HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/20/1919 KEIIJ ' ,, C1AS . Jt:h . 20 , 1919 ,. I Ra a l<1r n� 't iI. � ��1' t,rl? Colzl.(;i I * pr ':':'llt PA.Yor Fl 1p .�rld �oU.T1C11- m�n Gould ,. ?Fitt , Le��atte , ��,tlrli ,ol, , Murkir ai,d Nadcii. Counrcil�ri-r1 Moll. Co��liTiF later . M1L'Ut`'S O�' Jali. jtri 1'�ad alid a Co!nui,1catiotl 11'Otrl 1'ollc`.'' Judt,' r�,,i (i and rei'- -d to Polic- arld Licoli ' Loin+Ritter' arlri tO ': Ly Attor'rl'y t'_� 1'�'90 t 11"Xt n--tiri '. p` I I c ' nIi(i Lic-ii:p Cof(mli t te- r-port-o r-c Dra-1-1dil 6 th- cr1i"1, 0.L' Pe lice :alar;� beI05 .00 per iuonth be,;i111; �_r,z, Jari . I , 1919. R'?coiu-ndatioii , Upoll motiola 'ir?c:pt.-d. Fir1,1I1c" co,tr,lltt­ r-c0'rl'ftellded_ th`tL tl!- TTq*1itr10.1'I'ic'?1-s ..i'iL . be J incr a (I to 25 . 00 per 'W' - to he it J"111 . I , 1919 . VO'tlUlli fit,l�?T 1'1'n'll th- 11.i1'etU (` I11E'T =".t1QI1 r'� 1d , r '!�sU �ttC,F; t,n,i t ra Pesz,.rve Fill,(, l rJ)" (,I' ,I•l t r .>,y •t , b e Cr i t d , roi nr-d to %,at"r Oo,il . App1.ic7i t•J ('tj of �� . CJrlri st,�n ll _�'or Lic�,ij , to rul, cam t`tb Les r'PC1(1 an(I rel'ered to Clal;a.� r� . �i <11�:1 order'-y�i paid "pit 1' _ 110� F . L.. 'i't.1y1r r oil. 16 . 6o 1). C . Cooj\- ila( irlod"1y ) 5 . 09 E . F . hall^et1 �, �� 6 . 40 Leo Auto ?ial' I . 00 I ,?1,t ,motor C'rr' Co . Ga: ( Fi r? D9 t ) . 7-1 ;tat ' url}: S . W. i5. Drrzi. t 3 ..00 C . Ee . L)r,or(-,- Exp . C of P 2 . 00 Yeo:nari h,,ed auto !il r'-' . 15 `1'r)�? AfRerical1 Surety Co . lsorla; ! `1'1 ­� . 1 ')5 .00 Ponce ili(1 Lic'll:i`.' ;Join. uno ',11 L,y tlt ty . r"CjuLest'- nto purpoE+e a n 0 r d i J1_C, tn)l POliC1 lbl:a.;L'.'r oru 1.c11,ce alto �1ViT.F� Pored Ni'l .'t-1, pow'?r Ovc?r vr-liicies 1'l i, 0,1 t.11� ( ULroTI uoticll tri Fir f'i _ i W 1 to trl• t tijEl bt:, ilu.rl9d L:°rl(ia -%c!'1 !lO . "Y(:�}lt, it, 1'�r�� �! � .. � _ ili � iv_ at•r_! . 1' Al o it wit: i t,'ui.'ted treat a i L IIyc1L',II1t "It i t lvl it 1' o1 c"Ire 01 tll" stf.- t Vi`;:c (�ll 1 �1':'a c,� to Re:olut•ioll Ido . I3I , 'I-ClakiI16 iliLr'rltioli tr,� i'llu-c( - certain str�eta , by pavirlG ?"Id LINd adopt-(i L)y til, l'ol Lavril1bv0te : Coulicilrn-1 Gould , TDitt , L9Vatte , I11un ar , Noll N Coll liclilli_tri I1r"ir1(ii :i� l, VOtelT""i���l`�Q1e . ItE.;( I,U'1'IOPd iVo . I�3I . ' RSOLU`i'I(�i�� of I1��`C1i�TIC'1 ''C hi11t't�. i1 IS P%;OLD FII) b,y L11- 'Cit,y ()I' K"I't , ill K.111b !.;OUllt.y ,, 'it i CIt tol that it do , Arid d0-s !1 r by rl-:.L'ir- it,, is t -titi�-n � ()I' i,jiprowir Y { GoN'� ;>tI'oot L'r0111 tr I'.r1'3t ll'il't�lllai Lltl ' ;'0 i'1?lyd AV. corin-cted witrt tree exi s,t 1 he V!v '!rF'ri t ":S t tnri t p0in"lt , to Ltil W-St ' rM�ar�;il,al 1i1:� I'o FiJ_'t,il Av•�iat� . i Tolzrtrl Ave , ioutli 1'ro'il the sOUtll ill " r,i + e o c -ter n � t i � i , o N iT,n th. _ xi�.tir�r; pay. n- rlt, at trl- roll, , , t o t1.� l.ortll rrirEir.