HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/16/1917 I X If FC 331
Kerit , Wasaillgtofl, July 10 , 1917 .
Regular. m3etin , Or' the Council ; ,present Cm xQymrj 12kxSClddx
Councilmen ColeliL.ln, Hatt , Leliatte , Gould , iladen and Tim)y ;
Councilm-in Cloelllan actj.I16 .tAayor , and Courlcillllarl PALa.disoll comin€,
In later.
141iIlut'ls Of t1:le Illeetiilg Of .filly 'Inc1. read alld ap})rOVed.
Iiealtil , Sewage "c Drainage C01ulliittee reported that the :,aila--
tation, at the corder 01' Railroad Avenue and Smitrl Street , and
also the hole in block 16 , W.C . I .COS . First Additioll , to I,_gIIt ,
had been taken care of .
Upon motion OrdiWilfce 1�0. 291 , regulating the keeping of
f1.4':1.1111r`_' aDound barnes and stat.)les , w,,;, ordered inforced.
Matter of f lushillt; Pollsell WUtOr PiPeS, was refered to the
water r"olmitittee.
Claims read acid ordered paid as i'ollo�.t,s :
L. E. Price William Sfaith Labor a
�fi )l.lU
L. E . Price Igo W. U. bolt Sr. Labor 1112 .00
L. 1; . Price W. II. bolt ,jr. Labor 10. (5
Crane Company W. S. SLIP. 14. 91
East side Luirfoer CO . LI'l11her .85
Rasilussen °c Soils Tool.; & Rep . il.)t5
J. W. Cavafiaugll °c coils Sub. 1 .85
0 . G. Cavanallg.Pl Park . y0
1;Q4be Pharmacy
It. o. up . II.50
J. il. Martin Trees. Auditors 3 .50
�..., Washingtolf Pipe & Foundry Co. Frei6ht 10.00
L . E. Pr Ice I{'reiLht 5 . 18
B. Hoffilan Mfg. ;0 . 1' . JI. Valve, 78. 75
P. S. E. Y. Co . Li=;ilt�.nl; 126 .60
J. R. Martin , Trees . Irltere.,t 500.00
Bid, opened and .read for the reparin, of the City Hall a,;
foILows: J. 'W. Brown $141.00 , Beach Roberts $1)19.401 E. Peirolf
$ 149.40; upon "lotion the bids wore refej,ed to tile, Building and
Pll.11ll1) COI[ "ittee , for ti'lem to awtlyd the colltz,,ict .
Urdillalice No . 400 , creating sidewalk district ,in which
celliellt 11118t be ll,ed for c011structi011 , Was read and upon motion
placed upofl its final passage and c�trried by the unanimous vote
of all of the Councilmen preseflt .
lulatt(�r 01' a comfort station iva,,, refered to the Iiaultrl alld
SWiatation COilllltittee to c0111'er With Cowjidttee from the C0111mer-
cia1 Club .
140 1'11]-ttl4r busilles:3 appearing , the COUncil 10011 motion did
then ad,jurll.
City Clerk.