HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/20/1917 .1 X H C 335
Kent , Washint ton, Au u ,,t 20, 1917.
Regular lileeti.n of the Council ; Oreseiit I'.ounc.11iliell CQlelrnji, Goulri ,
Madison , Naden Luld Timby; CounciIiiall 1Va(li loll actirlL; as Mayor .
Minutes of Aui ust 611 read grid a mro ed.
Claiios read and ordered paid as 1'01.1011 :
W. II . Holt , r� Berlin Brothers Lui)or ( p2? .25
IN. H. Holt , Rio L. E. Pri ce to ( 9. Q
W. H. Molt , of lit. R. Hardy 10.25
W. H. If Olt , o Rice & Coble ° ) 10.00
A. i;i d L . E. Price " 2 . 15
C . C. Cornelius " .O0
T . Jeliseli 6.90
i�erni e Crow " 36 .00
L . Clark If 36 .O0
Ed. inadsen If 25 ,8
Moil,- Ro(ld of 15 . 0l1
T. Jxjis,,41 to 19.; U
W. F . Tho(Jay to 60.00
S. Ea.i;on GraAt 32 .00
C. Woo dwortil Gr:Iv 1�,. 15
C . Woodworth Tiaamin,�; Y . 15
Lee "%iorlcin At-Ito Hire 26 .75
idationa,l Meter Co . 1'diet?J, [arts 3 .20
E. iMedowcroft AiltO hire 9. 71
H. lialdlvirl 2O ton coal 130.(10
Resolution }1o . 1691 for concrete sid�-vralh oil liteeker st.reet ,
oposit Mrs. Mullins , via:; read gild adopted as, follmms :
WIIEnEAi)' , The Street Colmilittee of the City COUnCil Of trle City
of Kent , ' in King Col.11ity , State of 4'la;;tlirlt t:.On , has reported to ttiA
said City Council that the public safet�r and convenience require
that a sidewalk be r eiiewed alonL; 11-he llort}1 side of T.4eeiE e2' StrPot
from CentI'al Avenue to Railroad avenue , aiid , W}IE},EAS , The sai d
City Council deeli)s tale r ell�?Wal of the said sidevialk necessary and
Convelliellt fOl' the public , it is ttle :9fofe ,
RESOLVED , ttiat a sideigIlk be ali(t is ii: i•Aby ordered renewed
alollg the north side of ideelCer street 1'rom Central avelllie to Rail-
road avenue.
Staid sidewalk shall be of concrete of th" width of six feet ,
and shall be according to the followint :specifications , to-Wit :
The several lot:; , tracts acid parcels o1' land abuttirl,,� oil said
proi)osed sidewalk are below clescribed opposite the names oS' the
respective mvi'lers or reputed oviiiel's , wiled K11OW11 , slid tnP estliiated
Cost and expense of Said sidewalK to eactl of said owli�-rs , and the
total air rebate cost thei,eof are
Mrs . 11 . 13. WIli.ns. Washington Central 36 16 $lo8.00
[lir)roVeitleilt C011lp.lily':;
First Addition to
Kent , 1"lashillL toil.
The Potiiikated total a6j�rE'Eate cost alld expense of said sidew(tlk
is estimated at the sum of �J()8.00 .
Resolution NO . 168 , declarin6 intent on to pave scenic Way , w, s
read and adopted as folio s :
IT IS RE SUVED by the City Coulicil Of the City of Kent , King
County , State of Wastii_nt t.oli , that it declare , and It doer hereby
declar Its intention to improve Titles street and ,eel 'Nay I Irl
the intersection of Central aveiiue with Titus street , easterly to
Scenic Way and thence continuing on "Icellic 1'Vty southerly to a point
thirty feet ea.stfrom a point oppo ite trlc� southv�est Corder o1' the j
property of A. J�. Berlin, by E;radil4; at;(i brin6i11g to ;trade said
street: , a,1id thedi paviriL; said streets vim eollCrete sixteen fA-t. ill
Wi(1ti1 , and in doily ,31,1cli C)tiler work C1., llri.y ',le lie("es ;ary illpo[1ec-
tion t'lerewi.th , ,111 in £ac(1().rda11cP wild ill-zilr Z1.11d to
he prepared by tt1" CitV Ells i.n�-er , or1Oyf'd by 1;fle laity
for su cli Purpose .
