-.-O.r,ncc rith plans and specifica4tions to be prepared 1,,y the City Zngineer. That all persons 171-.io riay desire to o1ject to the said -improvement ;are- hereby notified to appear and precuent sucli objections ::Lt a meetinL.,- .of .the Cith Council to be held in 4LJ,,e Coancil Chanber, in the City Hall in the City of he it , at 8 o ' clock p . 1J . , on the lq th dzjy of 11ay 1919 , which time and pl&.ce is hereby fixed fc,r 4he lica i ri � of u.11. matters re- lating to said improvement , and all C)!1-ie'c1Ui.onr, thereto , �:-,.nd for deter- ,mining the method of -paynLent for sjid i,,11proverrent . That the. City ClerL is directed to cull,milt to the Cith Council at o or prior to said date , all (-]at,,, and information required by lav, to be s so submitted. That the cost and exi)onse ofsCiLd im,orovement shwi.11 le borne by knd t -0 Ordinance 1%, 421 vLuupting plans .,wrcificwtions for Concrete Sidewalks read and placed upon its final passat;e zrid carried by the unanimous vote of all of the C'ouncilrrer, oresent . 1,,o further business the he Council , upon motion did then adjourn. City Clerk.