HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/03/1917 l:etlt , "ril,;'r11 t1 �t,Ul1, SeI)telilber 3 , 191 T.
P,PjAlar me^titlL; of tlig Council OVel"lock a ;d
COuncilitlell Colellfall , Gould , iMadi.>ollf iludell and Timmy .
Mi11Ut9? , of Allt',11;,t 20til. 1'ead a'i(1 a: 1'ec`ad.
Monthly report-, of the Clel"Y , ` re£i-surer , CIJ.e1' of Police 2.Ld
Hea lt1 Of.(':i cer v t-re r-al < <iild f i.led .
Tax-bud et re)olutiOn Cor trl ?£,r 193.8 , 1'-ad ,,Ii,d �idoPte(I a
IT IS PE!,')OLVED , bar tii- Cit\"% Coullf;il of the Cit..') of Kent , !":'a.;;El-
i.nbtotl , that thte followil16; be acid it i.� hafeby declared to t)e all
estinl,te of the amount 1(ecessary to meet tiie public exp)_1n.3e <<lid
expenditures, of the ;;aid City io,� tt' e ��`ea1" l�I.LF; , Eind tj! , 1'ecei.ptes
from sources Otiter Lhall i'rom taxation , up)I1 the Property 4'Jit11i.I1
the :,aid City , to---tip;it :
R IS;TIMATF ) E.XM',111)E�
Salaries ?S 111000.00
011':ice Supplies 200. 00
Ful'ni ture & Fi.xtl.lre.l 100.00
Exprtillb booi.s O'0. 00
Li.j ilt , fuel uc. t4ixE-, JJ)0 . 00
Elections & Rel i ;t��ratiolls 200. 00 $2I30. 00� ✓
Del . L. I . .Bonds 31U0 .00
St . Clealiinb 1000. 00
�� i�i<ttc�rial 1(100. 00
Labor 1000.00
LijitinL 1600.00 /
Tools , Rep. Die. O.00 � 200.(�0
WA Y,_;`fED
S,11arieS Sty ,)60. 00
3111-plies 1500.00
New r,xtetitiol;s 1000. 00 i
'fool:; , Rep. &: Lie_ 200 .00 _Vo,,60.00 f
Salaries $ l80.00
1AUt"Tial &- Labor IM). OU
Tool;, , Rep. n, Il�r,. � OC).0U ' lfs(E. 00 V
_ --
Sala.rieS 10(s0.00
Spec. Police 7.nU, OO
,J".1:1 oz Inc. � _�C�.�C1� _ �12���. (i0 ✓
upi� eep `' 100.00 100. 00
Sala.ri.e.; 8 300 . 00
Water l'or Ily drailt s 2040.00 /
Inc. 200.00 0.00 V
ENGITiEERI,G : 'Sal. �., Inc. r �iOU. O(? ._�. ('�00 ✓
F IXED ji,XPirE114 SL
Int�,,rest on Ronde 3150.00
Sil7i<inr Funds 3 j50.00 /
Spec. :[<ond Fulld. 4 00.00 y U0.00 J
� i____.._ --
� i C)yo=
Tuxe:, ol.ltstandinc $ 3200.00
Lli;E�II,;eE' )100.00
Water Sy stem Recs_ipt., 12000. 00
Cit;- c,(�
Se'tl, <s Ir_i'. (1. (1(i
Current Expense Fund d$9940.00
Interest Fund 2300. 00
S inkin6 Fund 1000.00
1912 Itlterest Fund 850.(10 �
1912. SinkiliE, Ii'und 11)0. 00
Rink Tl.ar,d 100. 00 _ �$149110.00 �
_. _ 7'1QIl0.OQ_310 It,Q.00
And al'.1_ p�)-r sons are hereby Itotified t, 1"A ttie City Council of
tll,? ,;aid City will. ifeet in' tYl- Coul-,cil CYIa )e1,s, , at t}ie City Ball,,
J.Ii till ;aid City , on Monday , October 1st . , 1917 , at the tf.ollr of
0 1C1Uck .P.1,% Oi tt1e ,)ald da.y , fUr i;i��' p1lrUc�se Uf i� lh,ill t� Y levy
as stated ill th- solid esti i�Lites .
