HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/04/1917 3w6 Kent , Via,;hill6tor1 , Julie 4t11. 191 T. Regular meetillg 01.' the Council ; presellt mayor Overlock and Councilmen Coleman , Gould, Ilatt , LeVa.tte , Eadetl & Timby . Minutes Of the previous 'ueetirlg "ecld acid approved. Claims read aild or. der?d paid as followq : J. T,. rjartirl Illt . oil bonds; $425 . 00 Herb Baldwin Street Work 21 .5O IA-rrifi-ld lIdwe. Co . I"fat �rSyst . �'llp. 16 . 15 Beebe Pharuracy 11. O. sul) • 4.50 Kent Fire Dept . ,;al . 25 . 00 .T. 11. Martin 3a1. 55 . 00t F. J. Frairci sco Sal . 75 , 00 Dr. A . R. Gould Sal . 15 . 00 J. A. Bottle ,;a I. 3 .35 T. 14. Harn Sal . 65 .00 L. E . Price ,lal . EXI). 10") , 50 C . Woodworth Street work 19 . ;0 Joe Cowan `.street Clea11ilit Pc teaillillE; 84. 00 State iAedical Aid Board Asses9mpilt t • 20 Chas. Mat tini ilia tchnall 1. 00 G-o . T1 roller Labop 64 .85 F. J. 11ewell L�tt)or 34.95 C. C . Cornelius Labor 21.20 William Smith Lataor 18 . 15 Geo. Colemi"n Labor 16 .25 Geo . Labor 11 .25 T. Jansen Labor 21 .25 Roy White Labor 2 . 50 John Snell Labor 11 . 90 Ben 'fork Fire Dept . sup. 17 •35 A . 3 . Leeper �lettinr Grades 1 . 00 Cavanau o"1 Pic SO 11 S Sup. 5 .2 0 Allen Clark Auto Hire 5 . 50 F. J. 1�rincisco Police Exp. 1 .36 The 'ollowing Resolution ordering sidewalk on nortri side of. Smith ;itreet , between .Ta,torl Street and "alitot111 Way , Wci;, read and adopted . WHERKAS , Tile Street COltlllli t t Pe 01' the City Cou ci 1 Of the Ci ty of Kent , in King CUtinty ,, :�t ltf� 01' Wa,;Ylirlgton , ilas reported to the said City Council that the public sasety and convenience reiluire that a sidemalk be renewed along the iiOrtil ride oi' Bill ittl Street 1'rola Jasorl street to (;Lilhoun Way , all(1 WII1,]REAS the said City COltrlcll (dins the r,?jiev✓al of the Said ideavalk 11 '(,.a,iSctl'y and COr1VE'Il1PIlt J'�)I' tale public, it is trlerei'ore , Resolved , that a sidev✓alx be and is hereby ordel':,d renewed al- orig the North side of Smith street , 1'1,0111 jaooll street to Calhoun 'way said sidewalk to be o1' wood , oi' the i dtit Of six .C��et , arld shall according to tide i'O11Owih6 specil'iCations , to-wit : SPEC IFICII'T_IONS AS PER ORl)IId1iNC11,1 140. 4o . 'Clle several lots , tract, Ulid I)arCel,3 of land abtattinF; on said sidewalk are below described oposi t trie lialaes 01' trle respective owners or reptlted owne.L,s , wi1"I1 known , and the estiIiLted Cost alit expelise 01' the Said sidev✓all; to eaC'rl 01' said Owners , and the total a&ret;ate cost thel'e01' are as, b(?lOva ;stated: Owl I ex' T. J. jiovFley . Ties;. at a poillt at the illt-rsectioil 01' the ilorth side of t�ltd.th ,street , in the City Of i'i 11 County , Wal3hirlgtOn , Vvitil the West li lie oi' Calhoun Way; tnenc. 31ort11 120 feet along the West lisle 01' Calhoun Way ; tilence west on a lisle parallel with tale SOtltll line of T�4mpefeIl(3e -tr•e(-It , to the east ti arg. line of Jasorl 3Lreet ; thelice south alollc the pa,;t I line of Jasorl Street to the nOr,trl liiax•g. lice of smith Stre1-1t ; thelle east along the liorth nki.rt;. line of s,llith street to the point of � bQgi11ii1�;. 1'rl? estiliatP(I total a6,,j-& ate Cost alid exp-11se 01' the said sidewalk is estillklted at the sulu o1.' 42 .00 Mat !:er o1' filling, ill hole oil property belontrilig to �,1rs 14rockllgl oil C 11t . Avenue , l".ciS refel'ed t0 the 3tre''t CiUllirllitt''P, No fllrtller busirl<.'ss tappearilie the UOutic;il , upon motion , ciid tiieii ad,jurll.