HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/21/1918 OC 00bor 21
"tink Of th? jOutcil ; Present jouncilyen Gould ,
Hatt , LeValte , Madison , 1;aden and Tefaby ..
The mostin, was called to OrJOr by acting layor 7 . F. Ind-
ISOU. Nayor Overlock being, absent . E . A. haqen KIS uppoint9d.
Clerk for one qv-Ning in the absence of city jlzrk L. F. price .
Minutes Of Octoberl" were read on approved.
CRY Clerk was instructed tO LVIQ Jack Campbell to move
buildA6 on alley and op-n up the same .
After some "cussiOn the "natter of the gravel pit was loft
with the street ComAtten to rsport at the heft 1qqt1n6.
We AllOwini UiIIS were read %au ordered paid :
Clark Hamilton labor
W. Tholay 0 i 19wa L.K 39 -00
157 -90
Upon ontion it was decided tpat the JaP Saw Mill be order-
ed cleaned and kept clean .
Ordinance # 413 =0 rep ahu upon notioh placed upon its
final pawsa,e Una carried U, tne unboincus vote of all of tne
Councilmen present .
P9POluticn W 115-A own read and auaptoo as foilcws ,
That tree 2 " day Of December 1918 , at tree hour of 3 O 'clock
P. M- At the COkucll Juamber in too City Hall , at Kent , Wuoh_
in'ton ' ba and " "we is fixed %W tre time %h*laCe for hear-
W On tie asse. Owent roll for Local WrOvOwMt District Number
175 . That the City Cl?rk he uLd is horeby directed to puUji,11
in the Official WwsPnPer Or the My at Kent , notice tnereof as
squired by I%w awd Lye ordivah,e OV L,, , id
After considerawle discussion in rp1pro tc pavin6 of I nt-r--
PP000M 0 Smith and Central Str-ets Cowe an ago St9pt s, q l rand Titus Nnq CpntrNI Strat , vpg oNvy sJe 9nt i rely' in th9 hands of the C i ty Vn] -r.
to VuTtLer busAgsp appearin, tl& Wuncil , upon motion , On
t1en adjourn.
E . H. Leaden ,
city Clerk .
Kano , ArPiLnIon . Oct . 29 , 1916.
SP9"l 19-tin' Of toy COWAI , CnlLej to appoint eigctinji
boards ; P""t mayor "" "k Vna WGUhClilaL WOleJnL , Hqtt ,
L-VNtt- nq Nqdison .
upon notion lint Prepared 0, the ClyrK WD' npprov?d .
City C1erk .