HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/17/1919 10 Kent , T'ash. Feb. 1% , 1919 . Regular meeting" of the Council ; present Mayor Fulp and Councilmen Gould , Hatt , LeVatte , Mad.i on , Murker , Moll & iladen. Minutes of Feb. 3rd read and approved . Resolution , creatln,; a "Permanent Peplacement '?Water i'und" , read and adopted as follov,s . RESOLUTIOII:, '-PV,r1IE1F AS , it appearing to the satisfaction of t'rhe City of the City of Bent , that no provision has ever Z-cen ina"de for setting sick funds from therevenues of the "'ater Gystei.s of the said City to defray the cost and expense of making gene-CAls and replacements of pipe lines , reservoirs , connections and other fixtures and property of the said rate T system i-hon the same shall 1�ccome .so worn or decayed as to be unfit for futher use; and it further appearing that it is essential that some provision be made for the rene-al and replacement of :such worn , decayed or otherwise u:jfit pipes , reservoirs , fixtures or other prom rty of the said Y!CLter system , it is ttjerefore , RESOLVED, that there le and there it Hereby ordered set over into separate fund i•, tc4 City Treasurey , from the revenues of the said Water System , for the purpose of paying the cost and expense of makir16 renewal's and replacements of worn , decayed or otherv,isc unfit pipes , reservoirs fixtures or other props-rty of the said v-,ater system , to be known as the "Permanent Repiacement eater Fund',' which fund shall be used only for the payment of the cost and expense of replaciri ; such ­orn , decayed or othen-ise unfit pipes , reservoirs , fixtures or other property of the said eater system; money as folloe-s: At the date of the passage of this resolutiori the sum of five thousand dollars ; and hereafter, from eacL months receipts an the lst day of t}ie follorrinj; month an amount equal to 900' of tkie net receipts of the said zrater revenues for the precediriC; month. . Ligirit Committee recomended a liJ"st at Intersection of Shinn and First Street , and upon motion the Eame -a: ordered in, under direction of the Light Commi f.tee . Claims read and ordered paid as "folLogs; Sam Sir,it (Soec . Police 40.00 H. Rice St . Teamiriv 36.50 Lowman & Ilanf ord Co . Sup . 23 .95 C . E. Guiberson P . h". If 47 .64 Remington Typev�ri i e r. Co . Mach i rie 120 .00 Alater of Trunk Sev7er So . of Vrillis St. re,'ered to the Serer Committee to report at next meeting. PJ;ater of Painting Street wad on ras refered to T,,.,ter dommittee v,ith -oov7er to act. 14o furtlier business appearing , Councilmen upon motion did the, adjourn. City Clerk.