HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/07/1919 ►j qv 13 h-EMIT 'A'7;11, Apr , 7 , 1919 . Re6ular Jj'eetint o{' the Council.: -ore,sent t'ayor Fulp 8.. Councilmen Asseltine , Could , Hatt, LeVatte , T°adisori L lviurker. T;Iinutec, of 17 , read anal aoorove-' _ Clerks renor. t for' reEid anO f.il Rosiv,r'at,ion of U'1n, ilrr.Fn Lf,` : t;tf read and filed . Letter from i,'t . Vernon in regard to `)(,v er Pum ,,inr-. p1�1nt read and filed . Claims .read and or�'ered maid a.s follo-c,: Record Pur . Co . Printing, 7 .50 bent. Auto -'ar.n Auto J7�ire 7 .25 Ii . Rice lia ul ink; lb 3 .50 Trice & J'.:urray Sup 50.05 Leo Yorki.n Auto 6 .00 h. Ealdwin ii l _i.ria; ?4 ,25 �.. atson & Garl Sur) 5 .7i Kent Advertiger Print.inE; 35 .00 '._fission Grilla.t 1 .�35 T' . YI . TyrcJIui)-i Sa 1. . 150 .oo Ela.chmcr " 143 .00 J . J . 1,'.cxu&-,h " 2.1 . 00 G . Doll 50 .00 J. R. :fart ill 33. 35 F. J. :Francisco 105 .00 r• T . «c.:-e t t 33 . 35 J . A. llagadorn " 5 . 00 G. Ii. 1'.cGr ;or' " 25 .00 Fire Dept . " 25 . 00 L. E . Price 120 .75 Edstside Lbr. Co . Sup 69 .117 Joh,r2, Ejurid Auto City Trgnster Co . llaulinj"; lo . 50 Ch:;s 5 .00 T. Jensen " 30 . no Art " „ 38 . 00 `"'m Gnar.+.uch " 75 .00 F. J . Re- ell " 113. 00 Jno Rott " 105 . 00 Sid Fetterlyr " 102 .00 R . 1' . Thompson " 120 .00 14'. Y. Yam-ell " 20 .00 P . S . E . Ry Co . LiE;J:t:ir 1P-9 .50 1'. . . Folsom 11,14 I 1P9 .00 /, err•i field lid-e . C . Sun 11 .40 Continental ;ne l;fi,. ;;o . "up . 269 . 33 L . E . Price Fret . 17 .82 Joe Cot"am ?ihe ?2 . 00 Pioneer Tindery &. Print. Co . :.1p . 4i .50 Resolution I o . 134 declarinC, intPrition to Improve Certain St.rcets by builr'inL, sidewalt.s , read aincl adopted �,:i follov-s: IIESOLUTIUi1 IiU .184. FF"OLUTIOIJ of intent i.o�: to ma11,e Loc-1 I,,,o)rove;r,ent . IT IS T"'r.UL'u'hD by the ity Council of the Cite of ILent , in 1"Lint; Co- unty , Stz:.tc of V'achin;-ton , th-t it (?o , �,r.(' it r?ocs decl� re itt intenti.cn of improvin i:ort:,, side , lFOi.li'ttJ to :il..t' Ati'eni cC' . li1iJ?RI�;C� �",T: 1ET Y710 . 1 . Add .liortl-L cice , `li: . 7 Lot:, 11 1? 1' 14 11 1 , 18 l') 20 SUL11111 Si ('e , 171L . , .LUtr' 1 r ? r 3 r 4 r 5 r U r 7 14 Yesler lrt c'c? . T�ort:l; ri'?e T 111. Lot^, I Lot; ll_ , 1? , 1? , 1 lj , 17 . GOV7 VTR-1:f T Yesler is t . And . Nort .,o .it1, tide , ot c� ShlYIN '5 I -7`7 vt.�il-er. . n 1.dc' . bout'. Side :-'ll.. 2 , T I`.t J S SI TI'F Yesler 1st . 1•t0rtIi s.i('e Lot 1 ' . Pik . 13 , Lot 12 . I'1I: . 18 Lo t r 1 <`. 12 . E1 k . 23 , l,01 SGutl: ^ 1-11, 1`) 1,0 ' . ? , 71k . 1? .Lot . i.0 ice 1 1 ^ i11.is .`itIeet 1. 1 t � . vc r L1YlF lcI T'O t1 ^ L C?C T 1r, Cr0- 110d Llout1 i s?E:� ?',.�_..�. LG t 1? . ]_I: . T' , Lo t, 12. ]_ iis to U •c St:T c et , e:o cept Vp, ].e7 We `. i ', YF rler is+. �, 1? . L'.< t. :-ide h1 '. . ]. , 1'i _. . I:ot 12 , T ]_l: j , L,c 1 1 l'_ r� i,U t ].] , _ 1 ) , L J t V i.1.. .1 jeffires Ac'ci L T!II111D AVF `.'O. CI ar Aid . 