HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/05/19181�oz Kerit , WashinL'toil, 5tn . 1s318. Regular lneeting of t.Yle CounCil; present Ma. or Overlock COur,cilnen Hatt, kladison, and .Levatte, Gould coning in later. Nadeil arld T' 1mby; Counc1lln.7.11 Mirna.tes Of April 15, rears and approved. Petitio.rl and ol*otest mctioll the 10' load on the scale charges was read and upon was placed at four tor,, instear+ of three tom. Clerks 'Treasurers a.rld Chief of Police reports read. and filed. Co nunication frolrl the Valey Gass Co. read ;;rid riled. Upon Tnotion the salary of the street fore,nan was placed p_'r month, with the at $50. nlollth 01' April. Cl'rims rea(jl ruid ordered paid as follows. J. 11. Martin, Treas. J. R. martin 11 C0,1111lission paid 7•�l5 bledowcrofts Auto service I11t-rest, S.W.B., Auto hire 100.00 John Et1L�lund 10 If 4.0U C. T. Oliver Salary 6.50 Chas. PAIttitti Watch n1,, 1�.00 F. J. Newell LaiaOr S.OU T. Jensen Labor SO. UU J. E. Harley Labor 78•75 T. Mayhew Labor 6 3.00 J. R. Martin F. J. Franc isc0 Sal. '� Exp. Uif 70.00 65.25 J. A. Sou l e Is 92.04 J. A. Itagadorn it ) 3 •35 G. ml. Inc Gregor U 5.00 L. E;. Price If Exp. 15.00 Kent Fire Dept. 1125 102.85 Low.,nan & Hanford Flag . OU Easts;ide Lumber Co. Lu!rlber° 8. �5 H. Baldwin "o L.E.Price Tearniri g 11�0.37 Joe Col all 1'ea lning 32.00 P. 3. E. Ry. CO. .�t. Li"rltil.�; 33.04 Contin�rltal Pipe Co. Water Pipe 1?9.50 Bowles Co. Kent Journal Flusher Gaffes , i 33 .0�0 6.30 Real Dru,; Co. Printing Supplies ?2.60 l��!'�rriL'inld idwe. Co. 6.10 F. L. Taylor 13.95 L. E. Price D. D. Taxes 26.00 P1 N. T. rk,rlles Carp-�tlter Work 12.40 45.25 Upon :iiotioll the bids oil as b-3ing too high; and the sidewali�. (mist. 174) were turn, o down and the cost charged to the City Council ordered the walk repared property. ResOlutiori No. 1T5, declaring- it,tetltioll to rellew sidewalk, read and adopted , 1'ollOr�s: was WiiE? EA S, the Street COm_nittee 01' the City Council of tY1Q City o KentCO, �tnin icing Co. , State 0" WaShin6tOl,, r,a:; reported to the said City cil that the public safety alld corlvstlience require ttlat a sidewalk be renewed along the North side Oz' Willis street from First Avetlue to Second Avetlue, a.nd a-1011 the we,,t Side of First Av:�rju e froln Willis street to Saar street; also alOtlg the east side Of Central Avenue r)etw??Il ,?eKeT' Street alid GOwe Street; also along the west side Of' First Avenue oet,ceerl Sear street :and Titus stre?t, and WHEREAS, the said City C01111cil d"'ell's tilQ renewal of tiq Said Sidewalks neces::iary and colrvenietlt f'Or trla Public, it is tiler'efOre RESOLVED, that a Sidewalk be and 1S Yler�'b,jr Order?d rene- ,ved alorl ; the n0rtil side of Willis street betw en First Avenue all Second Avenue, and along the west side Of First Avenue bet!,ve�r1 Willis street and Saar street; also along th- eaz;t side of Central AV'T1Ue '')?tCNeell 1V1anKe1 gtr'ont and c;ow" street; a.lso �11011!� the west side Of First Avetlue fietNeen Sria.r ;street aI0 Titils street. r 1 hv(j Said SIlk ShcllI be Of C0I1CI.ete of th, Width of six feet, (]IId Shall be ac^ordinL; to th- f01Lov,,iiI�, SpeCificatioil S, to-1.vi.t: ORJIi!1`�rr�F SPPCI�'T!JA`.CIUrJS, O�t.11I1�f�P!Cfs 30 251F. The severril lots,, tracts and parcel:: of lalici rjblIttilig upon sai(i propos-d sidewalk are b--low de:;(;rihed oposite the n�i'nes IT the I'e ipective Own-i'S or reputed O�"dIl"r'�3, w.n.eil k110U�Il, '1,n(l Vn- esti!rilat-d coat land expen:;e of said si.r e"'A"11.k to ea cil of tree Sail owners, and the total a6�,re6,,Lte cost tr)ereof are as blow st=ted: Mrs. T. L. Cook lot 2 5, block 1 't�3s. ist. Add. $262.00 Pars. W. Watson 5,6, &, % it 11 W.C.I.Co..1 t.Add. 108.00 A. '. Gould " 4 & SIt 2 Yes. lst. Add. f12.00 ` fvh estirn'Ited total a, tre6(tte cost alma exp4'IISp of sa1d. Side waLK is estima.t!�d at the turn of �4')2.00. McI tt-r' of the paving; of First Avenue north ::Ind S111n11 street; '.also Go'we Street W-st and Second ',n(l Fourtn Avenues, tV<I ref r- ed to t1lo Street Cornrnittee for Investid=hill. Ro flirtner ;usln-ss 'zppea.rinL, Lrle Uouncil, upon notioll' tiid then adjurn. r City c,1Jkk