Claims read ,ind ordered r)�,i id a,-,, fa1 ow :
J. R. 1:��artin , Treat Interest oil Fonds A5-16 .)14
E . A . Richardson Tool:., aiid Rep. 6 .25
Joe C ov ali S)treet CleanillL Ps 76.?5
Pell: YorK Fil°� :Dept . 12 .90
Kent Liv:?ry AuLo 'fire 11 .50
Eel:.;tsi(t- Luiibter Co . Lu ill)Pr 56 .2o
Pert Alvord :>alld 2 .80
I1 . Rice 1,"a11d 42 .00
J. W. Cavana.uji Cellient &- SUp. 12.1 .65
J. L. TiicKi.11zie Sup. 8.5e
II. !,aldwin Teal,ii i L 10. 00
Lorvnuli °� Hanford u1)p1.i e 3 . 00
Trick l,;urray ;;1IpIIIiesl 6 . 70
WU-,_AlillL,ton Pipe w Foundry Co . Pipe 247. 46 h
L . E. Price Freit,ilt �, .25
.1. f;. n.artin S L1.
5.) .00 y
F . J. Fi,ancisco >ai. 75 .00
A . R. Gould 15 .00
J. A . Soule (31"L_I, . ,3 , 55
J. 5 .C)0
25 .00
L. E. Price ;;a1 . Pc 11 ci). 1Q3 .)�5
C11a:;. i,,(�,tta-D)i kWjt(., Ij �irl 5 .00
J. F . Ilewell L�LI)or 70. 00
W. fI. Holt Lz;..,or 26 .15
J0t1i1 Rott «; Crew of 3 mell Labor 36 .00
herrlie Crow Lahor. 3 .75
i;ert Nam Lal,or 3 , j 5
Ed ;budscli La;,or 3 .381
La.wera,nce Clark Lax>Or 5.25
VV. F . ` hoday Laur)r 13 .75
The Mayor a.ud Clerk Was, Upon Iiiotion directed to urocure an
Eni ineer to do t►,e liecess:ary enL0ile,.,rit.I; ill Local I11iprovel;v,]A
District No . 168 .
Ordinance No . 401 , tii- t)l.lilc}ill rlLL1_1"1Y•ia.l 1'01• side-
wa1JCs , vJil;, read �ii,d uopn mot:ion 1)a(;ed. Ll )O(, 1tC; filial paS;;cl. e aIIC1.
carried u1lci.ili irovsly.
Resolution 110 . 1"1O , declariii,_, illteljtiorl to build a side^;calk w)
on file south :tide of Titus Street , viol;, reaG oud adopted as foi-
1 ow,, :
The Street Committee,, of t.lie laity Council of tile. City
01' Kent ill .KlnL Comity , StUte 01' Vialoililltstoll , has reported to the
Said City Council that the Public 01af9tY and convenience require
tila.t a Oiclevia.lk be rel,ewed alonf the -mutli side of Titus; Stre�-t
from Tilird Avenue to Fourt}!. A�,enue , and 1'VIIL+'REAS the o:aid City
Council deell,s tile reliewai of the �,icl sidev:,alk ileces.,ary and (,.otl-
vreniellt for tiie puilli c , it is ti,erefore
R,1i,i OLVE1) that a si- dew(ali: be sand i-S ordered renewed
a1011L, ti)e ^Guth ,,,icie of Titus S tr"et 1rUIt `Lt)ird Aveliile to FOUrt}I
'et.e Uf t}1 Sl:ldt}I U:I' .'1X.
f Pot c Il(l �t}1z111. {)� i_i.t;(',Qrdili tC) t;l!@ 1'�) �� "I E'
�., 1] yr a n t: c i..0 1 e<.t i O 1, ,
t.0-VI 7.t: :
The several lots , tracts and parcels of land abuttInG on said
proposed sidewalk are below described oposite the names Of the
respective Owners or reputed. ow"ers , when MOW , and the estimated
coot and expense o, said sidewalk to each of said owEero , acid the
total a, rep ate cost tiporeof are as holow stated:
J.T .Jones Lot to . 5 & 6 , Flock 12 , Yeslers first Addition to Rent ,
Fainrated cost $115 .00.
And We estiobted total cost and expense 0f "ald sidewalk
is estimated at the sum of v115 .00.
Upon notion tree Clerk was instructed to have the TruDY Sewer
System cleaned out at Once.
The totter of the removal Of the old scales at the corner of
MeejLer street and second avenue was ryr 'red to the titre"t COMM'?
for action.
No furtney business appeari-n,, tPY Uouncil , upon M000n , did
then ad jurn.
City Clerk.