cJcJ V
IT IS FURTHER Rj,SOLVii,'v b a t11e CoUllcil t;hut becrose of th" rlatl.ire
and kpi-A X$s character of he npe( iui ben-fitss r'f=;lultirih Lr0111 said
improver;?iit , which extends beyond file ,)oluictries of the local 111mrove-
111@llt district hereillbefore Bated , that it is proposed to brea,te all
enlar7ed district to pay tale whole of tle cost a-nd expense of such
1.11q)rovar:r�ltt , which shill Include all of t.11- 7)roperty specally b-=ile-
fited by such iml)rovp:at=ttt , to-Unit , a.,, follows :
'3ei;iriniti at tile gilurtel• section betw-oll sections 11irle-
t`=en and twenty four , Ill Township "It" 1'lortil , ra.11t;e 4 aIld 7 part , W.M. ,
rimrmug thence south five Hundred and SiXty ei6kt feet ; th Ilc;e vJe:;t
five inlndred and ei � iit.y Jive to the St:i.te Iii,_;Ilvr y; trlen; e llortI
alorl -; tile State Ili�iiway i'ivv hund.red and ei6_hty feat to the line
between the nortileast Quarter and tit- southeast quart-r Of mlid
section twenty four ; tneii(,o :?�tst :,ix iitulctred and sev�-city three fef,t
to Lila point of bey ir111iii6.
Also lots one to Six botil !b11c111Sive i_'1 t)lo(,� fiVE' , Gild I tsl olle
to six both inclusive In block ei,jit ; all of said lots ill 1jasilingtoil
Ceritra.l I11q)rovOmi ,nt Companys First Addition to !ient , Mushinl;ton.
Also l0t3 tW(--'lVe , tidr'teeii and 1'O11.l t~ e1i ill r)lock SeV, If , C)r'll;ilcl L
plat of Keilt; .
THAT SF.V?+;1� HU14DRED Aidll FIFTY DOLL1>`R > ( ,$750. 00 ) shad). be tiie amot.tnt
Oi tt19 CO t alid exj)el1SEe 01' S11ci1 il)ij)rOV011r'l,t I to assessed as;altlst that
portion of tide property withili such =11iarLed d'strict lying; betwfl�ln
the tel,luilii of the proposed ar,(t exttllldirlf_, back froin tl-l"
lrra.r;_;iri:-z.l like tiie.reof to tide luiddle oi' tit; t)_.LocK on each sictc= e-
of , ill the mode a.11d llaj rler prescribed by law , and T'ilat sucil portion
of the r�-Il❑airlder of the of thc-= cost at)d expense ohull be destributed
and assessed a6aiilst all of tiffs included ill the reiiki-illder
of such enlar`;ed district i11 accorrdanc�= Vlitil the speCIZU1 bellPfitS ;
which relciLillirlt cost is seveli Inindred a.nd fifty dinars ( 750. 00 ) .
That all pf rsons who irrty de. _i'e to object to s,uctl improvem-lit :ire
hereby Notified to appear and present :such ob jectioiis at a lnaeti.ng
of tle City Council to be held in tree Coun(.il chambers , ill th- City
Tia.l l , in the City of Kent , at S o ' clock ,) .ii . , oft i.tle 17ti1. day of
Septemb!-1r , 1917 , whic�tl time alld place is cixed for the IlearirlE, of
all tatters rUlatirlE; to said ilapvovet,meiit , L;lid all objections thereto , q
and for det-riaiiiinG the method oi' pa.yiuv=lit; for solid ii:lprovelivilt .
That the City Clerk is directed to Sl.lbrtlit to tile City Council at ,
or prior to said date , all data acid illi'Onliat oll squired by 1<1w to
be so submitted , %lid that tide co.;t and of such iiclproven11=ilt
sivi,11 be borne by alid a.s.gessed a6ailis;t tile pl•operty litlblf'. tilarefor
as by law provided .
1011' . Cooney oi' the Aui)urn Ga,S'l Co . , WUS present and submitted to
the CGunCil .i•Or consideration am t;aS„ frLLt1C11].Se , which VJaf; reef ?red
to th? Street Collllidttee and tale City Attorney , with out ractdinf;.
No furtner bu:Tiliess appearing , Life Council did then adjourn.
CIt, U1ern.