HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/17/1917 40 Kent , W" l cAiI]v)ton , 'S I)t . L j , 1��i t. Reziular lmeetiilt; of tll" Couii<;:i.l. ; T)r";'('iit Tjn.\'Qlr Overlock and Councilmen Le'Tatte , 1.Qadi ,Oli , 11a,den `l'i mby . Ali Mute: of >-pteiiber 2 , rea,(1 cllill al)Tiroved , as r" .ld.. Colluilie'a,tion 11oI(1 C . Ivi. P. Co . , ill reeua.rd to pipe under pavi.li� El corner Of P,ailroad Avenue an(t S I'd t11 '_street , ti^J'i read and filed. i Claims read ._nd Ordered pald. as fol.-1_ovr0 : ' Gordon Van Drocklill Pii6;. 8 G .85 lvutiolvjl IaIet.:Ar Co . 14'z tf,r> 1113 .1)0 Kent , Journal 1)rirltirlL�; 9,1.5 Merrifield Ildwe . Co . )u1)1))_ies 3 .20 P. u . E. Ry . Co . I,i.rilt:i.11l 1P8. 70 tI. 11. Ra., lluss'ell 1'001,', 1'op. 5 . 9 5 Kent Adv�rticser 1'rintiils 3 . 50 L . il, . Price I'rei,_JA oil llet'.�i'S 1.o6 Ed r..fad ,er,- Lzxt,0r 9. 00 W. 11 . I iiati_,L;s ToO L:> Itie.P • T . Jensen 1.:A.t)o1, 1.85 Upon motion actioIl on Clle "(ict.; Ir'1.i11CSiliSE'" was del' i ed lzntil. z- Dil-Aire Itieeti116. Resolution ldo . 165A read _.nd adopted a,; .1'ollows ; ;,ettillg tiillca for h(-4arin,:, oil arse:;;Ilellt roll : IT CS RT;tOLV'F,D DY 1110, CITY J'01MI C IL OF `1I1 C;ITY OF KEI I T : TWIt. t11'c' ;'2 day of October , 1911 , at LE, hOL)r of v o 'clocl: at tiie Council Chaipbers In tfie (;it,y II:�1_a. , <tt l:l'ilt , WasiIiti ;toll , � 1)e <1:Iid_ t1le SaIlle is fixed as the tiI(le %nd I)lace 1'or llearint, On t.11e y roll i'or Loral Improvelli-slit Di:,tri. ct Ho) . 165 , 'or the buildini� of a concrete ;i(Ievgalk a.lollt; the east s:i.de of Cent-'al AVerm(? , ii�, 11DOilt Of lute 7 °r 8 , t)ir)ck 8 , 1",i[, ;;IIIIt; ton Celltra1 IIrIT)- rOVeRP1it COILpally ' S Fir-A Adi;itioil to help . Tn_at tll- City Clark be and h9 i0 her(A>_)y (i_i_:rected to publish ill the ofi.'icial lvspap-x o1' 31e Cl t,y of i"=1tt lloti l;e titel Aof .1;, r���Iuired by Lxvi and file or•dinalt(,.es of tij., ; ; i(I City . Ordillaiice No . 402 , provi dint; i'or the i Ini)rovell rl t o1' Titus street alld Scenic ;'Jay , by i)aveillr the tir_tille 1R;ith collcrPte , l< 1't . i►1 width , wa;, read a.ild upon motion i)lra.ced upon i.ta final parsa"e and carried by t.ile un,.illiillous vote of all oi' t1le coullci.11lleli present . Ordinance No . 1103 , Cixin6 tfie salary oi: the Chief of Police , wus read acid upon motioit placed upoli i t: 1'j ni it pa.ssa( e L!lld cur- ried by the 1zna.1111(lOus Vote of all of' tli- present . Re,,olution 11o . 1(l , declarill inteiltio,l to build sidewalk v:a;; read Lind adopted as follows : The Sti-et COiltilti ttee of '.:IIE' ;'i t,Y CoullCil of tfl" City. Of K-Int , ii, King Coulo,y ,, ,`.',trite of' 1'JaoiiillGtoil , iv.t.:; reported to trite Said City Council tilztt the public Safety 111111 collvenience re�luiz'e til;,t a sidewalk be renevTed �ilollt;, the l,ortil si(I.e of ;;Illiti! 1'ro1I1 JaIsml ; t1'eet to ""C'ilhoull "r.iy , "'lid Wfh�,P1VUS , The said Cit" Couli- 4 cil deeiiis the renewal of tile said sidevrq+lk neces:;ary and cOilvoni.ent Cor the public , it is therel'Ore 11!"SOLVI D , tlltt.t a :;ide:4<<1 L1:. 'be aild It f1"1'eby ordered rei!ewed £:Clop£; tfle 1i(;rt n :ride of Smith :;tre`_'t � from Jasorl sti.e -t to Cultioun way. ;;_ii (i .;i de;^alk to -be 01' concrete of the Width 01, six 1'eet , a11d shall be ac(!ordin,2 to tile -i"ollov'inL specifications , to-wit : C1RDIAI,;CF SPECII'ICATIOIiS Il'1 iE i''ED I11i;i'li;. The several lots , tract; and p<l_rcels 01, bind �)buttiill oil raid proposed s idevvalk are belovi described opposite the nalaes OI' the r`.'Specti Ve Owners or reputed owl-jerr , wil('n ldlovlil , ail(1 tale estil(Eited cost and expense of s�`'id sidev"(ilk to eac11 of' said ow,,ei`s , Ei.Ild. the tOt<,l air, reE;a,te COrt illel'eof Ur'e a;; i)21(i�"T £;tlAted : 1 Xf�[j(� 341 0WNEI, T . A Howley . BeLining at a point at the intgrSecsion of the north =Zinul of SpA th stre9t iP the City of Rent , King County , ','I : Yl u ton , with Pest Its rqi._ teal line of Calhoun Way ; run thence horth 120 feet , along the west line of Calhoun Way ; thence went on a lime parall9l. with the South live of Temperance strq-t to the -not Na1'gual ling or Jason street ; thehce South along too o eU fit line of jupon. street to the north nartinal lire of Wth str- t ; thanc» -apt, alon'� the 11orth Phraiml line of Shdtn street: to the point of beaining. TOP as tihated total ag re6at e cast nUd expense of sal(I sidewolk is estinated at the our of $05 . 00. No ful rther busilless apperr.vu , the Council , upon Yntion aid then mid jurn . City ClM . Al_.