HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/06/1919 Knut
LNQ re6ulnr o-K06 0 L? jouncil ; present joupolLopu Wolaynn ,
Could , Hatt , Levatte , ladison , hNd9n %Hd T-sby . ; joupoiloan
Madison Win, as Lnyor.
Einutys Vo Woembpr 16t- . i9Nr Nol approved .
01-OKS , Treusur-ro uLd ini9f 0! Police monthly rpporLs and
Pdlice Courts noual P?port , x-r- r-ni al 110d.
A motion w n s made QS wouncilwah jolewan to %low thy' City
Fn6inpqr the cost of the repair an Is tancit Which wo injurpd.
while bqK6 1 S94 Q Lne itty ; moved to m?nd tq
Motion by Ilowino one Ulf 0 do cost V twe cepnir ; the Qotion as
amended carri9d by the obilowiab 00te , counci lWan ,untt , hadgil
nhd T,wby votins "Ayg" %Ld 0ouDcj1T9a ; y1jjon , GmIld qnd haiatto
voting "Ro . u .
UPOU OctiOn it wus OF(1?r-d LHUL Won- who A-cPaft-r usyd Lnq
FLQne9rQb 00truw?utu wOuld u- hid eeupoaoible for Lngir siCa-
ty whila th pop .
Claims read an orepred paid as blLows :
J. R . martin , irp%oure , InL-reU n" wonds Anoeoxo
W. F. Tholoy wfonsih, lontrNot 103 .10
0 . G . cnvhLluj Au.Ppl i po . 40
John TnaluLd A110 S-Ovine Q .T)
Ppebe Pqarmvcy SU F P 11 e,:,, 2 . S5
Co . Doal Pre n0fri
City Transf-re yvvyin ' 12 . 00
P.K . F&Y . WO. Li'Ntin, A jooinj:�
C. T . Olivar
Watson Garl--.3 TQOIP &Kqp . 1 .30
Xastside LuThpr Co . Lu mb-r
Fedicol Aide bqrd Arsw?nt i . Yq
Mrs Goo . Joil 3%1 . 40. 00
J. R. Partin Exp. 35 - 90
F. J. vronaisco
90 .00
J . A Sou I
J. A . Hn&%dorn
Noccr-bor 5 . 00
7irn Dqpt . 25 . 00
L . E. Price Exponsps 101 - 75
Chas . hattini Labor 5 . 00
T. Jqnreli 11 80.00
Art Belo-n L . ,, .Pric- 11 36 .00-
F. J. hawyll It 79-50
John Rot 6Y. 50
William Gn%WyU011 -( 5 . 00
wult-r Lehi to 10 .00
N-VyZield ! awe . jo . SUP . 5 . SO 1
Olympic FouhUry 11 96 .65
L. A. Price Frpl,ht 5 .06
Fletcnor A so . Pipe 10 .50
W. Eoul4ron A= Hire 6 . 50
E . A . ?ichardsoli Toolo I Koy . 2 .00
OrKnance on . 415 , approvih, u- aosy,-vqpht all for
11striot Po , I77 , rpaa and pinepa upo. , its final passiGg and
carried by tne unanimous ute or dl [ It thP OylncilmPu pr-s-nt .
QrdiLance No . 416 , approun, tag an;-Fvw-qt vil of r7.1xv,liz
di0triat Bo . 178 , ryan %h! PlqCPd upon its Yjn% L paryj,p au(i
carri-d by to? un%nijous v0k? Of % 11 Of till. OfLr CouryilAxn
No furtner busineso nppearjao ' Ln ' 200"Wii , upol notion , oid