77 —.,r,_ ' i -'r Yesler lst c 1'1}�. Lat ,� , ° , ;+ , 1C; , I ] , 12 . Lo+ : .U`_r , T1;. . 12 , L,o+�,l 113 zinc i , I- ll: . l'lI. . 12 Lots 1 . , )FOd FIT II A SU. C r or A d o . I? s?E: 1" D. Lo'. I 1.2 lesmler I _' . _'ln. 12 l.i�l, S?. 20) ?'1l:'. . j , Lo t. 20 . r II' a Lo ! I l) . Flip . lv , i:Ui )_est .�ic,e I1�. . 1 , '1 �=1 ; . 1.' L•G`, . 1 , � , � , - , � , � , ?:. fin , 77 1 t 19 , L-U n Lets 1 , i:L_. . ^) Lai-1s 2 , �� C . I . Go . t:c'.r'. .:'outli ic'e }?1k . 8Lot 1 1? . Ili,: ') . LUi 1 1, ' O1 qv 15 C . I . CO. Add South aide Ilk . 11 , Lot 7 . � 11ortli site I?l.l: . i 1_,ot 1 . 7 IT1' S-T.R' 1" �Vr. C . I . CO . kc2d . 1,ort'r: side Tl y ] ' . Lot 1 � 34 . B11 l8 , Lo 14 Sout"� side I1.; . 1 ; , Lo 1 Clark 2nC Add . 'rort1: s ide PlL . ; , Lo' 7 Elk. o . R IL1=:CAD ATII?T dF: C . I . Aed . East ride ;li 1 , Lois 1 , 2 , 4 , it � , 7r �. r ''e: t sire r 1 h 2 ILota 1 , 2 , 3 ,' 4 , 5 , 70 , • LlY.. 3 . Lots 1 ,2 r�' ! ,L' r� , �(1 ,] _�1 2. CTTT T' AL AVEi i iJE V'r . U. I . 30. ADD. Ez:,��t side Blk. 15 , Loto 12 , 13 , 14 , B11: IS Lu',. > , ln , .11 , 12 , 1 14 , l; , 1� , 17 . L(>Sc 7 ' 1.ot 14 , a side Pik 16 , -bogs 22 , ?3 , 2`�• Ylk 1 , Lo`,P 22 , ?-1 , 24 , 27 , 28 . z, ILcY.ill:,n Add . EE;t side Blk. 5 , Lots I1 , 12 , 13 , 1"- , 1`� , 1"•' , 17 , 18 , lg , 20. Blk e , south 60 feet. Cross Add . West side Elk. 2 , Lots 23 , 2 By brinc;ing the stksne to a Proper r«c'e , and then placinE alon6 the streets a.nc'. avenues 4,1,buttin'; the lots , blocks and property herein des- ignated , a. concrete v;all: sip, feet ride , and Going such othcr v,or•k �_S be. necessary in connection the,T'(-Witti. , 0.11 in Z.cCo7'daIJce rit1, plzans and specification to be prepare(z r.y tY:e City ^,nr ineer. That all 'persons v,ho may c'esire to o"'eject to tr,e said improvement are hereby notified to ai).)car a?rld yaresc,nt -­.ucY objections kit reetinG of the City Council to be field in the Co:�r!cil 1er, in tYe City Iiall , in the City of her:t , at 0 o ' clod" 1' . 1:" . , on the nth clay of Nay 1 %19 , which time a.lid pla.ce is merely fixed for the hearini of all matters rela..ting to said improvement , a.nd ;V.11 objections thereto , knd for determinirai; the method of i� yment for said rovemcnt . That tt--e City Clerl: is directed to sul-rriit to the City Cou:. cil a;.t or prior to said date , all da=.tag. �,nd information required by la.v; to b0 so submitted . That the cost and expense of sitid improvement shall Yee borne by and w4socesed against the property liable therefor L,.s provided by law• Yaytor appointed Councilmen Aese itine , Gould , Madison a special Committee to investigate traiffic siC, for the Streets . Unon motion tr.e m&tter of care of Ga,.rbat e war- reffered to the Se-er committee and Health, Officer. . No further business appearing the Council upon motion did then adjourn. , City Clerk.