°11 11r,_ of' Crow street ; i F'it'ti"1 11v'' , SOLIth ,i'ro ll trig=' :(,iUt}: i i l,` OI' (3cmT9 :,tl' t , to tri- 1,ort.rl m ir�i.t: l 1. lin- of 21'o",, :-tr "it . �...,. Z'h.ir'Ci Ave . FOt.l t11 , f'r'O it 1.IIC' :OUtr'1 iil,r' 01' GOJ'dP trl� I)1'OLrC';:�d h,'-lV �rl�'lit -it trl'-it C.,Oilit , t: try' :'OLILCl 'tl"irvlTi<;Z i Crow ,,tom t .CI'o:n t l�1 ]_il, _ 01.' .,_ col,(i AV.-, corlr����,t� a l� i;th trip p r t i .t, , to tri tin; `'01' trlirr ave ; Proposed ')";V�'r1�nt r't t trl�', )O i r � � Second Ave South , from th? South t -["? Of Willis Y "t 10 tfle South live K Crow str--t Saar Street , from the West narGML line of First Nv-nuo , to f -lot liDo or Lpy CriAn,Q jlwaukee jt . Paul R. R. ri.qt of vray ; First Ave . South , ffQw the souLh liLs o! Mu: Mr?wt , connected with the exio tin, pvveapht at LuNt poiLL , to Lh- nOrtn IMe 0- Crow s r-et ; I Second Ave . North , from tn- north Lino of M9910r Street COLW-Cted with the qxlotino PnvOl-Lt It Mt Point , to the South line of skiny street ; Fourth Ave. north ,, frcy tPO worth Lino Of y0yher Ptr9et , cOnh-ct-ci with the qxistiL puvelwnt !it that poi"t ' to the South live of Minn. str--t ; Harrison street , from too w-st m%rJDnL lin- of S-Ccnd QVV . VOrtP to tho east Me MUM AV9 . MUD . Sninn Mr-ot , From M -nK Ms Of S-00nd AVO . ROM 0 to thn 9HRt lido of washln6ton WPM , a-M,Llt-d an Wific ul,hwny ; First AV- .North , from 10- north lin. Of M-MPr rty--t , MnnactPd with th- pxistin, pqvPw?ht at Q? puiwL , to tr- north =rtinnl line of Mtn str ­t produ !-d ; Smith Strut , from tn, qvrt Line of Flint Av- . Nortn , conn-Ond with West or the prnpuFqd piv-s-ht at LnNt polut , to the wpst 10- n.l., B . P. PyMiJroan Ave. connected vM th ? existinb PNvPm-ht it that point ; FirstAve . North , from M9 north lina Or Smith Street to ton sOuLil line of Winu?r str??L ; -xcppt innil oqsws , wnyre M-at M-rsqutlohp qv-rL% p ; By BrydiLb and uri"JLO to ur%wo such Meows , anq then paving said str-pts with noLcr?te of th- f?opo MV? WiULD US follows : ThNL park oV First Ava . LoMh froa heyn?r street to tM" No . line SwItn produced and ML p%rt of Snity str9pt prownpUrnm First Ave North to R% Krolo Avs , to ne OrLy ( 40 ) fret i width : %1 [ th- balance and r-MLM, ;WYK IS 11"I'ViL d9siLnUM , to ue Tw-nty ( M ) feet in Width; anq UM6 such OLhYr wort as iny Up npcpssAry in col nqQtlon therewith , all In ancord%acn YM Mns and sp9cifiontionp to be urapyrM by Lh- City Fh,iu?Pr . That ill persons won may unsir- to Object to the Said improve- ments ar- hereby notMyo to appear and prmsnM such objection at a meeting of th- City CoYnQiL to to QQQ in On- COS Hall in Kent , it 801clock P. M. on th" - 3M U%y of hoM 19179 . which Lim? %nd. plii­ Is hereby fixed for 1 the -qring of M Mt -ro Math, to said Improve- ment , and all objactionr th- 9to , and for Merminii-, the a-Urd of pays-ut for snid improv-w?nt . That the City Cl-rK Is Krected to suuTit to to- City Council. at or prior to sold Tito , ill dito iLu information r-quir-d by 11w to be submitted ; M thnt tn- vcst and -xp-no- not sill improvgm-nt FhMLJ be bong Q and asr ,rand %Lainst UP prop-rty LQb1q th-rnfor I-, provided by law . A*jojgv 5 REBOLUTION NO . 