HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/18/1917 1XkFIC
Kent , Washirl toll , ,Tun; 18 , 1917.
Regular meetingof the COLiTIr�l l ; Councilmen1KI'a»c1 ,
Gould, Hatt , LeVatte , IvIadi son , IJaden and Timby ; Mayor pro tern,
Madisoil presidille,.
ldinutes of June the ►Itti. read and a)Vroved.
Claims read and ordered 1ALid as follows :
National Meter Co. teeter parts 6.92
RaSIRISsell & Son Tools P: Rep. 3 . 70
Seattle PlulllbillL; & Supply Co . Tlydraiit;> & Fittin6s 310.09
L , E, Price N . P. By. Co . yrei5ht On Pipe 21 . 15
P. ,3. E. IV . Co . Li611t 126.90
Wash. Pipe & Foundry CO. Pipe 733 .1113 .00
ILent Advertiser Prilltin
,I. W. BU'911 Tofu Pill 1 .50
The follovairll resolution , declarilit intelltion to renew
sidewalk , was read and unalliiixal.lsly adopted.
W1iL�'])NHA i, Tile Street Comluittee 0" the City COUT1Cil of the City
of Kent , in King County , Was hill6toli , iias reported to the sal d
City ,01111cil that the Public safety and convellience rewire
that a sidewalk be renee°red aloliL; the east side of First AV 11ue
b etweerl Willis Street and. Titus Stl'-et ; also alone-., Titus street
between First AvPlllle and the Nortiler11 Pacific Railroad ri. ;tlt-
of- Lvay; also 1,10116 the past :;ide of Second Avelltre between Saar
Street and Willis street ; alld also alori the east side of Cellt-
rial Avenue between Titus street and Gowe ;Itreet , along; the
property hel•einafter 11amed abu t;s , and a.11 in the City of Kent .
WTIL'R:EATS the said City Cotlncil deelcis the reliewal of t;.'r1e said
side,alk necessary al)d convenient f0l- the public, it is therefor
RESOLVED , that a sidewalk ue a.nc1 is �i--,rehy ordered renewed
a10116 the east side of First Avenaw between 'Willis ,trent and
`Titus street ; also alone; the north ride of Titus street bet-
Titus First Avenue and the ITorti-lerli Pacific Railroad ritlit-of-
way ; also alone; tale east side of Second AVPIMe between Saar
street alld Willis street ; and also ,1.10116 the east side of Cellt-
ral AVellue uetwe.�11 'Titus street and Gowe streets.
;aid sidewall: shall be of concl"ete of the width of .six fee-t ,
and shall be acrordirl� to tree foltowint� specifications , to ',pit :
The several lots tracts aiid t)arcels of land abfutting on
said proposed sidewalk are taelovl described opposite the names
of the 1-.'spectve owller'Ei or reputed ov111E'rs , Y11-jell known , and
the estillaul,ted Cost and expeIlse Of said sidewalk to each Of said
ojvners , and the total atiz�re,;ate cost tlLei,c,,o1.' are as below stated:
Miss l:tary Coon
BeiD,inil16 at a point ill the east lirarg. line of 33o.00
First avenue 485 . 15 feet north of the 1lorth line of Willis
street ; run thence north 32 . 15 f'f'`O t ; ti)ence east 58. 7 f eet ;
thelice south 32 . 75 feet ; tiience vest 60 feat to point 01' 0E't;.
C . E. Guiberson $51t.O0
Bej;illint; at the intersectioll of tide north lisle of
Titus street with the east line of First Avenue rule tlellce along
the east lille of First Avenue 83 feet ; thence east 58 feet more
or less to west rl.krlt-of-way line of11nrtt1erll Pacific Rail+,'<ly ;
thence south along said right-of-vlay lille to the irltersectloll
with the north lir10 of Titue street ; tilence west along the
north line of Titus street to trze point of
Ida Boni c Lo dare
Lot 6 Block 1 Yeslers First Addition to Kent .
P. C . Hayes $16? .00
Lots 1 ,2 ,3 ,tt ,5 and 6 , Dlo ck 8 , washirT„toll CPlitral
a1([i7yOVelil"T1t coi[panys! Till':"t i�'I(jl.tlnn to Kent; .
A . R. 17alliCK � �'�i •(?0
Lot:, 7 t,.lid b 1C�r.'..i: �> C��l;tral llif;�r )v?-
ion to K 1: .
The estimated total abf rekate cost and expense of said sidewalk
Is estivated at the sum of 8>4. 00.
The Phtter of purchasing a snU ll car for tie use of tree
City was ref9red to the I{inahc,e Cohidttee for investinati.on.
The Batter of the paintiD6 and repari.ng the City ?Tall
buildi, was rerered to the Buildi.nt� Cowi1;t,ee.
Po further business appearii4 tre Council , upon motion ,
did then ad jurn.
..____�._......_._.._._..- City Clerk..�_