HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/02/1917I Xh+V 329 Kent Ilia sliiii6toil, July 2, 1917. Regular meeting of the Couiicil ; preseiit I�ayor Overlock and Councilli;el7 Hatt, Madison, imaeii and T116by; Courlcilruell Gould and LeVatte (� nir6 in later. Minutes of June 18 read and approved. Petition for the paving of Scenic Way was read and refered to the City Att'y. for the purpose of preparin6' a resolution. Petition for a street light oli Ceiit. Ave. 11o. was read and ref :gyred to the Light Colmmdttee . Th ^ iiEt tt er of the removal of a polo on Scenic Way t7 a s ref- ered to the Street Committee.. Clerks and Marshall report for b.e month of Jenne wa;; read and ordered. filed. Upon rrotioli the Cleric was instructed to advertise for bids oil the repair of the Cit;� Hall, both inside and out. Claims read and ordered paid as follows: J. B. Martill Merrifield Hdvie . Co. Kent Journal Kent Luim,er Co. 0. R. Boyker C. Woodworth J. R. T.-lartin F. J. Fralicisco T. M. Harn Dr. A. R. Gould J. A. Soule L. E. Price Bowles Corrrpally Joe Cowaii Fire Dept. Medical Aide Dept. Cha:;. Ma,ttirii Geo. Tanner F. J. Newell C . C . Corlieliu s T. Jensen William Smith W. K. Bolt S. A. Carlson John Rott Emmitt VMite Pat Gar)iey Crane Company Ti . M. Shaffer Wash.inE toil PApe Foundry Bowles Compagy L. E. Price John Englund W. F. Thoday Int . on i�,arwe bonds Sul). Pri.ntilii; Luiiber Siglia 1 Rep. Tealcli lig Sal Sal. Sal. Sal. Sal. Sal. % Expenses VAI'ter Syst. Sup. 'treet Cleanii:g Garbage Sal. Assessluellt 'Mat C tifE(n Labor Lab or Labor Labor Lair or Labor Lab or Labor L�,b o r Labor Water Syst pup. Park Upkeep Pipe & Fittings Water Syst. Sup. Frelf)lt Auto Hire Si dew(A lk $1200.00 25.55 6.00 12.05 3.110 25. T5 55.00 75.00 65.00 15.00 35• )5 l04-70 31.50 77.00 25.00 2.112 5.00 65.00 72.80 5 7.80 62.55 52.25 59.15 30.25 15.15 1.3.75 12.40 4.62 27.20 302.87 11.40 6.8 5 5.00 2o6.10 Trie matter of bad sanitation at ttie corner of Railroad Ave. grid Midth Street was ref Bred to the Ilealth Sewage & DrairiaF e Comndttee . Resolution declzirilig ilitentio.ii to uuild Cerilelit sidewalk on Central Avenue, in 1'ront of lots 15 « 16, block 15, W. C . I .Cos . First Addition to Kent, was read alid adopted as fo"llov,s: WiDffl;l{:AS , file Street Committee of t!(e City Council Of th,, City of Kent, in King County, State oi' Wa;;hiligton, nas reported to ttle .,aid City Council tr:at the pu'kili c safety ar(d convent it e require tilat a sidewalk be renewed aicnt; file e�'tSt S: I of ( PCt- ral AVPIIUe from Sm-i tit Street til-fir "A C•nr�- 330 15 & 16, block 15, �Vashiiit ton Cectral Improvp111ent Companies First Addition to Kent, ,:IX±A YAtRWX$kXXXuj$XkR. alid Wi11t�1I,}sAS, the said City Council deems the renewal of tIIP said sidev,, lk rlecessa:r'y and convenient for the public, it is therefore resolved, tiat a s�idewa.l"x be and is hereby ordered renewed along the east side oi' Cectral Avenue frori, STidth street to IIeeker Street, iti front of tLe said lots. Said sidewalk shall be of concrete of the width of six feet, and. shall be accordiiL6 to tiie fol.lovriicg t)ecificatioris, to_uit: STANDARD SPECOFICATIOIi3, ACCORDING TO 0RDINAI,iCE, Ii7SEPIT I[ERE. The several lots, tracts and parcel: of lurid abutting c=m said proposed sidewalk are below described oposite the names of the res- pective owners or reputed owners, when l:r!own, and the estiiiELted cost aiid expense of the said sidewalk to ezAch of :,aid owners, �tnd the total aggregate cost thez-eof are as t)elovr stated: Owner. Addition lot block estiiiated cost Roy Iiadde2l 1"J�a shill,;ton Cent- 1 j & 1.6 , 15 1� ;4.00 ral Iiimrovement Cos. r'ir'st Add. The estiiiiated total ag ;regate cost and expense of' th- said side- walk Is estimated at the sum of $54.00. Upon motion the City Attorney wU,:l iiistructed to draw an ordinance iria,icirrg all of Yeslers First Addition and Car Line Addition, also Willis street to rni.lwakue tracks and VI-eKer street to t iU State road- in the cement ,idevialk district. Upon motion the Pound t:,aster ;salary as placed at $5.00 per• riiontIl. The nit ;nt ijkarL on the Police force vas upon motion despensed %,ith. No fur•tirer business appearing trip Council, upon iintion did then adjourn. City Clerk.