162 ._ FESOLUTIUN OF INTENTION TC MaKK MAL IMPROVEMEIT. It is PM30LVED ny the CiLj of Kant , in Xln6 County , Wash , that It do and It 00-S UclareiQs int-Mion of imPr0VIn,cPrtain strMs uni avenues, in saiU CIL, , unf"lln-P . Meeker street , from tno east side Vo U-uLraj nvp , connected witn Mutt, pavowyM at tre poiLt , to Lnn west slu- u.,, State stry-L COLMM-0 HK th, PIOPOP?d pNvemeat at KaL poi= Stat- Str--t , Frn- ' - ' po" 111 " Oj KaPK-r WPM , tO My S%Lh side or 1' Y1111n. street ; Jason street , from the soutn side of pavyjqnL an Smith str-pt on- nPoted with th- exintinn rq --yent at that point , to the north r1dq of CoCar street . Cedar ,Strclyt , from th- w-ot Pide oZ Jason street Conn-otad with the PrOPOM P%v?Mvut at LIT ' point , to tn? east f , de 0,,L, Clqrk street . Tamperanc- stront , Cron tnO -Ost Old? Of JasOn strast , connqctqd -itn the propop-d juvemaLt nt treat point , to the elpt side Oj* ClNrK oty-nt . Clark gtr4et , from to- norta side or " OIQ str?-t Conn-ptan wun the YxistinA PavyTInt % I 014t Point , to the north old, of Coin 3tr-pt . Titus strn?t , frcs tog alst siq- OY RNtJrQI0 Ave , connected Tith tn- eXiMM PlVel'"n't at that Point , to M W-Vt S149 Of Central Ave . conn?ct-d with to- Yxistino pavan,ant at that Point , PxCePt in ILL cin-s whPry street intarv-ot- ions avorlip . By 6radiha , and briLj , to f . ale such stry-ts Onj aV_nUqS , and th''n PaViLn Slid str-pts witp nonccatp oC Lho r-sp-otiv- with as follows : All th- Mr-sts as Nhave a?wI,NL-d , to be twonLy( po ) Caret In width , and uoiL, sunn otnyj worK % a on, b- veopwsa,y i ......ti,11 th-rawith5 all in annor, "cp wjLn pious n.0 to be prpparpA by the City Eu,ine-r. TnatN11 inviry Loouj?ct Loth- Said ImPrOv-MM are' n-fabY Autifill to Npp-nr quq pr 's-nt :such objqctIoLo at n me-Lirb of tn- MY Council tO OP H- ' A in the City (Hall at Kent , at 801clock P. M. on th- 3 Day of hnrch , 1919 , which tIA- and pinc- is hereby fixed for heirinn of all MLers reiatinb to Said improvpm-lit , and all obj?cticns n-f-Lo , and for an-ranina A SAO of ony,.,t fol said iTPrnv-W-nt . That the City Clark is Qt-nt-d to submit to tn- Ununcil at of prior K sail Intg , nil INK nLl i "Mr -Umn rnquir-d ty LIM to b- submitt-d ; and Mgt M COOL and M-nn- OV Paid 1mnrnvPTPnL MI'. bP UMO 0- aril ass-yp-d a6n1hM 0- PM -YK liabla tP-r-fnr- n - prnvid-d by low. nESOUTIM X0 . 183 . RELSCLUTIOV OP UTUTIM TO NAKE LOCAL IT IS RESOLVED oy too City Councilay Ln- Cjpj njK.,t , 11, Kj ,t; v011nty ,l"ashingtor , t"Pit Uc "I 10-P A At ON d-6 10 r- 1 ts J ntnnt I orl Of ImprWn, port iah" Of Titus Mr9''t %"I M-Lic My , frow UP list, Sid- of Mtrnl Avg . Nt Tituo Mr- s connoct-0 wito tpp -xjstin � Pav=19nt at tvat point , to tQ9 POOL mirbiuvi Ling oC Sc-nic Wjy ; nnl on �1) Sephic why from try:':' scuth lin? of FL O PrOY02-0 P%vem9nt on Titus str--t to N point Opposite to? soutbm-wt curLor of tr- prop?rty of A , R . Berlin , by 6rndin6 and brin,in, to % rqja slid str?.t, , ,, tp.tj pnvina th? snTy with concrpts 20 f?