HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/03/1918 Kent , �V,�s ,;tl . , June 3u, lylr, . Regul.aIr riieetiii6 oi' tii- City �_'ouiici�. ; pre.;erit (,,OUriCil111e1t i-,;,ttQn Ht1 tt , Gould & `I'inlb;y ; Counciiff)an i,;aderl actitir; a ,,,, Mayor ar,d Courl- cilm aii LeVatte acting, Clnl'k . Yirnit,e- of Poly 20t11, read (and approved. Clerl.:` alld Chief' flf Police reports for the 11101"ittl of Vf%y ,, read ,ind filsd. Cl&1111,, read 811(1 ordered pain. as iollo,�,rg : J-, R. hLrtirt , Trea:? . 1 12 IntAre:;t 961t25 .00 ilderril'i -ld 1Idw- . Co . 311T)plir s F .?o h7alworth rift;. CO . Water ;yst . Sup . 20.69 Leo , !viorhin Auto hire - .O0 Ctl:a , . NiattinI t^ltat("iI�natl �-) . 00 LClbOr 80.00 I' . JeIaB�?L Libor (5 .00 J . Halley Labor J. 11(a ddArt Labor P,nte %Vardel Labor 3 .00 T . I.iayitew La b or 70 .00 J. R. h"a1,tjrt Salary 65 , 00 F . J . Fra.ilci;co Salary yp, CO J. A . Uou1e ; ra1ra1'.) 3_� .35 J . A . 1Ia�a do1•rl Sra j ra ry 5 , 00 G . ivy. kcGI'ex�or S a lar;y 15. 00 L. E. Price iary A'lo0 . 00 , L?xp , f 3 . 50103 .50 Fire !kept . 6calar'y 25 .00 C . T .011ver F,Lit�il,eer111E 1A .00 Jl;o . CJ)apinan , ��i, L.E.Price Elit;i1i-erj.116 11 . 50 Everf:,tt Cowptort 1�,1ii,iti�eritl 11 . 50 C . i- 11ardil-.�; Par'K Upxeep DI S,I...i de Lu111oer Co 111 ,E Joe Cowan llr .25 Jno . Eliblund Auto. Hire 5 ,0C A . A . RiS,F�dorph Pr111. 111L, lo . ,SO Sj (iet� , li r-esOlutiorl Mo . l j -� , rea(l and ac±opted as follows : Trie Streot Committee of the City Council of the City of Befit , in Kant; Coutlty ,, State o-' 14,aslij.116ton , ►la., reported to til- -Llid City COUr.ICi1 tltat the public sai'ety and corlveraj.-lice I-PgUir,�, ti!at a sidewalk be renewed ,ilcn, ttte tiort.rt Side Of, Will- 18 street , frOtn Second AV91lue to 'i'Iijrd Aveiiue , and WtIRT)FAS , the raid City Council deenlS the r"rieWfal of the said ; l(19walk r,ec-ssriry and c01lVeiilent 1'or tree public , it is therefore PRSOLVFl) , that a hf, tall(! Is hereby ordered r'eliewed alone; tltp' rlotth ;j d.e n+ s n i? r c,o S a� v n c� of, ��illi ., ,t;re t , i, _ Ln .n �,. corid A , _IIu . ar,d 'l'iiird Avenue : Sraid r,1�_eWulk to t,e of cot)crete oi' Lh-? �vj(jtr, of, r=i> 1'--t ftlid sh�a.1L t�, according; to tr- 1'011owIiit, spec ifjc-atiorns , to-wit SPECIFICA`1'I01%S A("CURDIRG `TO 01?l)IIvAiJCE A104 2. .)I4 . `L'he sevgral lots tracts ali(l parcels of land abuttil.t; of :;aid pro7:(i;�d sidew- alK are k)".L(.) descr it)e(I oposit;e the names of the 1 ":1I)eCtiti'e OV,rller"S or repUt�-d oVdtl-n' , , vmell Known , land the esti- mated cost cin(I experi-,P of tt-ie said si(iEw I l.t` to eact! of said own- ers , ai'd the total CO' t t1�el'eOf' are 'Is below salted. Owi,er , Myers Estate , Yeslers Firp.t, Ei(jcij tjorl to j Qlit., Lot 2 , blh . 10 , Esti dated cost �?P108. 00. The -stimated total a8 ,re,,ate co;'t ralr(i pXI;eI"iSe oL' said Si(ie- WR11, j S eSti �rlat.ed at tale Sum of ?± L08 . UU. TYle request oi' J . R. lviartin i'or r1101'e pay was , upon rnoticll , rei'�; ed to the Fj iiarlce Colrlmi t tee. No ilirtiier l)uSziiieSq appedrint; tree Council , upon motion , dic then , d jurn . F . Pr oteln.