HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/01/1917l X Nf -4 1.1 343 K-11t, wa;;lhi"Lton' octobev lot. 1917. Regular rneeti Ig of thy Council, pre8ent Major Overlock and cOU110 L1I1?11 colellA n, Gould, LeV4t Le , hadi son, Naden c° Ti ntby . MihU.teo of sypts'Illber llth. real ona approved. Cal"rks T"_'port :for the nollth OV September reaQ aua filed. Claims road and allowed as _1 ullovs ModowcroUs Auto Service Auto Hire gg 13.,) Kent Jouroul priNting 18.20 Ii . P i cq Tgaahl.i hlg '1 gami HE 65.00 Allen Clark Auto Hire 6.00 C. 1. Oliver E"'I leerin6 M.Oo A. 'N. P.arralhllh " ly . 8-1 Tied crow splicy Cable 1.00 Joe Cowan Street cl"nni, Y4.50 Fire Dept. Sal. ?5 m) J. i'. i'&Irtin it 55.00 F. J. Francisco It 1 .0O 1)r. .t,,. .�. Gould It 5.00 J. A. Soule if 35.35 J. A. Rabadorn 5 . 00 L . 7. Price " & Exp . 102.46 Medical Aide Dept. Assiut . �' • '7 CI,a.; . -"datta.II-Ii Via, tcflaihlll P. J. htewell La5or arc . 00 W. U. IIolt " 9.00 T. J-nspn " 51.00 Geo . ` annoy If 18.00 P . C . Ramsay If 16 .50 L . Clark It 6.00 C. V. Guiberson P.A. StalIM Envelopes 43.Pe P. S. 7. Ry. Co. La. )or on cro;,sillg 11{.ay ',Vzi,`_uifl. Pipe to Foundry co. Freloht On Pipe N.25 Crane Co. lVilt"h 1")'Ys1.. :Ju ). 56.V6 P . Facklyr T"' ' Jfl rlc ; . QO Bids On the Scenic Ave. pav i rho; , D1 :, t . 168, w9r o opened and read ns f'ollGvs: N. T. Barnes for $P5y8.41, this b-inK the only bid and it being above the estivate, tt was, upon itlotdon, t'-pC tpl. Ordinance to. 404, 1(E1.kinl; tax levy for the Year 1918, wag road and Ilopa lllotipi-i ")laced upon its .final paSsa'q and cam-d by the unanimous vote of all or tie counailweal present. ordlrlahce to. 405, UMOVU6 a;;;;e`c;,;iLefit roll for sidet'OIK tail With otre-t , Dist. 1601 Wus real and UPQ11 motion pla cod Upol.h i t ra flua_L p:t.s a6e uud by the Un%"i "Is vote or all or the couq- cilvion present. Ordici-'uiice l,io. 406, a.1lfirovio6 a;;:;esspent roll !or sidewalk oil Cent. Ave11e , Dist. 162, was .roan and upon Nu t ion placed upon :it:; final na sabe and carried by the un%miluous ,rote or all or the Coun- Mini n present. Sidewalk resonation Do. UP era, read 4W adopted as follows: t'6URP_AS: The Went Conaittee or toe city Council or tihe City oi' Kent, ilri,;]1111, toll, na-'l reported to toe said City Council that top Public Safety and convenience require that a :;idgwalk be [,ell9 aed aloni the north side or tooter street prom the Puget Sound Elect- ric R1611t-or-May to Lincoln Avenue and Troll Vlohnps.on Avenue to the city limits or the CitA or Kgrit, on to- Vilest 6oundry ttlereof',and The said city Council donuo L"q rehlewal Or tho said si!?e-- walk necessary and collve"inat for th- public, it is the!•erore PWOLVED, that a Si_de= lk be and is ilgroby Order-d renew-d ,:and con- structed nlon the north side o_ heaKor :street from the Puget sound electric collhpaij.'.; Pi,;iht.-01��1"�%a�' to Lillooln AV?luq 'litd 1'rolhl Tlhol!lp�oi`h Avenue to the City Valit`+ of the 'City of Writ, , oo twl west thoaandry thernor. 344 Said sidewalk Stl:all t)e of coilef,ete o1., tiit' vvi.dtil of six fe'?t, ar,d h sall be according to the .i'ollo�°airy; specii'ir.Ltion", to-vax OYCIJLfJLXCE INSE-';`i":D 1I11;U. The several lots, tiac��: lrii p��rc<'ls l;illd a.t)utt lilb on jpro- r, :;_i.deivalk are 1,-low described Opposite tl-ie name':; o:' .id tilp respec- tlVe 04VIlerS or r='pilt"(1 owner ti, Wilell KIiONIlI, F111(I tYIE? estit�(i cost ;Jlld exp�4,'I;e 01, the slid S1CIevrlk to eacil o1.' ;;aid UVarl:'rcLliC1 file tnt�il <� t)r'";:;ate cost ttlE'reol' i.re �ibelow st;atc,(I Ciivil'I' ArLUtioil G. iellll hOt lilOCi: 1_-P;3t. GUIDt?r90.11 Addition to 1i:'llt 3 3 8 6 jQ T. R.-;iF7a11fion II a II a lj %. 5G J. At)ttcherli u o II II !+ r 0 J. Atiaf,hel'lt II II II II 67.50 Pirs . ; chmi dt Sup . Plat to 1:-Iit 16 F 2 -1. 00 1viiz';13. Scilmidt II II I. II 11 F 21.O0 Nx'S . Scthrid dt II EI II II _�t> (1() T . J . Ilovil .ley U 11 It II 19 F . .00 dr;�. Cullvuill�s II II II II �o � I � - 1•00 JAL"', er U If U u l.00 Airs. Carrier II II II II 1� j? 27.Oo D'Ar9. Golds;)ary IfJ trl 30 I' n6.0Ci Thy c'Stiiatted tote ;, l a�z�re;�ate oo,t a.nd f?XIaerlse al' the said 6'/cllk is estilfr tQ(1 at tfl'.' fililll Oi 367.5 . QQ. Tire illlt;t-r of t;he breaicabe )i' a fire nv(Ir ctlt at he corner oi' first avenue alid i.��illis ;;tre(�t, by tllra.;;llllF' t�lrti'i.t yaa; rei'e.i°ed to t1le city Attorney. The it a.tter of pl(,1.c111E)* (t culvert il� the ally back of of t1;(� ivel.l p�-,l CE" Gacl-� refz-'r eri to t11e Strut Coll t tt11 b"1 i tb flC) to lh.('t , No f'I1rtrlel' bUS1C1PSR a.pp4arir1l; tilE' c01111c,i1, Up()11 Motion,Cll.(I tflell a d jUrll . City clef-K.