�L ! a Idtn , and in joi ,, ru-h CM.,11"Ary ih qo L tL-Z0-jtP , all in lelorq- nric- wi t_rl plons ani SPOC if i 01 t i onn to be PrIpPr9d by too City Fn&1n-n.r' or nn inqqr -Tploynd Q the MA W U-ntrar such purpose. IT 1 S F HPT17P P 4 A OLV ED by t A P sn 1 d COu H 0 11 , t Al t try r q ron o C t 0 natur- and Ohn=ct-r OC tv- spacial U-0300 r-suLtHg A01 SUM ImPrOv9y-mt wn) CM W-7,'+9 b-Snnd the boundivi-r OV the 100 1vprQv-- ment district to PqY On Wrolq of tog cQat and axpense of vu,l Improvem-nt , to-wit , Y rolLows : BgLinninq nt to- quort-r rictich corngr bstw-an Sacticu 19 ind P4 In Township PP horth , Ran, 4 and 5 Empt W. M. runnino thqucq snuth. 568 fq9t ; tP9009 west 565 VP-L to Lh- StnL? nibhway or Centrnt AV- ; thehoe north alov, thy FNIJ 3tit- hip, 980 feet to We line bptw-?u th? NurthPaN quarter S?Vinn ihl tne snUhn%ot quvrtar P-C.- tion of said s?ctlnu 24 , Township 22 hortn , Ran, 4 Euvt w, M, tnpn- , , EaBt 613 feet Lo UP plate aV by6ihn% , Unl "w UW% tt-1 t-rritor, within ta? onroorits kwits of Q, jib, of Knot . Also lots on- ( I ) to nix ( 6 ) unn inclusiv? in b WK fiv- Lots on- ( I ) to six ( 6 ) botr inclusive in uWK Q,nL ( 8 ) ill of 31itl lots in Wisnin,tnn WhtrUl IMproVen-uL ju ' o . YOU addition to KYhL . n I an Lo L s tw- I v 9( 12 ) to i r L Y?a ( I a n q Y ou r t?p" ( 141 i h a i ac i: ( 1 ) , Or!,Ual Town of KeUL . IT In Further RIGOWND , Inat on--nulf t4- 009L nnn -XU-WW- oc such liprove a-nt , sn% L L OP lssess?d N, I. L ju%t portion op th- propprty witnin sucn onnr,?d ajoLtint kju, ultalan th- tpr%ini of pronoryd iiprov-m9ot anq -xLywdjua uncs 011 to- nnrl WvL Nn? tn-r-al, to tog WWI- of Q- NOCK on yvov SO- 4­2 -01 , In tn- 101- pqil mann"r pr-sofib?d ny law ; and Q% & Ful H unvWon or tna rouvindgr Of thy COSts nnl OXWnse Uny-0Y , 0wlL b9 ANtrib n t-d Nn ! wannsond against all th- prnp?rty Antuded in r-Tniwnr of sumn PnLNr,-(,1 distrilt in aCC0rJVn0P with th- PP-ai%l b?npfity ; wHich r-MINI-1. is to bg on­hilt W? total cop& an -xp-hyy oC vjj 1yppveT_,t . C Thit all Persons who wNy d?Fic- LQ o01-nL to th- sild ilvrov-_ Tent , Or to the MnWr and Uthod of distribuLing the copt qn,1 ex-OnS9 thar3of , are h-! Pbs Uotifi -d to app-Nv and prnr-vl rqV1 Obj?ctions at a pe-tin, of th- jitX Courn ! L to ho 1 ? 11 ih tQ , Council Chuobp, In U? My Nall in K-m , Nt 801clong p , H, on 3 day of March IQ19, wpion til- and np !- jo 0-y-by yixgd r,, t,- h-%rinw of aLL nntt -rn r-latin, to soil loprov-y-ot , and 11t obj.,tt.- tions Wr-to , and for d-Wrnlviv, Lha mnod ny plol-ht Cor SNpl i1proven-tit . Thnt the MY C19rh is dirIcted to oubnR to th? Council at or prior to said lita , % LL mtm Nnd Wormlon. rquir"d by W to b- sn subiltt-d , and tn- t tn- cost and -xpons- of said jMprnv_,yut shall be borne by and. aFo-soya a.ai"V tno property liabl- th3r-for as by law required . No further business appearing CouncLl , upon motion did then adjourn. City WlqrK $