HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/02/1917� XUR 31�) Kent , Wasilin. ;ton , April 2 , 1917 . Reg�.11 �r 1119etiI16 of tile Council ; ioresellt mayor Overlock alld Coullcil1IBr1 Hatt , Lelfatte , 11adc'11 alld `.l" llikly . Mlllutes of lAurc}l 19 read and a.t)proved. Clerks report 111d the report of tile C}lief of Police ,tor the I11011t}1 ofIAarc}l , were read alld f il'�d- Protest of property owners on `1'rlird :>tr. eat a;;ailist 1;}le 0- posed paving; of tile sallle alld Petioning 1:01' gravel instead , v.ras read and ordered riled. Claims read _tIlci ordered paid as f011Ovrs : Jose Cowan Teauling $ 7. 75 rastside Lullltler CO. Lumberii•3 I.olvl�rall �� lianf ord Doi; Tats 3 -00 L.I�..Price `o Fu11?r 1vut9rr r�-llt ( C}larity ) 1.50 Kent Fire Dept , salaries 25. 00 Crain Woodworth Street Cleailili­ 85.00 J, [,L. �fla.rtin Sal. 55.00 F . J. Francisco Sal . 8- Ex}) . 60�, 75.60 Dr . C . jj:. hu_'di ck Sal. 15 .00 J. A. :-joule sal. 33 .35 L . Price Sal . & Lxperises 102 .23 C}l:l S . Mat tailii Viat C}li(Flll 5 .00 Geo . Taaa-l' Labor 60.00 F. J. Newell Labor 19. 75 Robt . 7 olar Water receipt case 3 . 75 Kent Jollrll-al Printing .13 Mo-rrifield Hdwe. Co . Supplies 1.65 i A . it . 11isedorph PrilltiI18 4.50 1._., Kent Lumber CO - LulubOr 17) • 70 A. '%,;. F>arrahm Special Police 2 .00 The iirl.tter of Lilt, p<zvillg of Third alld FOUrth Streets c0111- lairl, up for }learilig the que.3tiori eras discu:3sed at 50111e 1(�ligth by pr Operty Owners anlrt Others slid upoll motion was laid Oil the table 11149ffirlately . ma's. Shaffer and otiler Ladies appear9d before the Council oil behalf of a cleanup day , alld after aollle di scu,,:JOil, tt was , upon luotion decided to set aside a day for a ;?nAral cleanup , the time and ineidelltal particullUrs beir'6 left to tile Street Comlliittee. `2}le question on installing a sire alarm systela was refei-ed to th? Fire Colluilittee , for illvestitatioli allci report . The following resolution , orderia :sidewalk on the ea.; t side 01. Cectral Avenue , between Slai th :street and PiOrleer St ' was read and adopted. RLSULU^tIUN iW. 162 . BeE I`.L' RI�,SOLVED BY `i'HI CITY COUNCIL OF THIS; CITY OF .KFNT , Was}lirlgton, that it does ner9by declare t}lUt the public sal"ety and conveniellce re"lluir that the si :eYda1K Oil the eallt side Of Central AVenUe , colflellc i,16 at S11litil .,tl'eet and rullllullt tllerlce IlortIl to Pioneer 3tr9At slid of' which the fo1104'Ang property immediately abuts , to-wit : Lots 12 , 13 , & 14, Block 18 , Wash- inbtoll Central Illlpr'Ovelilent Co ' :3 . First Addition to Kent . be renev►ed. The kind of sidewalk rec,uired is a ;eluQnt walk as per standard specific�,.tiorls , as provided in ordinance #254, 01' thl� City of Kent ; the total cost of tile s..I.1ue Is about 9,,90.00 and if tq- muner or owners of L11e property immediately abuting thereon shall neglect or reflxs9 to construct said .sidewalk With in twenty days lrom t}-le service of trlis 1lotice , the City shall cause said work to be clone alid the cost Lind expense tnere0 shall be assessed acaillst tCl4' property abbuttirle, t}le Salfle . The rrkttter of boxiilb the drain on th4" south side of.tuleehAr Street , between 1�1,aden Avenue acid the State TUO"Nay , was, refered to the Sewak e and Draina6p co7ninitt-e . No further business-, appearilig th? Council , upon iuotiorl, (lid tneri ad,jurn. c City Cl-rk. i