HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/03/1919 9V 7
,,T FT %"FAST-,: Feb. 3 , 1919 .
Regular meeting of the City Council; -present Mayor Fulp and
Councilmen Gould , Hatt , LeVatte , Madison , I-urker&: ]+boll .
Minutes of Jan. 20 , read and approved .
Petition for Light on Smith by Laundry , read and refered to
Light Committee .
Petition .for Continuance of caving on Scenic Way to Kennebeck
and thence to N. E . Cor. of Scenic Heights .read and filed.
Petitions to continue paving on Clark and Jason Street to be
included in Dist . 182 . read and filed .
Clerks and cjLief of Police Yorithly reports for Jan. read anc
filed . Clerks report for year 1918 presented and refered to Finance
Committee .
Committee .from the City of Ellensburg relative to increase of
Tax Levy , read and filed , also a communication from Reg. R . R. Directo
read and filed .
Claims read and ordered paid as follovrs:
J . R. Martin Int . 00.00
Olympic Foundry moo . Li. H. Cover 8.52
Tvrs . Geo Doll Sal . 50.00
J . R. 'Martin to33. 35
F. J . Francisco If
T. W. Bassett to 33 . 35
J. A. Hagadorn " 5.00
Dr. Mac Gregor " 25.00
Fire Dept. " 25.00
L. E. Price " & Exp/ 132.65
B. M. tic Hugh Eng. 58.06
Geo. Doll " 12.00
Bob 7-oven " 8.00
Chas Mattini Labor 5.00
T. Jensen " 80 .00
Art " 72.00
F. 71. Newell " 27.00
Jno. Rott 26.00
Wm . Gnawauch " 75 .00
Watson & Garl Sup . 9.50
Levi Taylor Auto Hire 5.00
C . T. Oliver Eng. 6.00
Merrifield Hdv-e Co. Sup . 21.89
P. S . E. :ty . Co . Street Lighting 129.50
City Transfer Co. " Cleaning 11 . 25
Eastside Lumber Co. Sup . 25.78
Kent Advertiser Printing 38.40
John England Auto Hire 5. 00
E. A. Richardson Sup . 4.05
J. A. Iiagad orn Pond Itas to r 10.00
Lang ILotor Co . Fire Dept . Sup. 15 .02
Resolution No . 182 . Amended , declaring intention to pave
certain streets , read and adopted unanimously .
RES OLUT I ON I,10.182 . Aj!.FNDED
IT IS RESOLVED by the City of Kent in King County , Washington ,
that it do and it does hereby declare its intention of improving
certain streets and avenues in said City of Kent , as folloWs:
Yeeker Street , from the east side of Central Avenue , connected
with the existing pavement at that point , to the west side of State
connected v,.ith .the proposed pavement at that point .
State Street , from the south line of Meeker Street to the south
side of Sriith Street.
Jason Se-eet , from the south line of pavement on Sriith Street ,
connected with the existing pavement at that point , to the south
side of James Street .
Cedar Street , from the ir•est si: e of Jason Street , connected
with the proposed pavement at teat point , to the east ride of Clark
. Street .
Temperance Street , from the west side of Jason Street , connecd
with the proposed pavement at that point to the ea.^t side of Clark
Street .
Clark `street , .from the north side of Smith Street connected
with the existing Pavement at that point , to the south side of Jamer
Titus Street , from the east side of Railroad Avenue connected
with the existing; pavement at that point , to the west side of Central
Avenue , connected rith the existing; pavement„ at that point.
Railroad Avenue , from the south side of Titus Street connected
with the existing pa.vement at that point , to the north side of "'iilis
Street , except in all. cases where the street intersections overlap;
13y grading and bringing; to grade szzch streets and avenues a.no,
then paving such streets with concrete of the respe -tive width as
follows; All the streets as above designated to be twenty ( 20) feet
in width , ans doinf, such other work as iiiay be necessary in connection
therewith , all in accordance with plans and specifications to be
prepared by the City Engineer.
That all person who may desire to object to the said improvement
are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting
of the City Council to ?:e held in the Council Chamber, in the City
Hall , in the City of Kent , at 8 o ' clock P . IT. , on the 17th day of
Yarch 1919 , which time and place is hereby fused for the hearing; of
all matters relating to said improvement , any, all objections theretq ,
and for determining the method of payment for said improvement.
That the Cith Clerk is directed to subs,:it to the City Council at or
prior to said date , all data and information required by law to be
so submitted .
That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be k�orne
by and assessed against the property liable t'.is ; c for as provided
by 1 a117.
Resolution No . 183, Amended , providing for. -paving on Scenic
Way and other Streets , read and adopted as follows:
IT IS RESOLVED by the City of Kent in Kink County , 77ashington ,
that it do and it does , Hereby declare. its intention of improving
certain streets and avenues in said City , as follows:
Titus Street from the east side of Central Avenue connected
with the existing pavement at that point , to the east side of Scenic
Way; Scenic lay from the south line of the proposed pavement on
Titus Street and connected with the said proposed pavement , thence
south along; Scenic lay to a point opposite the propertyo.f A. N. Berlin ,
thence easterly , thence -northerly , easterly and southeasterly a.lont
Scenic Way to its inte7•section with Kerinebeck Ave . , to the ea.;t Bide
�9V 9
Kerinebeck. Avenu(- , from the south site of the intersection of
Scenic ray , connected vrit,h the pros)oFed -n verr,erit, at that point , south
to the southeast corner of Scenic Heights , at the junction of Willis
Street east; except in all cases i-here street intersections overlap.
Py -rading and brirtrin�; to a f;rade such st,,eets and aver; ues and tYrPn
paving the same with concrete of the i-idt}, of siyt(,en (16) feet , and
doing; such other v•or�. 'in ,nay be nece,)q,-Iry i-ri connection thereil!'th , aLl
in accordance -it: x)lans and st)ecifications to l:,e prepared by tt-:e
City Engineer.
That all persons -1-ho may r_l('sire to of jest to the said improve-
ment are hereby notif Led to ant-)ear and present such oi:;jections at a
meeting of the City Co,kncil to be }field in the Council Charii,er , in the
City Hall , in the City of Kent , at 8 o ' clock P. Nt. , on the l7th day
Of J;arc}1 1919 , v?}Lich time and place is hp r-eby fixed for the hearing of
all matters relating; to said improvement , and all objections thereto ,
and for determir.inL; the method of oayment for said improvement .
That the City Clerk is directed to sul:mit to the City Council
at or _prior to said date , a.11 data. and information required by lase to
be so submitted .
That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne
by and assessed against the pr. o-)erty li,,ble therefor a; provided by
Unon motion the Fire Dept. were authorized to purchase 6 coats
and 6 hats .
No further business- appearing Council , upon motion did then
ity Clerk.