HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/06/1917.l J 4 H UC 333 Kent, titi'a;�,h.in�,ton, Au6uvt 6, 1.917. Rejilar Isle -tin6 of the Council.; present Liayor Overlo(1,1C c.il(l Courlcil)ren Colellian, Gould, Hatt, LeVatte , , adell an(I TiiMy. 1,1iimt.e.,D of July 16ti?, read alrproved. Clerks, Treasurers alid Chief of Police 1[ioiithly reports, for the itionth of June acid July reap �tiid I'll-d. Claims read Lind ordcirc�d paid as follows: S-ZA 11le Plunib iris; and Supvly CO. J. W. Ca.vallau6h & 23ons 11. P. REASPnz,;sen °c Iorl Merrifield lldwe . Co. Joe Col^?an P. S. E. Ry. Co. C. Woodworth I;ellt Livory C. E. Guiber.,on P.M. Beeb- Phanlo cy Eastside Lunber Co. Fire Dept. J. P A,iart in F. .1. Fr. anc'j.E,co Dr. 11 . R. Gould J. A. Joule J. A. 11a�ad01-11 L. n. price J. W. 13rowil Chas. lila.ttctilli Geo . `.L'ailll-r F. J. Newell C. Cornelius IN. 11. Holt T. Jensen Edw rd 1'fa.dsell V1. If. Bolt jr. 1) . Me, Donald iviedi cal Aide Board Beecii PobF�rts W. A. Cuttler Lowman & Hanford Crane Co. Wadi. Pipe & Foundry Co. Kent Journal W. F. Thoday Mission Grill i. S. SLIP. sup. 10.40 Tools & Rep. 1.1O Sul)pli e; ; 1.60 St . C1eani1.1 _0 .5o St. I,10iting 126.15 Teaming; V1.10 Auto 7.00 Stamped Envelopes P1 .3.`, H. 0. Supplies Y.75 Lulibgr 36.30 Sal. 25.00 ;ia_l. 55.00 sal. 75.00 Sal. 15.00 :sal . 153 - 1�15 SELL. 5.00 Sal. & Exp. 107.10 PtailitillL Pc Patch. 151. %5 Wat chmail 5.00 Labor 13.75 Labor 7f" . 15 Lat)or 75.OU Labor 36.115 Labor 670 Labor 5% . 7'; Labor 3C.).��� Labor 19.25 AsEffluent ! .211 PailltlliL, St. x in,` 5.00 cuttirq� weeds (I C)1'1'ice Sup. 13. j2 W. S. sup. 117.10 If u 7.50 Printing 10.60 Sidewalk 48.60 ME,als for pris 1.10 Clerk was instructel to write to the County r icineer in reeii- ard to the drainage oil Resolution No. 160-A, setting; time for hearing oil assessment roll, was read and adopted unaiAmously, as follows: IT IS RESOLVED BY `lNE CITY C01MCIL OF THE CITY QY KE1,1T: `i'lia.t the 17th. day of Septeluber-, 191-,, at tiie hour of S o'clock p. m. , at the Couiicil Cha:ibers 11. the City IIsll , at Kent, Wash- ini,�t.on, be and the same Is fixed as the time and place for hear- ing on the asseti,sn,ent roll for local Inlprovewgilt district Ihilrtber 16(), for the sidewalkirll of the ilorl;ll side of Slnitil 'Street, ill front of lots 12 to 15 iiiclu.sive and lots 20 to 21 inclusive, iil t)lock 19, of WashiiiGton Central Improvelmelit Colapanies 'First Addition to Kent. Ti?at. the City Clerk be Ltnd is llereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the City of KClit, notice thereof as rewired by law and the ordii,�t.nces off' the said 0ity. 334 Resolutioic 140. 1091-A, settinE time for Li ilearillF; ors Iueri't roll, was read Lund adopted a:; 1'ol1ow ,. `i'I IS,, R.FLSOLVED )il THE, CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF K1721T: That tt,Q 1ltil. day of Septejljbez-, lyl-(, at the hour of o'clock P.M. iIl the Council Ctlalubers ir, tile City Hall, at Kerit, l'd, sY�iriE;ton be and the tilue is fixed as the :ime alld pl�i.ce for )jearit,8 on ttce a.;;sessir,elit rm11 fox- Local I1111)rov Relit )i:;tri.ct Ito. 162, for for the buildin oi' t-a, concrete sidewialk alon., the east :;ide of Celitrtil Avenue, ir; frolit of lot 1,), blocl: lid, Wa,shirjf;ton Celltr�ll Improvement C0111panies First Addition to Isar�t. That. LYIe City Clerk be and is t f reby directed to piblis)-I in the official newspaper of the City of KejI.t, rIoti.ce tt1e -of asrNuired by law an(!the ordin��IAces of ti)e said City. Uperl 1110tioll it Vra;; decided to purchase 20 tons of coal ( 'Pf. 'lt.orl luiup), i'rol�� hill'. IIerbe I,,z�ldwin, at $6.50 per ton. MT- Cooney of the Auburn Gass Co. eras present and spoke to tticl �X)Uncil in re8uard to a fra.nciii.z.e .t'oa- Kellt; zco action t.ken. No further btislliess, zippearil 6 ttae council, upon nx)ti.on, did then adjourn. City Clerk.