HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/07/1917 Kent , Washin, ton , May 7th. 1917 . Regular imeetiiig of the Coulic,il ; pre:Alit Mayor Overlock and Councilmen Coleman , Gould. , Hatt , LeVatte , Madison , I:aderi and T1mby . Uillutes of April 16t1i. and aheciai weeting of May 3d. read and approved. Clerks report and tree report of the Chief of police , for the month of April , were read cmd filed. Water CoIlmittee reported that th�� Condenser would proceed to inove their water pipe oil Switli ;,tl'eet a.t once . The water Cormcdttee recoiaended tiie renewall of about 5000 feet of water pipe , to cost soiuetriir,g over $2100. , and upon motion the utter was left to the Clerk and tiilater Co7ruaittee ; they being; instructed to have Ue ixork (lone as soon as the weather will permit . Claims read and ordered 1)a.id as follows : M-rriiield Iidwe. Co . Supplies $P2 .10 11 . Baldwin Fuel 13 .30 E. A. Richardson 'fools ec P,ep. 4 .25 John Rm lund Auto [lire 8. 00 Rasimssen & Sons Streets 16 .60 Beebe Pharirri cy Rice & Coble `l'eamint; 34 .50 Kent Fire Dept . sal. 25.00 Joe Cowan St . Cleaning; & Team 87.75 J. 1;. Martin aal . 55 .00 F. J. Francisco Sal . & Exp. 75 .40 Dr. A.P,.Gould Dr. Burdick ;;al. 15 . 00 J. A. :Soule sal . 33 .35 L. E. price Sal. fc G'xp. 101.65 Chas. Mattirli Watclil„ai1 5 .00 Geo . 'Tanner Labor 60.00 F. J. Jewell Labor 3Y . 75 J. TI. Wallace Teamiilg 6 .00 P. S. T?. Ry. Co. Lij_ 10, iii�, 127.02 Trick & Murray Supplies 21 .74 L . E. Pri ce A.S.Leeper Surveying 1.00 E. I . Devio if Pa int inL, Flusher 16 .00 Crane Co . Thet rs 103 .25 L. F . Price Taxes ,City Prop. 72 . 90 Kent Journal Printirig 13 .60 Kent Advertiser Printing; P -05 The following Resolution orderiric sidewalk constructed on south ride of' Willis Street , eras r-ad 'arid adopted. WHEREAS" The Street Coiiuriittee of tl,e City Coullcil of the City of Kent , in King County , :.hate of Wa;*Ylillt;torl , hri s repor- ted to the said 'ity Council tliat' tl,; public sa.l'ety and con- venience require that a sidewali: be coil:,tructed along ti;e so. side of Willis :street from a point ii, the soutli itargina.l line thereof 108 feet east of t:ie east iiiari.;inal line of Third Ave. Oro. , to a point ill the south iiiarL;Inal line thereof 152 .88 ft . east of the east it;-irF,iiial of second Avenue , south , in ;;aid City , and , WHEREAS , The said City Council deems the collstructd!on of the said sidevia.lk necessary land coi,veliielit for the public, it Is therefore , RESOLVED , That a ;sidewalk be acid is hereby ordered con- structed along the south side of Willis street i'roin cA point Ill t1'le south lliirginLtl line thereof 108 feet fast of the east liiark;iiia.l line of 'Third Avenue , south , to It poilit int lie .>outh lj�"' irial line thereof 152 .88 fe�4t of the ea.;,t 01' the east Wert iiutl line of Second Avenue , soL,;tij , ili said City. Said sidewalk shall be of coli(,rete , of tije v,idtll of six feet , and shall be accordilig to tr,e 'ollok-filjf; iU-',;iL . S�4 See standard specifications , ordinance iiumber 254. The sevel•al lots , tracts aancl parcels of land abuttilij� on said sidewalk are below described oppo.Site tale 11ames Of the respective ovinf7,1•s or reputed oviners , whell R11OW112 and tie est- ilaated co::t tAnd expense Of said sidewalk to each of said own- ers , and the total aL�Lrehate cof,t tf1E'reof are as below stated. I . O.O.G.T. LODGE: Comericing at a point ill the soutf, mk ri;inal 1111(). of vlillis Street 100. 77 feet east' Of' the ea'-It of the marginal line 01' Second Avenue , ill ;,aid City , ruli thence : o . 120 Pet , thence east 52 .11 feet , thence north 120 feet , then. west 5P.11 feet to the point of bet". $46 .90 Mrs . L . A . Roll: Beggining a.t the intersection of the east marginal line of Second Avenue and the South firirginal line or' Street , in said City , run thence south oil Second Avenue 120 feet , 100.77 feet e i st , thence north 120 feet , tf,erice west 100. 77 feet to ti, e 1loint of beg. 990- 70 lafre . rn. J . 017)in: Beginirlg at tfie Intel-sect IOn of the west mart final line of Second Avenue and the South 1[kirgirull line of - willi s Street , i11 sal d City , ruli tilence south 1^0 feet , thence West 58 feet , thence north 120 feet , thence ea,,,t on vdillis Street 58 feet , to the poilit of begini.rig. $52 .20 lt6=C's. In.1 ck e t B4gining at a poilit in the :_,outli iiar6in�;_1 line of Willis Street , ill said City , 58 feet west of the we..t line of Second Avenue , run thence South 12-0 feet , thence '^rest 1l0 feet , thence north 120 feet , thence east 40 ft . to the point of be;jning. 836.00 Mrs . tvaiteliiGin 1;et irlin6 at a poilit ill tile souttl vary iiial line of willl:i Street , Ili the said City , 98 feet west 01' the west lief' of Second Avellue , ruli tilelice south 120 feet , thence west 50 feet , tfience north 120 feet , tLelice east 50 feet to the poilit of beblhinb. $45 . 00 The ectil,ated total a68re�zate cost and expense of the satl Sidewalk is estiiiated at the sum Of $270. 80. T lie natter of a raise in pay for the ',eater Man, was, refered to the Finance C010111 .tteE'. Mr. Mayhew , Mr. FZisedorph , Mr . Sessions and others appear- ed before the Council in reward to the 1jatter of Special Police at the C . M. P. Co . Plailt , llo action taken. No further business a.ppearint; the Council , upon motion , d.if.l then adjourn. i i City Clerk .